(1) 'Emerging Powers' to Feature a New Reverse Holofoil Style [8/13]

These cards look pretty cool but I have always wondered this and keep forgetting to ask. When a new generation comes out why doesn't the pokedex number of the Pokemon stay the same? For example Charizard is #006 and in other sets he is a number other than that number. Is there a way for the TCG staff to put the original Pokedex number along with the generation number of the Pokemon at the time? The reason is because with the different numbers it confuses people and those who organize their binders by Pokedex numbers like I do would make it easier. Right now on some of the Pokemon I have to refer to past card listings which takes a lot longer when I get new cards. If they added the real pokedx numbers to each of the cards it will help a lot. They could do it this way: Charizard #006/#XXX (whichever number he is in the generation) I just used X's because I don't know his current number at this time. I hope this will be considered for the future and should have been done staring in gen 4 XD.:)
These look stunning, especially the Ghost/Psychic/Poison reverses. I'm so glad that we have another exciting aspect to balance out the mostly disappointing set. I also love Emolga's artwork. I want it to be next week already so that I can get some!
Afro-G said:
The Supporters look great too! Watch these new reverse holo cards curve even worse than the ones before. xP
Very good point. It's tempting to bring sleeves to a prerelease just so they don't bend as much.
The new reverse holos actually look pretty awesome. I'm impressed. Totally hoping for a future Raikou card that I can get in this type of foil. :eek:
To repeat the exact same thing as everyone else, the reverse holo is absolutely phenomenal. I can't wait for the set scans and the prerelease! :D
Awesome awesome awesome awesome. This is really, well, amazing. It makes me want to rev-holo out my decks even more now...

...and makes me want to convice my dad to take me to a second pre-release.
I really like it. I was just going to buy singles, but now I may buy a half box. The Energy symbols are what makes it look amazing.
Yaaaaay, different looking cards that do the exact same thing and will cost even more than the regular cards. Yaaaaaaaay.
Admittedly, they DO look pretty cool.
This is cool, because the regular reverse holo style is boring!

The Power of Three said:
To say that these RH's are better than the old ones since DPP would be a gross understatement. This brings back memories of EX Emerald and EX Unseen Forces RH cards. ^_^ I really like these new ones. The trainers look extremely cool, with the poke'balls going on the card. I hope they aren't worth too much because of this. <_<

Ya, this could be another hint of a Ruby and Sapphire remake! These cards have energy symbols on them just like the ones during the EX series!
Fantastic! Finally we get some nice looking cards on this side of the world!

Now they just need to remake some BW energies with these new foil prints!!
The Power of Three said:
This brings back memories of EX Emerald and EX Unseen Forces RH cards.

This is immediately what I thought when I saw pictures of these. I absolutely loved that reverse holofoil style and the cards look great in person.

dmaster out.
These reverse foil cards look fantastic. Emerging Powers will be the first time that I will put an effort into completing a reverse set.