#1: Future Technology: What do you expect?

also i think every thing will have spell cheak, so knowing how to spell will be rendered unnessisary
probably new stem cell research super healing stuff.
probably new weapons and destruction tech.
and hopefully an alternative fuel to gasoline.
d master342 said:
Flying cars are long overdue. Robot slaves would be handy as well.

dmaster out.

Didn't you see what happened in I, Robot? Didn't Will Smith teach you anything?

I expect robots to replace the menial tasks that humans do. We'll get better health advances, and more advances in military weapons and such. For the world's sake, there better be more kinds of renewable energy that we'll use so we don't mess up the world even further, but I just think we'll reduce the amount of energy we use with scientifical doohickeys. I hope the iChip will never see the light of day. Sounds too much like Lifelight.
Teleportation is impossible guys. There are no numbers that could possibly fit into travel formulas to create teliportation. The closest thing to that is fast movement. There have been new technologies that allow extremely fast movemet.

Time travel, however, is possible. Look into it.

The ever-popular brain chip is in development atm. Fun stuff.

Invisibility is possible. There have been invisibility cloaks made thus far.

Hover cars? Wait for hybrid minivans first.
Arcterra said:
d master342 said:
Flying cars are long overdue. Robot slaves would be handy as well.

dmaster out.

Didn't you see what happened in I, Robot? Didn't Will Smith teach you anything?

I expect robots to replace the menial tasks that humans do. We'll get better health advances, and more advances in military weapons and such. For the world's sake, there better be more kinds of renewable energy that we'll use so we don't mess up the world even further, but I just think we'll reduce the amount of energy we use with scientifical doohickeys. I hope the iChip will never see the light of day. Sounds too much like Lifelight.

I was being mainly sarcastic about the slaves.

dmaster out.
I think the problem is that most ore saying something like:

"Light saber! Or Time Machine!... oh, that defies the laws of physics."

I have one and one only prediction of the future. We will prove the laws of physics to be flawed. Again. Just lik,e every other time we have done thoruhgout history. THe discovery of new elements, energy sources, or something wacky like magic will show us what fools we've been all these yeras.
I actually hope that our future society doesn't become dependant on robots. People would lose the values you learn in life, such as how hard work can become rewarding. Obviously there are some things that robots should be doing in our place (basically things to dangerous for humans), but I really dislike the idea of a "well now we can do whatever we want!" world.

z-man said:
Teleportation is impossible guys. There are no numbers that could possibly fit into travel formulas to create teliportation. The closest thing to that is fast movement. There have been new technologies that allow extremely fast movemet.

Also, wrong. While we are far off from teleporting entire objects, it's entirely possible using our understanding of quantum theory.

scampy said:
People would lose the values you learn in life, such as how hard work can become rewarding.
What's the point of those values when they no longer apply, though?

And I honestly doubt that robots will do stuff like inventing other stuff (more robots?) for us, if you work hard in that field, it'll probably still be very rewarding. But I think you'll just have to accept that we'll be growing towards a society where there will no longer be enough jobs for everyone, so the people who don't work will get a regular income, and those who do will earn more (you'll recognize them by their iChip X 10.7 Pro Ultra, 150TB version and their gold-plated cyborg limps.) Values change over time, and I don't see why values like these would have to be conserved when there's no more need for them.

More about this, though, this'll mean that there will have to be a central government controlling the distribution of money as well as the prices of goods, kinda like communism, but with those who work of course earning more than those who don't. This won't be a sudden change, and we'll probably find ways for this to not be abusable by those in charge (by making the government as incompetent as possible, probably, we're also moving towards that anyway). We'll see what happens.
Anyone ever play Megaman Battle Network?
Well itd be SWEET if they created Net Navis the way they do in that game/show.
Have a P.E.T. and a Net Navi virus buster OWNAGE program haha
Id love my life if they created something like that.
I was watching Daily Planet a while ago and they said that Microsoft stated that in a decade everything would be a touch screen.
@ Spoon: The lessons we learn in life determine not only our values, but also have a great influence on our personality. Take a look at some of the teenagers we see on the streets; they're bored, they don't have any goals in life. They probably don't go to school regularly, if at all. They look for other things to do, and their attentions are drawn to street crimes, drugs, and teenage pregnancy.

Now imagine a world where people don't even need this ambition in order to survive. Why go to school, when you won't need an education? Why quit smoking, when somebody can grow you a new lung? Why bother about anything? This doesn't sound like a futuristic utopia to me. It sounds more like a benefits culture, applied on a worldwide scale. And I really, really dislike the idea of that.

