(1) Japan's July Set Not BW10, but 'EX Battle Boost'

If those were the only significant ones (I'd have liked to see Rhyperior and Tyranitar)...
But this being a reprint set, my hope for some of those pokémon to appear in the BW era is lost...
Actually, the BW era is a complete mess... There's not at least one card for each Pokémon, no EX cards for all legendaries (and no FA cards for all the EXs), the fossils got nerfed, Rare Candy got nerfed, the sets were badly planned (even the jap ones, with the exception of the first 2 sets - B&W Collection and Red Collection), no baby pokémon mechanic, no technnical machine cards (those Genesect tools are not TMs, no matter what people say), no forme differences pointed out like in the DP era (that will always be my favorite)... It's a real disappointing era of the TCG...
One of the few things I liked about this era was the artwork of the main sets which always had a theme, featuring locations of the games... that was cool...
Let me go over the pros and cons of BW, as an overview.

1.Really good artwork, enjoyed how each set had a particular setting (ex. Dragons Exalted N's Castle & Victory Road)
2.Sets had playable cards that were broken for a short time until a counter was released
3.There were cards that were really good for prereleases(ex.Lunatone PS) but really wern't tournamant worthy

2.There were many other Pokémon that wern't in BW when we had like 5 Simisears (BW,EP,NV,ND,BC)
3.Zapdos EX,Moltres EX,White Kyurem EX, and Black Kyurem EX (PS) did not recive full art versions. That was REALLY sloppy on TPCI's part.
4.Speaking of not reciving a FA EX card, looks like Kyurem EX for English Megalo Cannon might not recive an FA unless they pull a Reshiram/Zekrom EX FA on us.
5.Emerging Powers. Nuff Said.
According to my spreadsheet here we missed 173 Pokémon this gen. Some Pokémon like Cloyster (miss you pal ;_; ) and Arbok didn't appear since the DP block.

Apart from the shiny reprints and FA Supporters, I deeply dislike this generation, TCG-wise. Please BW era, go, and let XY kick i....

*300kHP Yveltal level ex star prime appears*

Delta Nite said:
According to my spreadsheet here we missed 173 Pokémon this gen. Some Pokémon like Cloyster (miss you pal ;_; ) and Arbok didn't appear since the DP block.

Apart from the shiny reprints and FA Supporters, I deeply dislike this generation, TCG-wise. Please BW era, go, and let XY kick i....

*300kHP Yveltal level ex star prime appears*


Kingler hasn't appeaered since DP base
Kingler has all of, like, 6 cards. Makes me wish I would collect that Pokemon instead of Torbs/Trodes. It would be so much easier haha
I, too, was holding out hope for some Shellos/Gastrodon love. Maybe in XY...
Reggie McGigas said:
Let me go over the pros and cons of BW, as an overview.

1.Really good artwork, enjoyed how each set had a particular setting (ex. Dragons Exalted N's Castle & Victory Road)
2.Sets had playable cards that were broken for a short time until a counter was released
3.There were cards that were really good for prereleases(ex.Lunatone PS) but really wern't tournamant worthy

2.There were many other Pokémon that wern't in BW when we had like 5 Simisears (BW,EP,NV,ND,BC)
3.Zapdos EX,Moltres EX,White Kyurem EX, and Black Kyurem EX (PS) did not recive full art versions. That was REALLY sloppy on TPCI's part.
4.Speaking of not reciving a FA EX card, looks like Kyurem EX for English Megalo Cannon might not recive an FA unless they pull a Reshiram/Zekrom EX FA on us.
5.Emerging Powers. Nuff Said.

649 Mons, 3 Sets dedicated to BW Pokemon (this is what they do, they love to showcase new mons). I don't really mind, although I would've liked to see the Johto starters, but okay.
Never blame tCPI or PUSA for NOT releasing a Pokemon, that's PCL's fault, something like Boundaries Crossed you can blame on them though.
Reggie McGigas said:
Sooo.... Shall I name the Pokemon that wern't in BW?


See, we need these pokemon instead of a 5th watchog line or 4th Musharuna line that no one will use.

