(1) Japan's BW5 in March: 'Dragon Blade' and 'Dragon Blast' [12/19]

TacoTurtle said:
Yeah, I thought that was weird, too. It sounds like a smaller set meant to get people started (at least, that's what I interpret it as). I sounded like there have been other beginning sets in the past, so I'll look into those and post again tomorrow.

Beginning Set like the one that was released before the 1st BW set. It's a couple new cards divided between small decks (In the case of the one before the 1st BW main set, it had 3 half decks - Snivy, Tepig & Oshawott). This new one will have pokémon from all regions unlike the 1st one...
Metalizard said:
Beginning Set like the one that was released before the 1st BW set. It's a couple new cards divided between small decks (In the case of the one before the 1st BW main set, it had 3 half decks - Snivy, Tepig & Oshawott). This new one will have pokémon from all regions unlike the 1st one...

Oh, okay. That makes sense, I remember seeing those when BW was first getting released. Thanks!
Zekrom Black said:
Dragon Blade and Dragon Blast are full sets. Dragon Selection was probably just to introduce dragons to the TCG.
I like how you say "was". We still wait for the first scans and have only the type emblem revealed now.

Garchomp gets it's own half deck again, i am so excited about this! But i wonder why BW5 will be named 'Dragon Blade' and 'Dragon Blast'. Given that Reshiram and Zekrom were already featured as Pokémon-EX, i suppose the mascots for the new sets will be Dialga and Palkia. Just because their signature moves look like a blade and a blast, respectively. Or, if they want to further reference the zodiac, possibly Dragonite and Kingdra (because 2012 will be the year of the water dragon, and Dragonite is said to have marine origin.). But this is just speculation.

Also, a new 'Beginning Set'? I hope Charizard makes his return.
The new set sounds pretty cool. So it looks like we will have 2 sets of Dragon cards. The Beginning set sounds pretty cool too. I hope all Pokemon will be in this set so we should have around 500 cards in this set if they are doing a new beginning set XD.:)
With 649 Pokemon, you really gotta wonder how they will pick all the Pokemon that will go in the beginning set. :p
Metalizard said:
Beginning Set like the one that was released before the 1st BW set. It's a couple new cards divided between small decks

It sounds more like you were describing the 9-card Journey Partners release. Beginning Set had 40 new cards. >_>

Is it just me or do we seem REALLY behind Japan right now? After NV came out we were pretty much on par with where we should be, i.e. one set behind Japan, but Japan just keeps announcing and announcing and announcing all these new releases, geez. I won't be surprised if our BW5 set is some gigantic 150 card monster like our DP5 set (Legends Awakened) was.
Frost said:
It sounds more like you were describing the 9-card Journey Partners release. Beginning Set had 40 new cards. >_>

Is it just me or do we seem REALLY behind Japan right now? After NV came out we were pretty much on par with where we should be, i.e. one set behind Japan, but Japan just keeps announcing and announcing and announcing all these new releases, geez. I won't be surprised if our BW5 set is some gigantic 150 card monster like our DP5 set (Legends Awakened) was.

If we get a massive set filled with dragons, I say Hollah!!!!!! I will buy a box and unlock those awesome dragons for my albums. Always regretted to miss out on Legend Awakened since I stopped playing cards for a couple of years but this may be my chance to make up for that. Perhaps a 165 set like one of the E-reader sets may surface one day once more.
Renoir said:
I like how you say "was". We still wait for the first scans and have only the type emblem revealed now.

Garchomp gets it's own half deck again, i am so excited about this! But i wonder why BW5 will be named 'Dragon Blade' and 'Dragon Blast'. Given that Reshiram and Zekrom were already featured as Pokémon-EX, i suppose the mascots for the new sets will be Dialga and Palkia. Just because their signature moves look like a blade and a blast, respectively. Or, if they want to further reference the zodiac, possibly Dragonite and Kingdra (because 2012 will be the year of the water dragon, and Dragonite is said to have marine origin.). But this is just speculation.