Please elaborate more on your post. For example, commenting on another post, or adding your own thoughts are good ways adding to the current discussion. ~DRK176
Word man. But if you think about it theres nothing we could really do about it =/
Things are gonna change, technology is without a doubt gonna keep getting better.
Scamp is right.
Idk haha as time goes on things are gonna be more available for us. But i think its gonna cause a downfall =/
Juliacoolo said:
Pokebeach will get background music 20 years from now.
You do know that that has been perfectly possible even more than 10 years ago?
scampy said:
@ Spoon: The lessons we learn in life determine not only our values, but also have a great influence on our personality. Take a look at some of the teenagers we see on the streets; they're bored, they don't have any goals in life. They probably don't go to school regularly, if at all. They look for other things to do, and their attentions are drawn to street crimes, drugs, and teenage pregnancy.

Now imagine a world where people don't even need this ambition in order to survive. Why go to school, when you won't need an education? Why quit smoking, when somebody can grow you a new lung? Why bother about anything? This doesn't sound like a futuristic utopia to me. It sounds more like a benefits culture, applied on a worldwide scale. And I really, really dislike the idea of that.
There's one major difference between the current street kids and the people of the ~FUTURE~. That being "they're bored". We'll have iChips with happiness regulators :D
But seriously, the entertainment industry will boom significantly (I mentioned this in the evolution of gaming in my long post). People will also always be able to communicate with everyone, whenever they want. Entertainment in the form of games and films (to a lesser extent, they'll be the books of then, they'll always tell you to go and see them, but you're just not interested, you'd rather play games, why be stuck in the past, watching others do stuff, when you can do it yourself?) will be able to keep up entertained as well. There's no need for criminal activity (you can always play GTA 27 on your iChip anyway).

Also, I'm not doing anything right now, I'm slightly bored, does this means I'm hanging out in some street gang committing crimes? The problem with these street kids probably isn't boredness per se, it's also a lack of money and bad education. A lot of these kids grew up in poor families, barely went to school, and ended up being part of a gang because of this.
You'll see little to no rich kids committing crimes like this (yes, they'll be spoilt brats instead, but whatever).

A lot of rich kids won't have to work at all when they grow up, yet they'll still live a more than comfortable life. This'll become true on a global scale (to a lesser extent, we'll also be able to afford a decent life, but we won't all be "rich" (that's also logically impossible, BTW)). These rich kids aren't criminals, they're usually spoilt brats, yes, but not criminals. The worst that can happen is that we all grow up to be like Paris Hilton.

Also, why would you have to bother about anything when there's no point in bothering about anything anyway? Values are useless when they no longer apply.
And to say that we'll all end up being lazy and doing absolutely nothing would be silly, I highly doubt everyone will just "not care", there's a lot of people caring about unimportant stuff even now, caring about stuff is just human nature. Just because no longer having to feed a family is one less reason to become a scientist doesn't mean nobody will want to be a scientist anymore.
Hunger for knowledge is also human nature, education will just be completely different (and perhaps actually fun and interesting for everyone :O) in the future. (Going to school like it is now yields only 5% anyway).
scampy said:
@ Spoon: The lessons we learn in life determine not only our values, but also have a great influence on our personality. Take a look at some of the teenagers we see on the streets; they're bored, they don't have any goals in life. They probably don't go to school regularly, if at all. They look for other things to do, and their attentions are drawn to street crimes, drugs, and teenage pregnancy.

Now imagine a world where people don't even need this ambition in order to survive. Why go to school, when you won't need an education? Why quit smoking, when somebody can grow you a new lung? Why bother about anything? This doesn't sound like a futuristic utopia to me. It sounds more like a benefits culture, applied on a worldwide scale. And I really, really dislike the idea of that.

No, no, no, Bacon you have it all wrong. You see, those kids are on the streets, do drugs, and get their partners pregnant not because of their values, but because their parents passed on "juvenile delinquent" genes that for some reason that science can't explain (but says with confidence is "very real") gives them a predisposition to value-less lifestyles.

The only way to truly prevent this from happening is to literally "nip it in the bud."


As for a future technology, something that allows psychiatry to be a real science and not a committee with bottles of medication wrapped around them in ammo belts with a diagnostic manual in one hand and a straight jacket in the other. Some might consider that a hyperbole but until psychiatry truly acknowledges how the attempt to explain mental deficiency through science lead to eugenics and the idea of literal inferiority through genetics, I stand by it.

Ignoring something does not it doesn't exist.
In the future, robots will take over the planet and kill all other animals. Then they will keep having wars, and as they cannot multiply, all robots will eventually die out, leaving the planet vacant. Then the entire universe will be destroyed because of something. Then the big bang will happen again and it'll start all over again.

It's true. :(