(1) Life Lesson! [6/31]

No offense I'd have to agree with Squid Rooster, this isn't the place to be posting news like that, but that life lesson should have taught you a lot more than just resolve all disagreements. Again I'm trying not to offend you, but it should have also taught to have your heart in the right place with God I won't go any further though since I'm afraid I'll offend anyone on this site.
o_O Squid Rooster... Seriously?

I understand your point, but it's not like this story is going to make anyone think differently about the site's always-fast, (mostly, laughing at the fake Skymin that one time) top-tier news stories. If WPM feels like posting something like this (even in a news drought, where there's literally no news), why would anyone question that? It's his site, and he posted it for reasons specified in the news story. -_-

He's still going to post the latest news stories, people are still going to come here for them, and people are still going to enjoy the stories and learn from them. Maybe not that 1% or so that feels the way you do (the people who evidently think this is serious business and join the day they see a news story that isn't Pokémon-related and feel the need to voice an opinion WPM already talked about in the news story itself), but darn it, to me, it's almost like that's an okay chance to take. :/

WPM, again, I'm sorry this lesson had to be taught in that manner... But I'm soothed by the fact he survived.
My goodness, you missed the point. This is a fan-made Pokémon site. It's not going to be "serious business" all the time. If you want a site like that, go to Pokemon.com and just wait five months before getting the news you get here first.

If people can't deal with one little news story that they don't even have to read, one that's not even offensive to anyone or does harm to anything, posted during a news drought where there is no other news to post AT ALL, then what a sad little part of the world this has become. ;/

You turn to the weather station because it's their job to give you nothing but weather. You turn to a chicken restaurant because it's their job to give you nothing but chicken. What's this site's job, then? To provide the newest Pokémon-related news and the rare life lesson story. I don't see this story taking the spot of any Pokémon-related story. I don't see anywhere that says "this site is required by some silly law to post nothing but Pokémon stories". It is in no way harming the Ultimate News Source aspect of this site. Like I said, he's going to continue posting stories.

If you don't like the fact that he's taken a tiny amount of space on the front page that would have been just barren anyways because, again, there is literally no news to report right now, grow up and don't read it. I mean you all the respect you deserve, but this honestly just seems childish on your behalf. Complaining about something you don't even have to read, something that doesn't even hurt the reputation of this site, something that he posts only once every blue moon... Seriously.

Squid Rooster said:
keep in mind that this site is not designed to be a personal site. If it becomes that--if it becomes all about whatever's on the webmaster's mind and not what it's purported to be--I and probably other people will eventually stop visiting; there are plenty of alternatives.

Seriously, if people can't handle one personal story out of a million robotic stories... Again, what a sad small part of the world this has become. ;/
The problem with your analogies:
There's always weather, there's not always news. You can't go to another site and expect them to have news as an alternative to WPM's story.
And you pay in a restaurant. It's only logical that you get what you pay for.

On a website, you can choose to just not read it, it's not that hard. At least he's providing some way of killing time for people who have nothing better to do anyway. Maybe people are interested in knowing who the webmaster of the site really is, to know that he's human, and not just some faceless news machine?
Nowhere does it describe this site's job as what you said it should be, either. However, WPM himself decides what this site's job is - and he made it perfectly clear in that news post that this site's job is what I said it was* - the latest news and a rare life lesson. (So, yeah, I guess there is a place that says that's the site's job.) ;/ Besides, Heavenly Spoon summed up pretty much all I said in that post.

And I'm sorry when I use the term "serious business", but this is the only case I use the term in, ever.... Because that's how you're making it seem by likening the site to the weather channel and a restaurant. It's their job to be serious about their business, and you're moving the ideals used there to here.

*Here's the quote:
The News Story said:
For those of you that have a problem with bloggy posts like this, get over it or I will kick you where it hurts. :D Wait until I go to Japan in July and post everything that happens! Then we'll get real bloggy. DON'T LIKE IT?! TOO BAD! I want to teach people about Pokemon AND life, and since I know that more than five people are reading my posts, I know I can help make a difference in some people's lives!
I'm simply stating my view on your criticism. I feel that if I didn't, I'd regret not getting a word in on this (and since I never take the chance to feel regret, well of course I'm going to post). The only reason I'm speaking now instead of him is because he's not on. When I first read your post, I'd wished he'd already responded. I don't like having to speak about this when he's not said something already (though he has, in the news story), but I'm not going to stand down and not get a word in on something I care very deeply about.

I'm not trying to belittle this site's role and suggest that it shouldn't be taken seriously as a credible news source, but I guess you read it that way. What I said was not to take the site posting one story in the middle of a drought as serious as you would some weather channel not delivering weather constantly. (Again, it goes back to what Spoon said, "There's always weather, there's not always news. You can't go to another site and expect them to have news as an alternative to WPM's story."