You forgot Tyranitar.
Last seen in:
...Skyridge: Kadabra (lol)
...DP Base: Wynaut, Azurill, Bonsly, Mantyke
...Mysterious Treasure: Abra, Barboach
...Secret Wonders: Shellder, Cloyster
...Great Encounters: Ekans, Arbok, Krabby, Kingler, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss
...Majestic Dawn: Glameow, Phione
...Legends Awakened: Swellow, Anorith, Armaldo, Castform, Regirock, Regice
...Stormfront: Budew, Finneon, Lumineon
...Platinum: Poochyena, Mightyena, Cranidos, Shieldon, Purugly, Happiny
...Rising Rivals: Alakazam, Whiscash, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Shellos, Gastrodon, Munchlax
...Supreme Victors: Seel, Dewgong, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Goldeen, Seaking, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Shroomish, Breloom, Meditite, Medicham, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Chimecho, Chingling, Rhyperior
...Arceus: Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Wingull, Pelipper, Gulpin, Swalot, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Arceus

And then close to 100 more Pokemon were last seen in HGSS-COL, but those were more recent.
hmm... Just 2 things: if Seel is listed, then Dewgong should be too, I'm not aware of any dewgong card after the one in SV... Also, Bastiodon should be next to Rampardos, if I'm not wrong, its last appearance was in RR too as a pokémon GL...

But yeah, I can understand that pokémon that appeared in HGSS-CoL haven't got a card since they're more recent but Pokémon that were last seen in, at least, from DP up to Arceus, should have got a new card in BW...
...Great Encounters: Ekans, Arbok, Krabby, Kingler, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss
He didn't.
MountainDrew said:
Reggie McGigas said:
Sooo.... Shall I name the Pokemon that wern't in BW?


See, we need these pokemon instead of a 5th watchog line or 4th Musharuna line that no one will use.

You forgot Tyranitar.

Him too. There are alot we missed :(
Delta Nite said:
We better not have a single elemental mokey card on 6th gen then.

The amount of times they've printed the monkeys is so overstated. Other than the Fire-type ones, we had three of each. Point your fingers at Pokemon like Blitzle/Zebstrika, the Klink family, or Reshiram and Zekrom instead. Even Pidove had like twice as many cards as Panpour. Or how we had two Grimer/Muk, two Rattata/Raticate and three Lapras. Those are all spots that could have gone to the ignored older Pokemon, too.

hmm... Just 2 things: if Seel is listed, then Dewgong should be too, I'm not aware of any dewgong card after the one in SV... Also, Bastiodon should be next to Rampardos, if I'm not wrong, its last appearance was in RR too as a pokémon GL...

Yep, I misread my list at RR/SV and had to rearrange some stuff and forgot to add in Bastiodon. And there was a space between Seel and Rhyhorn where I meant to write Dewgong but left him out by mistake.
^True... Only Pansear/Simisear had more prints that they should... But that's probably because Fire-types are few and they had to put something in there... The only fire pokémon we missed in this era were the Rapidash line and the Magcargo line, I believe. Also, one of the Pansear/Simisear came from the Victini half deck released to tie with the movie so it doesn't really count...

Now, the amount of Patrats, Munnas, Audinos and others... that was ridiculous...
I don't even mind so much that Unova Pokemon got the emphasis for the BW TCG since it was their first time in the spotlight. A lot of Sinnoh Pokemon got through DP-COL with, like, two cards each and that was pretty dumb, IMO. But with better planning we could have given up Growlithe, Arcanine, Chansey, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Grimer, Muk, Shinx, Luxio, Ralts, Kirla, Torchic, Eevee (3), Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon (2), Glaceon, Leafeon, Lapras (2), Rattata, Raticate, Scyther, Roselia, Roserade, Electrike, Manectric, Drifloon, Drifblim, Swablu, Psyduck, Golduck, Croagunk, Skarmory, Voltorb, Electrode, Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Zubat, Koffing, Riolu (2) and Lucario (2) in favor of that giant list of ignored Pokemon up there.

Granted there's some types that need to spam their Pokemon -- especially Dragon, so I didn't list any of them, although most got multiple prints (and the two main Dragons of Gen V, amusingly, got no Dragon-type cards) -- but a lot of those doubles could have been replaced. Growlithe and Arcanine's extras turn into Ponyta and Rapidash, Flareon and Moltres are axed in favor of Slugma and Magcargo, two extra Lapras turn into space for Shellder and Cloyster, four extra Riolu and Lucario make room for the Hitmonsters and Tyrogue (or Breloom if they're adamant about avoiding babies). Grimer and Muk swap for Gulpin and Swalot; Ralts, Kirlia, Zubat and Koffing for Drowzee, Hypno, Meditite and Medicham, etc. And yeah a lot of the extras are because of the Japanese theme decks, but why do they need to repeat Pokemon in the theme decks in the first place? The planning was so poor in BW.