(1) Last of the 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/18]

Hm, i read that there was to be one today. Oh well, guess there's the following weeks to look forward to.
Whitefire said:
Hm, i read that there was to be one today. Oh well, guess there's the following weeks to look forward to.
Japan is half a day ahead of us so when we watched it yesterday it was already todat in Japan
Like many others, I've created an account just to contribute to and talk about this development. I cannot resist speculation.

My thoughts on Inkay and Malimar are that they will be based on squids or cuttlefish. "Inkay" may be a portmanteau of INK and OKAY, while "Malimar" may be one of MAL (as in the Latin root meaning bad or evil) and CALIMARI. The "okay" and "mal" aspect is interesting: I think flipping the 3DS to evolve the bugger is referencing the Pokemon's moral flip-flop, a change from good (or at least decent) to bad. The inversion of the 3DS is simulating an inversion of the heart.

At any rate, thank god we're finally getting a squid. It seems to suffer from a Stunfisk-Tynamo complex with its lacking the Water-typing, however.
I've decided that I'm not even watching Smash anymore because they'll most likely just show more stuff from corocoro until June. Guess I'll have to wait until then. I'm most looking forward to a new Steel-type. I wonder what they will base it on. I can't wait for Inkay and Malimar. They seem like they'll be beasts in battle. (Watch GF make them suck just because I said that...)
I too like the idea of "good" and "evil" in these games. Hopefully these next few weeks they reveal at least some new pokemon along with new information.
GlaceonFanatic said:
I too like the idea of "good" and "evil" in these games. Hopefully these next few weeks they reveal at least some new pokemon along with new information.

Maybe if you actually got to choose, I can't be the only one who thinks pokemon actually allowing you to choose to join the evil team wouldn't be amazing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_squid I have a feeling that Inkay and Malimar will be based on the Vampire Squid. I can picture a psychic levitating version of one, that when flipped upside-down covers itself with with its spiky hood and glows in the dark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uawntH4E3qU
Like all news, this is some great info.
I like the new evo methods. Very Original and like stated before: "Using the full potential of the Nintendo 3DS".

Don't like the name meawstick either... Seems a bit too Obvious.
Ps. Loving the new banner on the main page! Congrats to whomever makes these!!
KVE493 said:
Like all news, this is some great info.
I like the new evo methods. Very Original and like stated before: "Using the full potential of the Nintendo 3DS".

Don't like the name meawstick either... Seems a bit too Obvious.
Ps. Loving the new banner on the main page! Congrats to whomever makes these!!

The guy that did the banner is called Xous. He does some incredible stuff. Check him out on DeviantArt.
GreenMewtwo said:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire_squid I have a feeling that Inkay and Malimar will be based on the Vampire Squid. I can picture a psychic levitating version of one, that when flipped upside-down covers itself with with its spiky hood and glows in the dark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=uawntH4E3qU
I thought about vampire squids, too, but there is a problem: they don't have ink sacs.
Featherwick said:
GlaceonFanatic said:
I too like the idea of "good" and "evil" in these games. Hopefully these next few weeks they reveal at least some new pokemon along with new information.

Maybe if you actually got to choose, I can't be the only one who thinks pokemon actually allowing you to choose to join the evil team wouldn't be amazing.

I'm confused as to whether your against or for joining the evil team? Lol

I think that would be sick. It's my dream to be the most rad TR grunt ever.
If that we're possible I feel like we'd hear a lot more from PETA.

If they are good and evil, I dig that, but what if X or Y are not the evil legendaries? We still have "Z" or whatever it will be to consider.
Thief said:
Featherwick said:
Maybe if you actually got to choose, I can't be the only one who thinks pokemon actually allowing you to choose to join the evil team wouldn't be amazing.

I'm confused as to whether your against or for joining the evil team? Lol

I think that would sick. It's my dream to be the most rad TR grunt ever.
If that we're possible I feel like we'd hear a lot more from PETA.

If they are good and evil, I dig that, but what if X or Y are not the evil legendaries? We still have "Z" or whatever it will be to consider.

Oops, I am for being able to join the evil team, I just really suck at grammar.

And while there's still "Z", I don't think you can get much more evil looking then Yvetal
Zielo said:
Glad to be getting more catlike Pokemon! :p


I think about my favorite part of this info, though, is that unique method of evolution... I really hope to see more things like that, its very different. :p

Also interested to see the alternate Mewtwo form, especially knowing its more Mew-like.

Of course, this is assuming its all true, which at this point im thinking it probably is.

Seeing as the leaker seems to have gotten into some trouble as he and WMP have lost contact, shouldn't this verify that, at the very least, some of this information is true?
Oh yea, I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but this guy on youtube points out some interesting things, here's the video for reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKKTqJ8R5nI

Personally I think he might be onto something with the removal of seasons.
There's a new thread about that under the pokemon X and Y discussions.
I present to you all, my top tier drawing of Inkay and Malimar:

Featherwick said:
Oh yea, I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but this guy on youtube points out some interesting things, here's the video for reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKKTqJ8R5nI

Personally I think he might be onto something with the removal of seasons.

Watched it, and near the end he points out 'two things that almost look like baby Gogoats' [ little after 9:50 ]

In another screenshot, he zoomed in on the female trainer in the background [other main player] with a different hair style. I knew we could customize, but this is bonus IMPO.

Also, just a little thing I noticed; they're standing very close to that mirror. So is the male player in another shot. But the mirror says they're standing farther back. It doesn't matter either way, just somewhat funny IMO.
Featherwick said:
Oh yea, I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but this guy on youtube points out some interesting things, here's the video for reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKKTqJ8R5nI

Personally I think he might be onto something with the removal of seasons.

Looks like there actually might be Fairy type gym.
EccentricLemur said:
So, are these rumors from the same source as the guy who predicted the four english names?

Just predictions based on things from the video. So they're not entirely baseless, but rumors nonetheless. I mean he doesn't really go TOO far out with what might be going on, all of it seems pretty believable