(1) Last of the 'X' and 'Y' Insider Information [5/18]

Alix Rooker said:
That would be an interesting way for that Pokemon to evolve, for sure!

On a side note, Pokemon Smash will air tomorrow. So prepare yourselves for new information, as promised.

Oh, I completely forgot!

Now I have something to look forward too tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get something new since everything last week covered the corocoro stuff.

Plus, in a little over two weeks from now we have E3. That's not far off :)
Guys, set your expectations for smash as low as possible and assume there won't be anything new.
Otherwise you're just gonna be disappointed lol I guarantee you.
Alix Rooker said:
That would be an interesting way for that Pokemon to evolve, for sure!

On a side note, Pokemon Smash will air tomorrow. So prepare yourselves for new information, as promised.
I've heard they're showing a minute-long clip of the Sylveon short. This could provide another reason as to why Fairy type Sylveon is happening.

But in all honesty, I'm not expecting much from them. I think some likely possibilities are:
-New move(s) (1-3)
-Abilities of released gen.6 Pokemon (only 2/3)
-Silhouette of new Pokemon
-Screenshots of new and mysterious locations
-Gameplay clips (this could tie in with the above, showing an image of new place and then showing the player character running around near it)
-New Pokemon (probably the most unlikely)

On the silhouette thing, one idea I had would be that they reveal a silhouette one week and then show the revealed Pokemon the week after. The week after that they show another silhouette etc.
ex: This week = silhouette
next week = revelation of new Pokemon (lets say Inkay) and have its size/weight/all of that and then maybe a new move to go with it, or a new ability.
week after = showing another silhouette etc.
This way it gives us speculation as to what they're revealing and we get new Pokemon every 2 weeks. Some weeks they could reveal locations, or a bunch of new moves or abilities etc.

But like Mitja said, set expectations low. I'm not expecting them to reveal anything really noteworthy and don't think they will.
P.DelSlayer said:
Alix Rooker said:
That would be an interesting way for that Pokemon to evolve, for sure!

On a side note, Pokemon Smash will air tomorrow. So prepare yourselves for new information, as promised.
I've heard they're showing a minute-long clip of the Sylveon short. This could provide another reason as to why Fairy type Sylveon is happening.

But in all honesty, I'm not expecting much from them. I think some likely possibilities are:
-New move(s) (1-3)
-Abilities of released gen.6 Pokemon (only 2/3)
-Silhouette of new Pokemon
-Screenshots of new and mysterious locations
-Gameplay clips (this could tie in with the above, showing an image of new place and then showing the player character running around near it)
-New Pokemon (probably the most unlikely)

On the silhouette thing, one idea I had would be that they reveal a silhouette one week and then show the revealed Pokemon the week after. The week after that they show another silhouette etc.
ex: This week = silhouette
next week = revelation of new Pokemon (lets say Inkay) and have its size/weight/all of that and then maybe a new move to go with it, or a new ability.
week after = showing another silhouette etc.
This way it gives us speculation as to what they're revealing and we get new Pokemon every 2 weeks. Some weeks they could reveal locations, or a bunch of new moves or abilities etc.

But like Mitja said, set expectations low. I'm not expecting them to reveal anything really noteworthy and don't think they will.

I actually would rather they start the silhouette thing now, and every week reveal a Pokemon, along with a new silhouette. Still gives us speculation, but would give us something else to talk about besides peoples "opinions" of a black figure/blob.

Id really like to get some information on locations though, or even new abilities, items, Pokeball types, whatever. And to top it all off itd be nice if we got some more in game footage of locations, nothing extreme, just a brief glimpse. That lava desert area has me intrigued, and so does the church like structure by the Carnack Stones(sp?).
NoDice said:
P.DelSlayer said:
I've heard they're showing a minute-long clip of the Sylveon short. This could provide another reason as to why Fairy type Sylveon is happening.

