D: I'm not listening selectively at all (I don't see how you think I am, I read, comprehend, and respond to everything you say), nor did I say
anywhere in that last post that you were complaining - I understood at that point that this is simply your constructive criticism (as you yourself called it). I fully understand that without criticism, nothing can grow and become better.
As a longtime viewer of the site, I feel it's well within my rights to express my view on the proposed changes (even if I dared not to join the forums until this point)."
I never said you couldn't express your view (though I guess you're not saying that I ever said that, but it just sounds like it) - again, in even my first post, I embraced your right to say it and I was wondering why you felt that way, which I found out in your posts (this last one mostly cleared it up).
But to suggest that I must necessarily come to love the reporters on a personal level and be interested in their personal lives or beliefs is absurd and borderline egocentric. I might enjoy Actress X in TV Show Z, but that doesn't mean I must be greatly interested in what she does outside the show. Maybe I just like the show, and nothing more."
That is completely understandable, and heck, everyone feels that way. xD No one said "read the stories and love them, and get to know WPM on a personal level", but I did say that you don't have to read the story. However, you responded with why you're uninterested in there being any news at all during a drought and why you want nothing in its stead, so that's fair.
However, I don't think "
the promise of it becoming more blog-oriented site" is anything other than him saying that when he goes to Japan, his posts may become more blog-like, but only in that timeframe (since he's done that kind of posting in the past, too, but you know that already, being a long-time viewer of the site). I believe this is because of the cultural shock he's going to get when he goes from a somewhat hush-hush Pokémon country to a flamboyant one, but I'll let him say something about that, because that'll be more accurate than anything I could say (unless I somehow hit the nail on the head). xD
Anyways, I'm seriously going to shut up about this now, because you don't even want to hear from me, you want to hear from WPM. However, I honestly want to thank you for putting up with me.
I know I'm most likely a pain in your paw, posting like this. xD I fully understand where you're coming from now and still respect your view, as well as your right to say it (as I always have and always will, for anyone).
Again, sorry for being such a pain. ~Xous