Shaymin Lv.X said:
@Frost, there is also a chance that Kyurem is the last one.
Kyurem is the last Water or Ice Pokemon in National Dex order. (At least for now, because in TPCi's eyes, it's like Keldeo does not exist yet.)
My speculative list was:
1-2 Autumn Deerling/Sawsbuck (totally speculative, doesn't exist officially)
3-4 Dwebble, Crustle (Red Collection)
5 Karrablast (Red Collection)
6-7 Foongus, Amoonguss (Red Collection)
8-9 Shelmet, Accelgor (Red Collection)
10 Virizion (Red Collection)
11-12 Victini - Fire (one from Victini Decks, one from Red Collection)
13-14 Pansear, Simisear (Victini Decks)
15 Heatmor (Red Collection)
16-18 Larvesta (Victini Decks), Larvesta/Volcarona (Red Collection)
19-21 Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad (Red Collection)
22-23 Tirtouga, Carracosta (Red Collection)
24-26 Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe (Red Collection)
27-28 Frillish, Jellicent (Red Collection)
29 Cryogonal (Red Collection)
30 Kyurem (Red Collection)
Obviously, I'm short four from Kyurem's actual number. If I had to make a totally speculative guess, maybe we're getting some Pansage/pour and Simisage/pour cards to go with the Pansear/Simisear from the Victini Decks. Those would slide right in and make Kyurem #34. But, who knows right now.