But in all honesty, I'm not expecting much from them. I think some likely possibilities are:
-New move(s) (1-3)
-Abilities of released gen.6 Pokemon (only 2/3)
-Silhouette of new Pokemon
-Screenshots of new and mysterious locations
-Gameplay clips (this could tie in with the above, showing an image of new place and then showing the player character running around near it)
-New Pokemon (probably the most unlikely)

On the silhouette thing, one idea I had would be that they reveal a silhouette one week and then show the revealed Pokemon the week after. The week after that they show another silhouette etc.
ex: This week = silhouette
next week = revelation of new Pokemon (lets say Inkay) and have its size/weight/all of that and then maybe a new move to go with it, or a new ability.
week after = showing another silhouette etc.
This way it gives us speculation as to what they're revealing and we get new Pokemon every 2 weeks. Some weeks they could reveal locations, or a bunch of new moves or abilities etc.

But like Mitja said, set expectations low. I'm not expecting them to reveal anything really noteworthy and don't think they will.

I actually would rather they start the silhouette thing now, and every week reveal a Pokemon, along with a new silhouette. Still gives us speculation, but would give us something else to talk about besides peoples "opinions" of a black figure/blob.

Id really like to get some information on locations though, or even new abilities, items, Pokeball types, whatever. And to top it all off itd be nice if we got some more in game footage of locations, nothing extreme, just a brief glimpse. That lava desert area has me intrigued, and so does the church like structure by the Carnack Stones(sp?).
I would like the silhouette thing, possible the silhouettes of the first starter evos or the evos of some of the newly reveled 4? But what I really want it some info on the enemy team(s), but it seems a bit too early for information of that degree.
Just finished watching a Pokemon Smash livestream.
Unfortunately there was nothing new other than:

1. a short 1 minute clip of Sylveon which showed it jumping through a field of pink flowers. This could further our speculations that Sylveon is in fact a new type

2. a few mewtwo clips of mewtwo's new form. Not sure if they were the same ones, but it didn't reveal anything new.
Guys, if you want to talk about Smash, use the X/Y forum. This is a news thread for the insider's information.
This could be interesting indeed, as I recall from Nintendo's Phantom of the Hourglass, there was a part where you would scratch on one of the symbols on the bottom screen then close the DS and when you opened it, it is imprinted on the map on the top screen of the DS. And on one island, if you talked to one of the shop keepers, he will offer to sell you a ship part if you are talking loud in the mic at a low price. It would be a nice concept if they do something similar, being the 3DS. Perhaps expanding on turning your 3DS upside down to evolve, perhaps one evolution you can talk to the Pokemon in question and it will evovle (A Chatot evolution?).

Hm, and also in a cave or somewhere you talk to an unusual thing, you close the lid down when one of your Pokemon reacts to it and prompts you to, then when you open it up your Pokemon will be evolved (One of the parts that can't be in hibernate if the 3DS is closed so it will work).
I guess we won't know until the E3 I guess, but I am happy nevertheless.
I wish it was October already.
Either that, or I could see into the future and know what all of the new Pokemon were.
Then I would come on here, and tell you guys.
Oh... I realy wanted an Water/Poison starter... I'm planning on using both Froakie and Pancham on my main team...
Mindfang said:
Oh... I realy wanted an Water/Poison starter... I'm planning on using both Froakie and Pancham on my main team...
Even tho it's basically confirmed as Water/Fighting, I don't think having another frog line being water/fighting is a good idea. Also, I'm really sick of seeing startertypehere/fighting combos. We've already had 3, with this one being the fourth.
Alix Rooker said:
Even tho it's basically confirmed as Water/Fighting, I don't think having another frog line being water/fighting is a good idea. Also, I'm really sick of seeing startertypehere/fighting combos. We've already had 3, with this one being the fourth.

To be fair, Poliwrath is not necessarily a frog and Croagunk/Toxicroak are part Poison... ^^'
That...and there have only been two Water/Fighting type Pokemon ever. One of them is an overgrown tadpole and the other one is a pony.
I actually have high hopes for this combo, as opposed to a potential Water/Dark and Grass/Fighting starters. Even though those are both uncommon, they don't have as strong of ties (of sorts) for Chespin and Froakie's potential finals.
Water/Dark has Crawdaunt and Sharpedo, Grass/Fighting has Breloom and Virizion, and Grass/Dark has Shiftry and Cacturne.

