I seriously loove it! And what a miracle, Oshawott's voice isn't high-pinched, like Piplup's was. What a relief! And wow, Dawn is voicing Juniper <3! And Snivy sounds like Meowth to me tbh :\
Tepig sounds incredibly cute and appropriate. Oshawott sounds cute, can't wait until it gets its edgy personality. Snivy - I expected it to sound that way.
I think that the Pokemon sounded very nicely and fit in nicely. Since I have been watching the subbed episodes, Ash's voice sounds a bit different and also Juniper's voice does sound like a young girl.
Happy Birthday! Okay, no for my opinion on all the voices.
Juniper: Too young, just like everyone else said but it's not horrible.
Tepig: OINK!!XD
Oshawott: It's okay but its no "MIJUUUUUUUU"
Snivy: JUst perfect!
Ash: I know it's the same VA but I think Ash is getting younger.
Someone here has mentioned wondering what shooti's dub name will be well his name is now Trip. The official pokemon website has posted it but im sure it will be on here tomorrow or later.