WPM there is a mistake where it says Mewtwo X. It should be Mewtwo LVX. I don't know if it was your mistake or theirs but it should be fixed. Anyway. The box and booster pack art looks pretty cool. I hope I can get some from this set soon but it may be awhile because I work on previous sets before I work on newer sets. Unless I see a newer set before I see a previous set.
The booster images are the coolest I've seen in a long time. That Lucario is so cool. I hope I can convince my parents to take me to a prerelease somehow.
I don't like that pack art at all especially when I compare it to the last pack art anyways I should have some fun trading all the lvl xs I get next set as I don't really like any of them
Shame we'll probably only get like 3-4 in ours ;( And most of them suck. I like Rhypeior Lv.X though. Theme decks artwork sucks, as do the packs, though I like Luxray's artwork.
I wanted to post this last night, but the server freaked out just as i was about to post it. Hopefully it's fixed for good so this doesnt happen again...
We finally get tons of LvXs out of a set for once. It's only taken us how many sets to get alot, Japan gets this many almost every set and we have only had one set with alot of LvXs. It's good to see that we're going to get alof of these LvXs that Japan has that we have been waiting for. The packs look cool, not like they really matter all that much, but it looks like we're going to get that Metal Lucario Japan got a while back. And the Giratina pack means that we will probably get the Giratina with the Lost Zone effect, oh yay. I really hope that they don't keep that mechanic around for long, and that it is only on that Giratina. It would kind of mess the game up if they made that a long term mechanic, it would make it more like Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh. And none of want that, do we?
The artwork for the boosters and theme decks are great, having 7 Lv.X's is great, the set is going to be awesome... If I can get the money, I'm going to have to try and get my hands on one or two boxes (and would end up being the first time I would buy boxes for any Pokémon set).
This set is great. The LV Xs make it even better, and the LV X:Box Ratio should be higher than the last few sets, which it excellent. Can't wait for it to be release, but it's a shame it's not legal for Worlds.