(1) 'HS - Unleashed' Pokemon Prime, Politoed, Roserade [4/18]

will the english release of the theme decks vary from the japanese versions? it would be awesome if the english release came with the scizor and houndoom primes
I think they'll remake the decks. They've never had cards in the theme decks that weren't in the set. That's not saying they can't change things around now, but I doubt they will.
To get exclusive holo or non-holo versions of cards from the set. In other words, it's all a money-making scam. :p
Water Pokémon Master said:
To get exclusive holo or non-holo versions of cards from the set. In other words, it's all a money-making scam. :p

And it works well with me.
now that the set list is out, i do wonder what cards will be paired in the theme decks as theres only one metal and one dark pokemon.
totally headed in the opposite direction of the japanese theme decks imo