(1) Junichi Masuda Opens Twitter Account, the Internet Gets Confused [10/13]

Dark Void said:
Unlike everyone else on this thread apparently, I am far more interested in R/S remakes than Pokemon Gray. I found B/W to be extremely boring and I had to force myself to finish it, there is a really small chance that I would play the same game through again. R/S, however, are great games that really deserve a remake. They have great potential and if Nintendo does a good job on them I would probably buy at least 1.

I LOOOVED B/W but I still agree with you ;) Been playing throught B/W a couple of times (since I played the japanese game too) so I would prefer is R/S came first.
Loved this tweet about said confusion.

OldestEric (Eric Russell) Read PokeBeach's take on @Junichi_Masuda 's comment about RS remakes. It's the best article out there. http://pokebeach.com/2011/10/junichi-masuda-opens-twitter-account-the-internet-get-confused RT RT RT

I retweeted it because he said so :>
I loved Saphire! I logged over 300 hours on that game. If they remake that, I better not play it (but I will). :p
Everyone knows "I can't tell you that" means yes (hopefully). Or, at least, that what my parents say when they don't want to say yes.
Although, this is obviously different.
This is going to happen but it has not been announced yet. It is standard procedure now. The way it has been since FR/LG was remade is this. We have a remake then a new generation game then a remake and so on down the line. Before gen 6 games can be made they have to release the remakes for gen 3 so our younger audience can enjoy that generation like we once did. It will be easy for us because we already have gone through that phase so it will be easy for us XD.:)
The Internet getting confused?


I can't wait for the eventual R/S remakes and Gray. :]

dmaster out.
So, R/S were gen 3, and Red and Blue remakes, FRLG, were released during gen 3. Now they will probably remake R/S... In that case, wouldn't FRLG needed to be updated too?
I know it's stupid to remake the same games twice, but I'm just saying...
R/S are my favourite games. Even B/W don't get over them. I really like the scenario: Big, tropic region, lots of water, decent amount of routes (!!), and starters are just a-mazing!

I'f R/S will really come out, I will be first in a line to buy them.
I love how loads of people are saying that they wont buy it because its all rubbish and that kind of malarky, but sorry peeps you will end up buying it ;]

Anyway, I think that it was kind of wrong for him to set up a twitter account... Facebook page yeah, but twitter?
Hazz said:
I love how loads of people are saying that they wont buy it because its all rubbish and that kind of malarky, but sorry peeps you will end up buying it ;]
This is kind of silly. I didn't buy Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald because they didn't appeal to me, and I haven't bought either of Black or White either. Once you've resigned yourself to buying whatever comes out, regardless of your actual interest in it then sure, you don't even have any point in complaining, but I don't consider any video game as automatically getting my purchase 'just because'.
*shifty eyes* So Pokemon Grey IS on the way... lol

As for a R/S remake, I doubt I'll bother to play that. After finishing the original Gold, I stopped playing Pokemon until B/W cam out.

Since Mar, I've been going back in time, beating the old games one by one. (White, HeartGold, Platinum)

I'm currently working on Emerald (level grinding on Victory Road so I can take on the Elite Four) and, I must declare, it's the worst game in the serious (in my opinion). I don't like the way most of the monster look, or how they fail to learn good moves (at least the ones I'm raising haven't). (BTW, when playing Pokémon games, I only catch and train monster from THAT region).

Lastly, I don't like the storyline or the fact that a large part of the map is water (since I hate surfing). However, I DO like the underwater parts, the city inside the mountain, the double battles, and the fact that Emerald is hands down the most difficult Pokémon journey I've yet to undertake (and that's saying a lot for a veteran).

So, (back on topic) if they do remake R/S, then the remake better be the BOMB for me to bother with all this again!
I actually think Pokemon Gray will be announced? A lot of Kyurem merchandise is being released currently, this may be hinting to Pokemon Gray? Along with what Junichi Musada said in twitter. There is definitely going to be Ruby and Sapphire remakes! I am calling it now. :)
^ That's bold.

What are they going to call the RS remakes then?

MagmaRuby and AquaSapphire? lol
^ Not at all.

They won't be called that, probably something else. I really hope that if they do make R/S remakes, they won't be on the 3DS. I really want to see my favorite region in a 3D environment just like in B/W.
IIIII never played Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, so I can say much on them. I might get Gray....maybe.