(1) Druddigon and Eviolite from 'Noble Victories' [10/5]

Ya for Eviolite, ZP$T will be so good now. Druddigon... ummm nothin special. Could be a tech against ZPST in Donphan, because if a eviolite'd Zekrom uses Bolt Strike against a Druddigon, Donphan could return the ko. Just a thought.
Wow these cards look pretty good as far as I can see. is there a way they can be set to zoom in so I can read the cards better? The attacks are very hard to read XD.:)
I thought Dragon-based Colorless was supposed to be weak to Colorless? Why can't the TCG ever be consistent? >_>
However, if you take a look at cards like Dragonite TM, Dragonite FB, and Garchomp C LV.X, they all have a Colorless weakness. The connection? They are all Dragon type, as are Druddigon and Haxorus. However, I think Frost is upset because cards like Haxorus and Druddigon kinda broke the chain, or the legacy, if you may say it that way. He may just want the TCG to be more equal in the way they hand out Weaknesses and Resistances to cards. If you look at Tornadus and Thundurus's Weaknesses and Resistances, you'll see what I mean by "randomly giving out weaknesses and resistances that don't make any sense".
Actually, in the first few sets all the Dratinis and Dragonairs had no weakness. This wouldn't be the first time they print a colorless dragon without a weakness, and Unova is supposed to be an indirect remake of the first generation.
Both these cards are going to be fun to play, with Eviolite being the most useful IMO. :D
I am happy to see NO weakness for a change.
They won't remain without a weakness. They are what I like to call "trophy" pokemon. They are just really really cool pokemon. Look at tyranitar, dragonite, etc. All of their first printings didn't have a weakness, because they're the "cool" pokemon of that set. There was also a flygon without a weakness, and salamence.
I've a feeling that the Pre-release promo card for Noble Victories will be this Druddigon. At least, that's what I'm hoping...
crm103top08 said:
They won't remain without a weakness. They are what I like to call "trophy" pokemon. They are just really really cool pokemon. Look at tyranitar, dragonite, etc. All of their first printings didn't have a weakness, because they're the "cool" pokemon of that set. There was also a flygon without a weakness, and salamence.

Wouldn't Hydreigon be more on par with those other "trophy Pokemon" that you listed? Because the Hydreigon in NV has a weakness...

IMO Druddigon definitely is one of the lesser Dragons, since in the video games it's a one-stager non-Pseudo/Legendary with stats barely on par with Altaria's, whose first card in the TCG had a weakness. But I guess that's just me...

I think Frost is upset because cards like Haxorus and Druddigon kinda broke the chain, or the legacy, if you may say it that way. He may just want the TCG to be more equal in the way they hand out Weaknesses and Resistances to cards. If you look at Tornadus and Thundurus's Weaknesses and Resistances, you'll see what I mean by "randomly giving out weaknesses and resistances that don't make any sense".

Definitely. It also annoyed me that EP Emolga was weak to Fighting when it has the same type in the video games as Zapdos and Thundurus, who both generally resist Fighting due to the Flying secondary typing. Emolga should have resisted Fighting and had a weakness to Lightning (as little sense as that makes in the video games) like the other two.
What really irks me, on top of the random weakness/resistance allocation, is the illogical way of giving retreat costs.

Pokemon that have high base speed in the games, or can fly, get shafted with 2-3 retreat costs, such as Volcarona.
^ It seems as if they assign retreat cost based on how "powerful" they think the card is to have in play...although that's not true at all with Reshi and Zeki... :rolleyes: ...okay, I really have no idea.
Frost said:
Wouldn't Hydreigon be more on par with those other "trophy Pokemon" that you listed? Because the Hydreigon in NV has a weakness...

IMO Druddigon definitely is one of the lesser Dragons, since in the video games it's a one-stager non-Pseudo/Legendary with stats barely on par with Altaria's, whose first card in the TCG had a weakness. But I guess that's just me...


But yes, hydreigon should fit in that category, but Haxorus took it's place...would be my theory.
I said Altaria's first card, which was in EX Dragon and had a weaknesses to Colorless... like how I've been complaining Druddigon NV should be.
Let's add this to the inexplicable phenomena of the TCG:

~Why retreat costs are not based on Speed at all
~Why cards like Thundurus and Eelektross have illogical weaknesses
~Why Blisseys are printed with 130 HP and Wailord continues to have 180 <-----this one has always irked me

Oh, and Eviolite is a pretty cool guy. Eh beefs up Gigas EX and doesn't afraid of anything.
Is Druddigon rare? In Japanese, it was uncommon. I thought that only Holos are rare. Druddigon is awesome either way so I wants it! I don't play the actual game I just collect, and I mainly want Pokemon I like, so yay Druddigon! I also can't wait for Victini, Hydiegon, and Kyurem.