(1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

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Omg. Mijumaru's evo is so freaking awesome. I actually love Pokabu and Tsutaja's evo too <3
Yeah, while I'll admit this list has some pretty suspicious things to it, keep in mind that it's based off someone who saw low resolution sprites/shots/ect.
if wpm says its real then ima believe him he doesn't seem like the type of guy to lie about it :p but it will be all confirmed soon so will see
@suave squirtile: That is fan art. It's someones interpretation of what hihi's alternate forme looks like based on the description given.
@Mew: You're very welcome. I hope that finally lays this petty squabble about whether or not they're real to rest.

Personally, I love the designs of these guys. Not too crazy about Fire/Fighting, though. Hopefully one of the other two will have a nice secondary type, which seems unlikely at this point since the more recent rumors have said that the others will be single typed.
@scuba: I know, but an alternate (Shaymin and Giratina don't count, both of them can assume either of their forms non-permanently) with different typing? Even without the picture that's iffy.
Their real. I'm calling it!! These are too cool to be fake, and why would WPM lie about it? Hes not wrong very often....so I think hes not.
First, it wouldn't be a matter of lying on WPM's part. It would merely be a mistake on his part to have trusted Pokexperto. I know that WPM is consistently truthful and always tries to get the right info fastest. So for now, I'm taking the list with a grain of salt as I usually do with anything un-confirmed. But this all could very well be true.
@suave squirtle: Really this gen. has already thrown us so many curve balls, that I wouldn't be surprised. (Btw, I love your UN)

On topic: dark/dragon and dark/fighting has been two combinations I've wanted for a long time. I was really disappionted when zoroark and zekrom didn't turn out to be those types respectively.
The September Coro Coro issues now have their own thread in here.

Ontopic: Yeah, curve balls is an appropriate way to describe this generation, lol. So many changes, small and large. These legendaries are sounding pretty sweet.
@ Suave: I don't see what's so hard to believe. Hihi and its pre-evo are based on a daruma doll that's had the eyes drawn in, indicating that a goal or wish has been fulfilled. The purported alternate form would be a doll without the eyes filled in, which could be an indication that it has a goal in the future that has yet to be set. The typing could also support this, as the dolls are used for wishing (associated with the psychic type), as most daruma doll's ultimate destinies are to be burned at the end of the year or upon meeting the set goal, hence the fire typing. They come in different colors regardless.

(I apologize if that post made no sense, I'm really tired. Wiki can probably make my argument flow better)
Those scans, if real, do make the second stage starters look much nicer. It's the final forms that are going to take a lot to get me to warm up to them, though. They certainly look real, but then again the scans with the football fish and the other with Desukan and Denchura looked convincing too.
Oh mah JIZZ! I have a feeling I'm gonna LOVE this region! The Pokemon sound epic. Can't wait until images are released. At first, I didn't really like the starter evos, but now they're growing on me. I love them! And I love the Monkey Trio. And my favorite thing is the Alternate Forms! That's awesome that some Pokemon get an Alternate Form with a different type and everything. I definitely hope that later on in the B&W Anime, they're will be new Isshu Pokemon. There has to be. Like in D&P. Towards the middle of the series, they got new Pokemon! Shaymin, Darkrai, Arceus, and I think that's it. [PS: Sorry for my burst out. I'm really hyper. o.o]
A Dark/Dragon Hydra. Dark/Dragon. Drak/Dragon. Drak/Dragon. My wish is fulfilled. At least there's something to look forward to.
I'm kind of hoping Tabunne evolves into Gochiruzeru.

Sweet Lolita evolving into Gothic Lolita haha.

Nuff said.

Ok fine other than the bomb which the Dark-Fighting yellow orangecolourwithbaggypantsandatail guy gave me THE OTHERS LOOKS AWESOMESAUCE.
Quite disappointed that Pokabu's evolutions are fire/fighting. Three generations of fire/fighting starters is too much! Would have liked Mijumaru's evolutions to end up with a secondary fighting typing instead.

Besides that I am pretty much pleased with the fifth generation. A polar bear pokemon? Finally.
A bit too many alt forms if you ask me. Another reason not to believe this. Expecially for hihidaruma, because if you have alts, don't make one a duel type and the other just one. Plus i think it is fake because it says that mamanbou is not a luvdisc evo.
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