(1) Jump Festa Reveals Shocking New DS Pokemon Game: 'Pokemon: Nobunaga's Ambition' [


Let's hope this opens up opportunities for more crossovers.

Pokemon vs Street Fighter, anyone?
zoroarkmaster said:
Dose anybody notice that the Mewtwo guy is fingering us.

Yeah, no he's not.

Anyway, ANOTHER spin-off game? Seriously, I can;t wait until this is released so that it can be over and done with.

On the bright side, it's a first for Pokemon, so that's nice.
At first glance I was pretty disappointed, but the trailers and game play pics changed my view of the game.
I am really looking forward for the release of this game.

Good thing it is coming out for the DS as well. :]
On the issue of Mewtwo - Like others have said before, I'll reiterate - It's a crossover which is usually always in an alternate universe. If you're a comic book fan, you get used to this stuff. :)

Myself and my husband can't wait for this. I can't really tell, but it looks almost turn based - and normally I HATE turn based games unless it's Legend of Dragoon - but like I said before, I can't tell for sure. I've been waiting for a game like this with a Pokemon theme, because that's the only way it'll hold my interest, that is, if it's turn based. If not, doesn't bother me.

We've been talking about it all morning and we're curious - does anyone have an idea of when it could be in the US? I know it's going to be released in Japan in the spring, but I don't know how long they generally take before releasing a game here.
Decmaster said:
And, at 0:54 in the second video, does that look like Giratina to anybody? Or is it just me?

That's Arceus:

I finished watching the trailer, and it is completely awesome. The Pokemon battling has evolved, it is amazing. I love it. Question; When will this game come out to the USA?
I'm pretty sure one could make the argument that Mewtwo and Celebi/Dialga made some sort of pact and they travelled back in time to feudal Japan...

Makes sense to me.
My first thought when I only read the title: "Another spin-off game? AAARGGGHH! Why can't it be Grey or R/S remakes?!?!?! AUUURRRGHH!"

My thoughts after I read the article, watched the videos, and started to post in this thread:

This actually seems really, really interesting. The gameplay/battling looks really cool, and so do the character designs. Hopefully this eventually comes to America.

Hyperion64 said:
Pokemon vs Street Fighter, anyone?
The Super Smash Bros series is probably as close Nintendo will let Pokemon get to actual combat.
The site says something about coming to the 3DS or something about traveling and levels or something about Yu Bells(my japanese only goes as far as Google Translate+Wikipedia (for kanji) work). Could it be like the first Mistery Dungeon? GBA+DS, now DS+3DS?
Anyway, it seems awesome. I spent my summer thinking about a medieval fantasy-esque RPG with Pokémon and then this comes out (feudal, with actual human characters (the ones in main games are little... shallow)!). I'm allowing Mewtwo offness because he looks so good with his trainer.
I'm just wondering: how will pokéballs and/or capturing work? How will evolution work? Will other Legendaries be involved?
Oh, and why does the guy with the Infernape from the trailer seem to be absent everywhere else? Isn't he a general too? Perhaps he's the first boss...
I'm hoping it comes to Europe, if MD came (and a lot of parallels seem to be drawing) then it might too. Please before 2013 (because the world will end in 21/12/2012 so we would never get to play it (sarcasm))...
Not a fan of RPG's so i'm not even going to bother picking this up.
Now if it comes out for the 3DS then i may end up having a change of heart and give this RPG a shot.
Emboar7 said:
I finished watching the trailer, and it is completely awesome. The Pokemon battling has evolved, it is amazing. I love it. Question; When will this game come out to the USA?

Both Pokemon and Nobunaga's Ambition have come to North America, (I used Wikipedia to make sure) so I have a strong feeling they will. Only a few Pokemon games haven't come to North America. Wikipedia said Nobunaga's Ambition had good reception here in the US, yet another reason for is to come.

@Xous, that's cool! When I first saw it, I thought it was either a strong Pokemon or a stong warrior from the Nobunaga's Ambition series. I wonder how Arceus will effect the game.
I can't believe how awesome this looks. I love how they're using Pokemon from each generation, and how what seems like some important people have 1st Gen Pokemon. (Articuno, Eevee, Mewtwo) It's like they're telling people not to forget the Pokemon that, well, MADE Pokemon.
Is this a hint of some sort?
I hope it's as deep a spin-off as Mystery Dungeon.