I'd view this as an attack against the site's way of functioning, not against WPM himself. So I'm not really defending him so much as I'm defending a site I deeply care about. I don't really understand why people feel that this site is meant to be used only for news. Like Spoon said, "On a website, you can choose to just not read it, it's not that hard. At least he's providing some way of killing time for people who have nothing better to do anyway. Maybe people are interested in knowing who the webmaster of the site really is, to know that he's human, and not just some faceless news machine?"

But, I think I'm done talking about this, since you're just waiting for him to talk about what you said (though, again, he's already stated his view on what you're saying - it's in the news post and in my post above this one, in case you forgot... or maybe you feel that's insufficient). I'm not here to figure out why you feel this way (though I'd really like to, but I'm not going to wish for something I'm not going to get), and I'm most certainly not here to change it... Besides, I've probably blown this way out of proportion. xD

Enjoy waiting for him, then, and have a great day. :D
D: I'm not listening selectively at all (I don't see how you think I am, I read, comprehend, and respond to everything you say), nor did I say anywhere in that last post that you were complaining - I understood at that point that this is simply your constructive criticism (as you yourself called it). I fully understand that without criticism, nothing can grow and become better. :D

-"As a longtime viewer of the site, I feel it's well within my rights to express my view on the proposed changes (even if I dared not to join the forums until this point)."
I never said you couldn't express your view (though I guess you're not saying that I ever said that, but it just sounds like it) - again, in even my first post, I embraced your right to say it and I was wondering why you felt that way, which I found out in your posts (this last one mostly cleared it up).

-"But to suggest that I must necessarily come to love the reporters on a personal level and be interested in their personal lives or beliefs is absurd and borderline egocentric. I might enjoy Actress X in TV Show Z, but that doesn't mean I must be greatly interested in what she does outside the show. Maybe I just like the show, and nothing more."
That is completely understandable, and heck, everyone feels that way. xD No one said "read the stories and love them, and get to know WPM on a personal level", but I did say that you don't have to read the story. However, you responded with why you're uninterested in there being any news at all during a drought and why you want nothing in its stead, so that's fair. :)

However, I don't think "the promise of it becoming more blog-oriented site" is anything other than him saying that when he goes to Japan, his posts may become more blog-like, but only in that timeframe (since he's done that kind of posting in the past, too, but you know that already, being a long-time viewer of the site). I believe this is because of the cultural shock he's going to get when he goes from a somewhat hush-hush Pokémon country to a flamboyant one, but I'll let him say something about that, because that'll be more accurate than anything I could say (unless I somehow hit the nail on the head). xD

Anyways, I'm seriously going to shut up about this now, because you don't even want to hear from me, you want to hear from WPM. However, I honestly want to thank you for putting up with me. :) I know I'm most likely a pain in your paw, posting like this. xD I fully understand where you're coming from now and still respect your view, as well as your right to say it (as I always have and always will, for anyone).

Again, sorry for being such a pain. ~Xous
Well I would say that it is a miracle. Prayers are with you and your family though. Something like this happened to my brother's friend, and he was in a coma for 2 weeks after it. Turns out he has a seizure disorder and it can happen at any time.

and also, Squid Rooster. go to 4chan or something, seriously? it is his website and can do whatever the hell he wants to do. what if this website wouldn't exist? then you would have 1 less website to spend time on and bashing people in forums. be grateful.
Yeah, WPM rarely does this, and this is like MAJOR news. I would've flipped my rocker if I saw my Mom or Dad faint/die right on the table. Mini-miracle indeed. I'm not really optimistic, but I hope your Dad is alright in the future...As for fights, my Mom and I forget about it after sleeping, so that's fine. Even if she would die in her sleep, it's already made up. ;p

Edit: The date says 6/31. We're a month ahead of schedule, WPM! ;o

dmaster out.
Squid Rooster, you're arguing under the assumption that I'm a professional and that all Pokemon websites should operate the same way. I'm not bound to any code or way of doing things. No one sponsors us and I don't get paid. Essentially I can do whatever I want, and the reader can choose to read whatever they want. If I know I can have an affect on people's lives by posting weird stories like this, what's the harm in posting them? I really hate it when people argue ideologically when it comes to my site, like "what should be" or "what is professional." I didn't realize when I made PokeBeach that I made a rule that said I wasn't allowed to post stories like this. And yes, the story is about my life, but I'm hardly posting it to draw attention to myself. I learned a good lesson, and I want others too as well. Even if it was about me posted just for the sake of people knowing about me, what's wrong with that?

You have the option of reading the story or not. If just one person reads that story and settles something with their family I'll have made more of a positive difference in this harsh world than you posting those posts right now. :)
I totally agree with WPM my mother always tells me never to mad at each other or with my siblings cause you'll never know when your gonna die my mother learned the hard way she got in a fight with her mom and later that day my grandma was murdered by a jealous lover and my mom never got to say goodbye. I was 6 months old now there isn't a time when I talk to my mother about it that she regrets that she didn't say goodbye or at least leave each other on good terms.
Squid Rooster said:
Since WPM said "if you don't like it, tough, and you can expect much more blogging in the future," I felt it best to address right away.

