#1: Future Technology: What do you expect?



Hey everyone. Me and the guys in the Clan Council will be making a weekly discussion topic to spice up the content in this forum. The topics to come will cover a variety of subjects, so hopefully everyone will be able to participate in these threads.

So without further delay, our very first point of discussion shall be...

Future Technology: What do you expect?

Talk your hearts out :D
Okay, here we go....I will be listing many of my ideas because nobody seems to have posted any of my ideas yet.

1. WHERE IS MY JET PACK? Seriously.....they've invented one already, kinda, but I mean like mass produce one, a good one that can go like 10000 Miles on one fueling. That way I could go fly over Cal's House and just scream SOCCER!!!!!! and then go home and laugh.

2. When can we teleport? This is probably a ways away, but I would seriously like to teleport places. No more driving, no more trains, no more planes. Just step into a room push the big red button and VWOOSH.

3. A bubble. Yes, you heard me correctly a bubble. Something that could encompass a human being or two inside and then protect from pretty much anything. Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis, no problem when you're in the bubble. Like a cool future forcefield thing that makes disasters manageable.

4. Food Technology. Seriously, with the obesity problem around the world (mostly in the US) this should be coming hopefully in the next 100 years. Will some scientist PLEASE figure out the key to taking out fat molecules from food while still maintaining taste? or at least CHANGE tastes? If broccoli tasted the exact same as a Hershey's bar and had 0 Calories, this would be SUCH a better planet. We have come far enough into society that we should be able to eat whatever we want whenever we want with no side effects. We can clone sheep, we can do this too me thinks.

I wont list anymore as this is discussion and I'd like to hear others talk about what future inventions they would like.

/me ends his rambling about the future. "The machines....they take over the world :O"

-Black Rayquaza
Well, I think that new medical items will be available leading to more treatments and cures.

Also, I like the bubble idea. :p
I'm looking forward to the future of gaming technologies. Photorealism is pretty much already achieved (just wait until DOOM 4 is revealed - it'll blow everyone away), but the virtual reality aspect is still in its infant stages at best. Once they've been put together seamlessly, it'll be a great thing to experience. (Of course, not all games will be that way, but some will.)

I'm also looking forward to smarter ways to harness energy. As soon as solar energy is able to be fully utilized, I'm sure some aspects of life will be better than ever.
I am hoping that they can invent something that can go back in time.

Probably not as it must be hard to defy the laws of physics
A remote to find the TV remote. :p

Actually, I say flying cars, cheap renewable energy, world peace, and ultimate weapons incase the peace thing dosn't work lol.
And everything else that has been said.
Technology that doesn't hurt the enviroment is what I want! Seriously, we need it.

Or maybe a portable gaming system (like the DSi) that has TV level graphics (better graphics.)
Welcome to the world of tomorrow!

1st of all, because of fast advances in cyborg technology, we'll probably barely still have human body parts, this'll sadly widen the gap between rich and poor, especially in those countries without national healthcare, or at least those where these surgeries are not included in national healthcare.

The biggest advance in technology will be the ever-so-popular Brain Chip, from now on referred to as iChip in this post. The iChip will be implanted in the brain and will function as everything, and everything will be activated through thought, or at least, through certain actions within the brain. Don't worry, your brain will learn them quite easily, through a trial and error principle. A happiness regulator (possibly with limitations, so this does not become a drug) will let people decide their mood. You'll be able to download knowledge on there in later versions, which will not make school obsolete, but which will change the use of school from a place where you gather knowledge to a place where you learn skills, social interaction, meet people, stuff.
The iChip also means interaction with everyone all over the world without even saying a word, just sending thoughts. Don't worry, you'll get used to it, it'll be like cellphones/internet, only better, user-friendlier, more natural, and without doing anything.

Wallpaper will be made entirely out of plasma-screen like paper, there's a name for it, but I forgot it, sorry. Anyhow, this'll mean that you can change the way your home looks in 2 seconds, movies will be complete surround view, games (usually controlled with your iChip, as in, you feel like you're whatever you're playing as. It's quite an ingenious system) will be a lot more awesome (although the virtual reality ones are not bad as well, they're like portable systems). Sadly, the decline in the quality of gameplay and such will mean that most games will be generic shooters, casual games, tourist games and party games (games where you're an animal are also quite fun for a while). A lot of games will focus on the "look how awesome it is to walk in this world like you're really there" aspect, neglecting difficulty and gameplay, sadly. But yeah, tourist games and casual games will have a bigger target demographic. There'll still be quite some good ones, a lot of these made by old-time fans and a lot of the younger people inspired by the older generations of gaming. Game design will become a drag if the official companies don't release their basic programming, though, so don't count on these fan games too much. Just hope they find a job within the big companies.
Anyhow, yeah, games like this will replace actual sports. The gaming industry will join the body engineering industry as the biggest and most profitable industries.

Back to the house, though, modern houses will make the best use of little space, they'll all be one room houses, which can be changed into whatever you'd like it to be through use of ingenious little multifunctional nanorobotic blocks which rebuild into stuff like beds, couches, tables, chairs, whatever. They'll also be able to project light as well, which means they'll be able to blend in with the rest of the house. Temperature and air regulation will be based on the results the system gets from you iChip.

Because of the cyborg body protecting us from accidents and the iChip system reviving us upon possible death, our life expectancy will be how long our brain lives (once Stem Cell research enables us to create new brain cells, this'll mean eternal life). The nanobot cells which we used prior the the iChip and cyborg system will become obsolete, but might still be used to make sure cancer doesn't develop within the brain. It'll also be a cheaper alternative for those who can't afford the iChip.

