(1) Da Plan for Japan [6/25]

Me: PLz dont d -

Whats this?

News reporter: We have recieved news that a plane heading to Japan has crashed into the pacific ocean. There were no survivors...

ME: ... ... ...

News reporter: On that plane was the administrator of serebii...

Me: phewwww.....

Solly I shouldnt say mean thing to serebii. They are just... I rely on them but PB is 10 x better...
I think you should die…in a very crazy, all over the place manner! Bloody all over, till the point you’re unrecognizable! Maybe even a cape?? You know it will be fun. ;)

Did I say die??? Oops, I meant to say dye. You know, like dye your hair a blood red color and put on some vampire fangs. You could even scare people into giving you exclusive information.

...wait, maybe you'll just fit in?

And sorry to hear about your aunt. I undertand your pain. My brother died in his twenties (I believe), and my cousin (only a year older than me) nearly got killed by her drunk boyfriend after he forced her into his truck. He walked away uninjured, and she went into a comma. Were still waiting for her to get better. At least with your aunt, you could say she experienced life by reaching such a great age. Anything else would be a gift from god! Hope she gets better.
Okay I finally got to my hotel after hours of searching for it. So I'm not dead. And neither is my aunt - don't know where you guys are getting that from! We had to take her to the emergency room, then we watched over her for a few days at our house. She's back home and okay - I was just explaining why I hadn't updated this week. :)

Eat time then sleep!
Wow :) How is Japan so far? Do you enjoy your stay at the hotel? :p
Nice to hear that everything is fine with your aunt! Hop it'll stay that way ;)
Water Pokémon Master said:
Okay I finally got to my hotel after hours of searching for it. So I'm not dead. And neither is my aunt - don't know where you guys are getting that from! We had to take her to the emergency room, then we watched over her for a few days at our house. She's back home and okay - I was just explaining why I hadn't updated this week. :)

Eat time then sleep!

Let me guess, you ate rice! Also a small bit, groudon and kyogre's legend cards got leaked finally... In english... http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/First_%27Undaunted%27_cards_leaked
Hey WPM, make sure that you can try your hardest to wiggle out one key piece of information from the GameFreak guys...

Exactly how many new species will be added in the 5th gen, remember how Martijingamer was predicting 157 new ones...i have strong doubts about that number but it would be epic if it were true...

And also do u mind disclosing the GameFreak studio/headquarters address, next time i go to Tokyo i kinda really wanna see it...;)

please and Thank you...
Tobi_Akatsuki said:
Hey WPM, make sure that you can try your hardest to wiggle out one key piece of information from the GameFreak guys...

Exactly how many new species will be added in the 5th gen, remember how Martijingamer was predicting 157 new ones...i have strong doubts about that number but it would be epic if it were true...

And also do u mind disclosing the GameFreak studio/headquarters address, next time i go to Tokyo i kinda really wanna see it...;)

please and Thank you...

Its headquarters are on the 22nd floor of the Carrot Tower in Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan. Don't thank me: thank wikipedia. Lol
Have fun in Japan WPM. Don't let the Pokémon officials scare you. This reminds me of Soulsilver where we had to get the team Rocket uniform to get into the headquarters. :p Anyway Pokebeach will be waiting!
Have fun in Japan :) Serebii dude doesn't give a Shuckle about his fans; but you do Jon :D And that's what matters :D Have fun in Japan :) I've always wanted to go there :-D
We all luv u man! ur a great reporter and thanx for going to japan to give us info. please don't die! Youre a pokemon icon!

p.s bring me back a Typhlosion plushie, k?
you are so lucky you get to go to Japan, again! I've been wanting to go to Japan for a long time. I'll be going with my college but the next trip is in 2012, but it should be great. I mostly want to go for the same reason as you, Pokemon of course! Enjoy your time in Japan. Good luck on your quest and make sure you tell us everything! And, yes let's all hope you don't die from a Godzilla attack or Arceus destroying the planet, or anything thing else ^^;

Ya for keeping us updated. Anyway, at least your not dead. lol. Anyway, GL in Japan and finding info!
King Kingdra said:
Have fun in Japan :) Serebii dude doesn't give a Shuckle about his fans; but you do Jon :D And that's what matters :D Have fun in Japan :) I've always wanted to go there :-D

While I do agree that WPM is awesome I do disagree with the serebii part. Serebii stayed up 42 hours straight when HGSS was released in Japan just to give his members info. WPM and Serebii are both awesome!