Well according to the bolded text below, he is only going to be doing it in Japan when he goes there and is there for the 12th Pokemon Movie. Therefore he is still giving us news on Pokemon but he is also giving us a little knowledge about Japan, and lessons he is learning while there. So it won't be big blogging or to much personal buisness, it is Pokemon 12th movie news and maybe a lesson about Japan or so. Nothing to bad involved. So stop complaining and thinking this site is 100% strictly pokemon.

Also, I know of some people on this site that have had family issues and haven't posted anything about that here. They do take it but maybe they are having arguement problems or problems that can be resolved sort of like what WPM's did. This would give them a lesson and they would learn from it. Plus WPM would have a positive influence on someone's life, not regarding Pokemon. This would make the person who got helped and WPM feel good.

He also states in his post that once he figures out the answer to the quiz he will get back to us on the answer. He said this was just something keeping him from getting the answers and it is also something good for the 80% younger visitors to learn. It may be personal, but even so...We can all learn a lesson from it. So seriously stop arguing your non-winning point and leave WPM and the Site alone with your complaints.

The News Story said:
For those of you that have a problem with bloggy posts like this, get over it or I will kick you where it hurts. :D Wait until I go to Japan in July and post everything that happens! Then we'll get real bloggy. DON'T LIKE IT?! TOO BAD! I want to teach people about Pokemon AND life, and since I know that more than five people are reading my posts, I know I can help make a difference in some people's lives!

Bloggy: Blogging about Japan and the 12th Movie. So nothing to personal is there? Nope.
While other news sites have just "news", WPM doesn't have to be a lifeless news machine and just post about the latest Pokemon news. Like he said, he's not bound to some code or something. If he can make a positive impact in someone's life, then that's far more important than news to me. Heck, if I wanted a lifeless news machine, I'd go to Pokemon.com.

Some people need to realize, Pokemon not only is fun, but it teaches lessons about life. People here connect through Pokemon, and make friends. It can be cards, games, artwork or whatever. We're are a friendly community here, and we help each other. I think WPM was just trying to help by offering some advice because he learned a lesson in life. That's not such a big deal. Get over it.

BTW, I really appreciate WPM taking this time to share his story. It reminds me how precious my time with my parents is, and not to leave arguments unsettled. Thank you, WPM.
wow, this was truly a miracle, for your father, you, and all of us. Although I'm sorry to hear about the chaos, just thank God! I think we all have an "aha" moment like this sometime in each of our lives, to help us get our priorities in order. I had mine last year when my Grandfather passed, we should all learn from this, and take notice what should really come 1st in our lives.

EDIT!: By the way, BLOG ON! Why not, it's interesting, I enjoy reading it, and it's not like what he's saying doesn't pertain to Pokebeach, he is Pokebeach. If it upsets you soooo much that you think the world is ending because of it, don't read it.
We'd probably avoid arguments like this if these stories were posted in the forums. :s

Anyway, I don't really have much to add to the topic, but I can't imagine ever being thrown into a situation that shocking so fast. I think my uncle almost died a few years ago, but I only knew after the fact when he was alright.
I hope your dad is ok WPM. This story is touching, and I think it may impact the lives of other members as well.
That's defenitely a miracle. :)

It's defenitely a scary situation to be in, but it's defenitely a relief that something hadn't happened so you realized the mistake and would try to prevent unresolved fights in the future. Sometimes, that happens to me as well so you've defenitely been an inspiration to me through your situation.

Thanks for sharing. I hope everything goes well. :]

- Luigi
I'm not sure why you guys are being so hostile towards Squid Rooster. Give the guy a break, he's only stating an opinion, and a perfectly logical one at that (and he's doing it for the right reasons, it's not your typical bashing). Heck, I actually agree with him to an extent.
My Wifes Mother has battled Breast Cancer for the Past 18 yrs off and on. But about a yr and a half ago they found out she had Bone cancer. Which was Terminal, she decided to fight it so she could see my Stepson as long as possible. Fast forward to about a Month ago, she had been doing Chemo and was doing very well until they noticed the Chemo was damaging her Kidneys/Liver can't recall which. Well they had to stop Chemo as it would surely kill her. But so would the Cancer. Her health went down hill pretty fast and so her Adopted son was to fly out this coming Weds to see her before she passed. Her adopted Daughter left this last Friday for home, after seeing her. And my Stepson and Biological son originally were to visit with her Sat. But my stepson was adamant about playing with his friend, and wanted to visit Sunday. She passed away Sunday around 3 am, having never seen them. Just goes to show you how life can be cruel or untimely.
hmm... I have an idea to what could've happened to your Dad...
you may read this and think that they don't exist but something similar happened to my bro
all of a sudden, he became paralyzed, couldn't breath and couldn't even say his own name
he remembers seeing a head with a long kneck coming around his shoulder then it disappeared
he got rushed to hospital and the doctors couldn't do anything then his Dad did something and he was healed, it was these Reptilian Humanoids, they caused a random pain in my kneck too o_O