(1) 'Lost Link' Card FAQ [4/24]

Aaaaand Gengar Prime is confirmed to be the most broken card in the set. =.= There is such a thing as overpowered.

Interesting about the legendaries counting for two for the stadium. That's going to make people think again about playing legendaries once this set comes out.
omahanime said:
That is a shame, about no Pokemon Black and White news.
Yeah I was hoping for more Black/White news. Oh well the FAQ is good to read.
Please, don't let this card come out in English!
It will ruin the game. Look how good Gengar is!
Really wanted some B/W news. I guess they're forgetting all about the question marks from last week's show? Bah. OTL
Gengar... I'll be sure to use him when I want to cheat
Looks great. One thing though that struck me:

Q: While a Gengar with the “Catastrophe” Poke-Body is my Active Pokemon, an opponent’s Pokemon with an Unown attached to it as a Pokemon Tool is Knocked Out. In this case, can I place Unown in the Lost Zone?
A: No, you can’t. When cards are discarded due to a Knock Out, cards attached as Pokemon Tools can’t be placed in the Lost Zone.

I don't quite get this one. It's still attached to the Pokemon...weird.

dmaster out.
"Poke-Body: Catastrophe
As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, if an opponent’s Pokemon is Knocked Out, that Pokemon is placed in the Lost Zone. (All cards other than Pokemon cards are discarded.)"

At the time of the knockout, Unown is counted as a tool, not a pokemon. If it were counted as a pokemon at that point, two prizes would be taken (for knocking out two pokemon)

....at least that's how I read it.
Oh, I guess I forgot that line. OK, it's clear now lol.

dmaster out.
I've already used this FAQ in a Rulings Question wheeeeeeeeeeeee
ugh next season is going to be full of people trying to find the best way to use Gengar prime, if they were to bring back DRE...*shudders* i don't want to imagine such a format.
I have found *a* way to use Gengar Prime; hopefully I can couple it with Lost World.
_Furret said:
Really wanted some B/W news. I guess they're forgetting all about the question marks from last week's show? Bah. OTL
Gengar... I'll be sure to use him when I want to cheat

What question marks? On pokemon Sunday? Its probably nothing. im not getting my hopes up. PS never reveals anything important.
I think Gengar prime and lost world will be an excellent combo. I think it will take . . . Mr. Mime, a few hand refreshing supporters (for you and your opponent, to get pokemon in his/her hand), a quick setup, paying close attention to the opponent's hand as he/she uses supporters to get pokemon, 4 lost world, and skillz.

I personally like the idea of this deck.
Wiseman. said:
I think Gengar prime and lost world will be an excellent combo. I think it will take . . . Mr. Mime, a few hand refreshing supporters (for you and your opponent, to get pokemon in his/her hand), a quick setup, paying close attention to the opponent's hand as he/she uses supporters to get pokemon, 4 lost world, and skillz.

I personally like the idea of this deck.

If you mean the older Mime, it'll be gone by the time the Lost Link cards come in.

BTW, the HS Unleashed list is available now. T.T No combee/vespiquen, sadly.
That's going to make people think again about playing legendaries once this set comes out.