No teleporters, sorry. Hoovercars? Probably, yes. Depends on our new source of energy. Don't worry, though, they won't be expensive because of advertisements printed all over the car (again, because of the wallpaper-system, they updates automatically), because of these advertisements, (hoover)cars become way cheaper.

About advertisements, everything you pay for won't have them (except for product placement of course, oh how much product placement there will be)(unless you buy the cheaper version, see cars), everything you don't pay for will be full of it. Some houses will have adds, but a lot will just use their walls to express themselves (lots of pure black houses, sometimes with red stuff and skulls and stuff, as well as very bright ones, it gets rather ugly. A lot of people agree with this and prefer to just use a design which looks like bricks or painted wood).

About clothes, fashion will be messed up, but the clothing industry will go bankrupt, clothes update (nanobot structures) and recolour themselves and everything (again, controlled with the iChip). Animated stuff on your shirt is a cool thing to look forward to. Again, expressing yourself becomes way easier, which will cause a lot of different sub-cultures. Some of these will refuse to adapt to technology (a rather big part, extreme conservatives and tree-huggers will be in this group). They however won't be able to converse with the other "humans" and will isolate themselves, and probably die of some variant of the flu, oh well, they deserve a mention. Silly people.

Of course there'll be projections (using light and stuff, you know), but most of this stuff is illegal outside of house because of possible confusion and terrorism, which will mean that options involving these will be limited in official versions of the iChip (hacked versions are very dangerous, though, I wouldn't advise them). iChip managing will require a lot of work to make sure it doesn't get hacked, abused, and so on. Imagine getting a virus in there ._.

Life on Mars. It's a fun place, lots of parties, but communication with Earth takes a while. All the super-rich (the CEOs and stuff) stay there, as well as their families and stuff. Not really anything else worth mentioning. It's a long trip as well, it's probably better if you'd stay on Earth, more people.

Back to hoovercars, though, using systems which were also present in the modern cars, automatic driving systems using GPS and transmitter things on cars to transfer the location to closeby cars, everything will seem like chaos, but there will be no accidents, and we'll all be going very fast. If we do use hoovercars, the ground will be filled with houses, modern places usually have no front door, but rather access through the roof by using the nanobots. You'll just walk around on the roofs trying to find your house, you'll have 4 direct neighbours, fun times. (Don't worry, these walls are practically soundproof).
If you don't get this, imagine a grid, every square will be a house. You use your iChip to open the house, an elevator will form using the nanobots, and you can go in, go down, and transmit "honey I'm home" to your wife's iChip.

And that's it, really. It'll be fun if you can afford it.
Alright, I'll take a shot at this.

-I expect within the next 10-20 years we will be able to bring to market cars that don't use any fuel, or run on something really cheap, like compressed air, or hydrogen. I don't expect flying cars for a long time. Actually, this "flying car technology" is possible today, it's just really slow. But, there are a few reasons to why they have not been brought to market- It takes too much fuel. It's not safe at the time, since there is no traffic system for vehicles of this type. (Not like planes have) Which costs a lot of money to develop. Also, you would probably have to have the equivalent of a Pilot's license to operate one. So that still means everyone wouldn't be using this method of transportation. Not to mention that flying cars would be so much more expensive than an automobile. So, I wouldn't expect flying cars until these obstacles are overcome. I say maybe we could see some around 2060 or 2070 though. Maybe something more along the lines of "Hover pods" instead of flying cars?

-Robots! Just like in the movie IRobot, except without the evil take over the world thing. I expect all homes will have their own robot butlers soon enough. Perhaps in 10-15 years at the most. I also expect more services will come to you more rather than you going to them. Such as grocery stores. In some areas you can already order your groceries online, and have them come to you. So I expect that idea to spread, and for more companies to deliver to people.

-I expect that advances in health care and science will bring us the technology to live much longer. I expect that by 2025-2030 people should be able to live past 100 years old easily. Maybe even to 200.

Alright, just a few thoughts. Lets hear some more from people! =]

Here's a little bit of what I think:

I believe huge advances in health will happen. Huge. Like instead of shots, you eat special fruit to get your vaccines. Nano-bots in your body to help fight off colds and such. I also believe in robots, trillions of them. Nano-bots I think will be making up most of the trillion. Nano-bots could help fight disease. Also, did you just spill OJ on your carpet? Nano-bots could fix that. I also predict high-tech clothing to be average use. Like shoes that double as a talking GPS. Shirt sleeves could be used for anything. Hover cars like in the Jetsons? They will be out there, but I doubt as common as cars today are. Why? Well, it will be very hard to police air traffic. If there will be alot of hover cars, they will probably only float a few feet off the ground.
I except hovercars. They seem like a really cool idea, and with advances in technology with electric cars. They next big thing for the automotive industry will be pumping out hovercars.
Flying cars are long overdue. Robot slaves would be handy as well.

dmaster out.
Lightsabers. Had to be said :p

Cars that are propeled of the ground by the positive and negative charges from magnets. That would be cool.
i expect that their will be nano bots that mak up peaces like lego, when you conect them they anilise the form then make the life sised version

also the ichip i dont think it should be created
...The best thing I can wish for for the future is a 4.99 foot long at subway. Oh, and robots.
I believe that we wills see major medical advances.

I don't expect robots though, nor do I believe in them. I think that eventually we will have the technology to lower the risk during surgery so that more people will be able to undergo it with a better chance of surviving if it is a major surgery