As far as coolness factor goes, I think the Grass/Dark representatives trump the Grass/Fighting ones any day.
I had a quick go at doodling out what I reckon Pangoro (evo of Pancham) could look like. Looks pretty scruffy but you get the idea. xD

Drokas said:
Alix Rooker said:
Even tho it's basically confirmed as Water/Fighting, I don't think having another frog line being water/fighting is a good idea. Also, I'm really sick of seeing startertypehere/fighting combos. We've already had 3, with this one being the fourth.

To be fair, Poliwrath is not necessarily a frog and Croagunk/Toxicroak are part Poison... ^^'
Poliwrath is a frog, and I wasn't talking about Croagunk and Toxicroak. I was talking about the Seismetoad line.
Alix Rooker said:
Drokas said:
To be fair, Poliwrath is not necessarily a frog and Croagunk/Toxicroak are part Poison... ^^'
Poliwrath is a frog, and I wasn't talking about Croagunk and Toxicroak. I was talking about the Seismetoad line.

Poliwrath is a tadpole and Seismitoad is Water/Ground.
Drokas said:
Alix Rooker said:
Poliwrath is a frog, and I wasn't talking about Croagunk and Toxicroak. I was talking about the Seismetoad line.

Poliwrath is a tadpole and Seismitoad is Water/Ground.
Looks like I have some more studying to do haha.
Mm, Drokas speaks the truth. It is Politoed that is the frog. (This is also alluded to in GSC; the man in Celadon with his trusted pal Poliwrath remarks if it'll ever evolve into a frog Pokemon - rather, Politoed is a split evolution from Poliwhirl, as you know.)
Politoed might more closely resemble a real-world frog than Poliwrath, but to say Poliwrath is a tadpole is... well... silly. Its species name isn't the end-all (after all, how many of you would say Blastoise is a shellfish?); tadpoles have two distinct traits that set them apart from frogs: A long, flat tail, and no legs. Poliwrath has no tail and four legs. Hrm.

I don't like Water/Fighting for Froakie. I think other types would fit it better (such as Flying or Ice, or even Electric) with its cloud-like scarf thing. It just seems weird.
Chespin becoming Grass/Dark also seems weird, with its hard shell and Rollout in its moveset. Grass/Rock or Grass/Ground would make more sense there.
Fennekin... eh. We just had this Fire/Psychic orange and yellow fennec creature:

So whatever. Would've preferred Fire/Ghost but at least Psychic is new to the Starter table and it doesn't seem contrary to its design like the other two.

There've been starters like Torchic that in no way resemble the type they grow up to be, but they're always unspecialized, whereas the two starters I have an issue with already seem to have distinct secondary traits in their design. And even still, most of those oddball starters still make sense when you think about them:
Charmander - Just a fire lizard/salamander. No indication pointing it to one future type or another. Growing wings doesn't seem too out of place, since lizards and dragons are closely related in most peoples's minds
Torchic - Just a fire chicken. Could've become Fire/Flying, but not necessarily since chickens don't fly. Fire/Fighting makes sense in the context of cockfighting.
Tepig (why's it all the Fire types?) - Just a fire pig! I know many suspected/wanted Fire/Dark or Fire/Ground, and I do think I would have liked one of those more, but it's still just a fire pig and they could have put nearly any secondary type on its evolutions. Even Flying. When pigs fly, anyone? ahaha.

The only previous starter I see as sort of analogous to these is Piplup. Nobody's gonna look at a cute baby penguin with a poncho and expect it to become Water/Steel. Water/Ice maybe, or just Water, but Steel? Still not sure what the thought process was there. So maybe we really will get two Piplups this time around. I hope not though.
See a lot of people wondering how Inkay/Malimar could work as a squid/octopus. Not sure if anyone posted it or not but it'd be cool if it was like Cthulhu. But you know, sized down.