(1) Lost World and Other Cards Confirmed in 'Call of Legends' [1/23]

Why? it's a stupid idea!

I'm still very disappointed that they're not bringing back BTS in Call of Legends. The one card that's beneficial against VileGar without having to rely on Rare Candy and then Pokemon USA and TPCi pulls a dumb stunt like this on us. >_>

Stanky! said:
Lost Remover is gonna be good to help counter Luxchomp.

Well yeah, get rid of their DCE. It would also be great with the new Tangrowth If you manage to not get Trainer Locked and get Tails on the second attack. It'd be perfect with Garchomp SV If not for the bad retreat cost and relying on a Flygon RR tech for Rainbow Float.

Luxchomp could just run a Spiritomb AR and/or Vileplume UD tech to get around Lost Remover can't they or would it hurt the decks' speed alot?
Yeah it would hurt the speed and the whole purpose of the deck -_-. Luxchomp almost never leaves special energy on the field anyway, they just attatch DCE, snipe and it's gone.
@cardslingerj um, what?! BTS will be around as long as VileGar (read: the rest of this season and that's it). Lost World may or may not be overhyped, but we won't find out until states. I personally think it won't be the tsunami that it is being made out to be, but it will be at the very least tier 2 for this season, and potentially next.
I really hope that this isn't the entire trend of the set. Our last reprint set (power keepers) had both EX cards that had never been printed before anywhere else (as well as many other trainers and pokemon) , and reprints of cards outside of the current legal format--as far as 2 1/2 years in the past!

I'd hate to have over 60% of the set be a reprint of cards that aren't even a year old, and I think it's absurd that cards from Triumphant are being reprinted already. What I'm hoping is that there are both original cards or old cards that were purposely not mentioned by the league leader who got this information.
Guys, do you really have to rave on about Lost World one way or the other in this thread? Really?
So we're getting Lost World. Great. Fine. Peachy. Now go complain in State of the Game forum...my apologies, but I'm really sick of hearing nothing but Lost World talk flying through the air. It's viral...in a bad way.

And so I can actually contribute something to the topic: Ninetales and Lost Remover. Joy.
I can't wait to see the cards from this set. So far every set keeps getting better. The art is usually not the same and is usually new and so are the Attacks on each card.:)
Primes haven't even been confirmed, and I'm sure it's very possible we won't get any at all. The prime cards are normally a big selling point for the advertising blurbs that come with each set. Ever since I noticed we didn't get our usual "new powerful prime cards!" message, I've been worried that we won't get any kind of powerful shiny cards. They might just be banking on the thought that the new (but unplayable) "shiny" pokemon cards will serve as a reasonable replacement.
We're getting Lost World -_-
So, most of the cards look useless, but looks like we do have Umbreon
What are you talking about. This news thread is about the article directly referencing Lost World coming out. Why is talking about it a bad thing, no one's forcing you to read it.

Anyway Lost World is coming out. Joy... I still think this shatters meta, because what can counter a well built Lostgar deck really. A well built one can start tossing things in Lost Zone as early as second turn.

Also, what is with these reprints. Sure people already pointed it out, but why so many recent ones and why are most of them the throwaway uncommons from previous set. I can only hope for some new cards, or aged cards like Dusknoir DP.
As a player that is just getting back into the game. I welcome a HGSS on up meta. In the month I have been back the game is rather stale with Uxie, Garchomp and other 2 year old cards being played in most competitive decks. It is time for a change in format and bringing back creativity to the game. I honestly welcome the changes that are coming if it is HGSS up or even RR on up as some have stated.

As for Lost World honestly I found it easy to get around. I have played against 4 people who proxied it and each ran a different variation. But each was pretty easy to blow through if you play your cards right. By dumping Pokemon to your bench or finding ways to discard them and powering up what you have. In 9 games played I lost once to the deck with a Feraligatr/Wailord raindance deck. It was all because of a lucky spiritomb hand shuffle on that one game that I lost.

So everyone please give it a rest on Lost World it is not the end of the world at all.
Xicious said:
How reliable is this source? I doubt it's credibility.
I doubt your credibility to doubt credibility after doubting the credibility of a credible site. :p
So.....at the moment we have the following cards
1. Cards that will rarely see any competative deck (e.g Mawile)
2. Cards that aren't metagame but could have some potential in the future (Leafeon)
3. New Trainers (Lost Remover)
4. Lost World (BRING IT ON!!!!)
Aw well, if nothing else, this set gives me a chance to get a 4th Skarmory for any future metal deck (and yes I know I can easily buy it online for something like $.50 xD)
Water Pokemon did he saw the theme deck card list behind? That could be important because Lost World could come inside of one!
Also, what is with these reprints. Sure people already pointed it out, but why so many recent ones and why are most of them the throwaway uncommons from previous set. I can only hope for some new cards, or aged cards like Dusknoir DP.
They are NOT reprinting DP series cards. We've had those cards for 2 years, they won't increase their lifespan even longer. They didn't even have the HGSS layout (gold/silver borders etc), which would make them misfit the rest of the set. They aren't coming back, deal with it. They made lots of reprints because there was (approximately) half a mini-set plus some promos to put in a set, and PUSA never makes "mini-sets" like in Japan, so they had to throw in cards to fill the bill. At least we get decent ones, like Eeveelutions, Ninetales GS and Skarmory UD. If they get new artwork, even better.

And with that news post, our meta has officialy died. RIP Meta-Game. RIP
Why so dramatical? People will learn how to deal with it. If you don't like a card, it doesn't mean it shouldn't be released.
They didn't even have the HGSS layout (gold/silver borders etc), which would make them misfit the rest of the set.

Thats got to be the dumbest justification for not reprinting older cards. Ovbiously any card reprinted would be given the new card layout.

This set's reprints are nearly as bad a BaseSet2

/rage quit