Also, a new 'Beginning Set'? I hope Charizard makes his return.

It probably will be Dialga and Palkia. They will defenitly get EX cards in the future.

I actually could see Charizard being in the beginning set.

Frost said:
Is it just me or do we seem REALLY behind Japan right now? After NV came out we were pretty much on par with where we should be, i.e. one set behind Japan, but Japan just keeps announcing and announcing and announcing all these new releases, geez. I won't be surprised if our BW5 set is some gigantic 150 card monster like our DP5 set (Legends Awakened) was.

With the speed of the releases, we have to get a set like this or we will be way too behind.
Yay! I just know that these two sets are ging to be fun! I hope that we get the tiny legendaries (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Victini, and if you want, Phione and Shaymin) as EX's soon! I have the same feeling as ZekromBlack, having Dialga in Dragon Blast and Palkia in Dragon Blade. I also have a feeling that Delta Species will be coming back along with the third generation EX's, so maybe Charizard could come into Dragon Secelction as a Dragon type Delta Specie! I geuss we'll just have to wait and see! But the Pokemon company better hurry up, or else I might have a heart attack from all of the excitement!:D (I'm impatient.:p)
Despite the word being in the title, Beginning Set's not meant to be a "set" like Dragon Blade/Blast, Dark Rush, etc. are a "set." It's more on par with the Half Decks that come out in Japan all the time.

Anyway, assuming that Next Destinies is going to have the rest of Psycho Drive/Hail Blizzard and a couple of other odds and ends, we still have all of these cards waiting to come in from Japan:
-Reshiram/Zekrom EX Decks (Up to 24 cards with new artwork, depending on how many could be in ND)
-Tornadus vs. Thundurus Set (Up to 14 cards with new artwork, again depending on if any are in ND)
-Dark Rush (76 cards)
-Dragon Selection (40 cards)
-Dragon Blade/Blast (~100 new cards?)
-new Beginning Set (~40 new cards?)
-new Battle Strength Decks (~20 new cards?)
-BW-P Promos (over 25 we haven't gotten in English so far)

Yeah... I'm kind of hoping for another set, the one after Next Destinies in particular, that shares the size of Legends Awakened or Supreme Victors, honestly, because we have or are getting all of this before our English spring set comes out in most likely May.
Frost said:
Despite the word being in the title, Beginning Set's not meant to be a "set" like Dragon Blade/Blast, Dark Rush, etc. are a "set." It's more on par with the Half Decks that come out in Japan all the time.

I know it's not a real set... But all the cards share the same numbering system... that's what I meant...
Interesting news, can't wait to hear what most of the Pokemon in the set do. Maybe a lot of them will be broke.

As for the theme decks, the Hydreigon and the Garchomp looks a lot like EXs. If that's so, then it may well mean there will finally be Evolution Pokemon EXs, but there's a high chance they'll be normal Pokemon in the end.
Mudkip4321 said:
Yay! I just know that these two sets are ging to be fun! I hope that we get the tiny legendaries (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Manaphy, Victini, and if you want, Phione and Shaymin) as EX's soon! I have the same feeling as ZekromBlack, having Dialga in Dragon Blast and Palkia in Dragon Blade. I also have a feeling that Delta Species will be coming back along with the third generation EX's, so maybe Charizard could come into Dragon Secelction as a Dragon type Delta Specie! I geuss we'll just have to wait and see! But the Pokemon company better hurry up, or else I might have a heart attack from all of the excitement!:D (I'm impatient.:p)

charizard is a dragon type so he wont be delta species . i emailed pokemon and they said ill be surprised on what there are coming out with !
Personally, I think that the Dragon Seleection boosters will contain more common energy than the usual, and since it isn't really a full set then we can probably expect the rates to be a bit more hard to come by.
hey everyone this is what the dragon type pokemon look like if you scroll down you can see rayquaza (dragon type)
