(1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/30]

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TDA said:
yea you are right...they might cause problems...i don't know but could it be robot vs robot?

Lolz! that would be the day! Robot Pokemons actually being classified AS pokemons! XD

lol. doubt it. but then again, the anime DID have Fish that were CLEARLY not pokemon swimming in the tanks at cerulean gym.
Wow! These Pokémon resemble, or rather, remind me of the angles from Neo Genesis Evangelion. Anyway, what interested me were their names, which is of darkness and light. It's not just their names that pike me interest, but the DSi function as well. I mean, the DSi has a camera! I'm pretty sure that this Pokémon game will be abe to detect actual light or how dark it is the area the player is in.
How will this influence game play? Well, it will make certain Pokémon like Umbreon or Espeon evolve more convenient. Also, other Pokémon could evolve under these different circumstances. There could be moves that require an amount of darkness or light for some Pokémon.
Berries could be effected by the amount of sunlight you actually roam in, like growing faster.

There are lots of possibilities!
Leo33Wii said:
Wow! These Pokémon resemble, or rather, remind me of the angles from Neo Genesis Evangelion. Anyway, what interested me were their names, which is of darkness and light. It's not just their names that pike me interest, but the DSi function as well. I mean, the DSi has a camera! I'm pretty sure that this Pokémon game will be abe to detect actual light or how dark it is the area the player is in.
How will this influence game play? Well, it will make certain Pokémon like Umbreon or Espeon evolve more convenient. Also, other Pokémon could evolve under these different circumstances. There could be moves that require an amount of darkness or light for some Pokémon.
Berries could be effected by the amount of sunlight you actually roam in, like growing faster.

There are lots of possibilities!

Actually, it was RESHIRAM's wings that got me on the whole idea of this Heaven and Hell business!

And the berries thing is actually a VERY intersting idea, especially if the Berry Pots is still a Key Item.
I think Reshiram and Zekrom are the lords of Life and death. The heaven and heck idea is good but I still think they are the legendaries of life and death. (that's nearly the same thing like heven and heck though)

I think the 5th generation will be more tough then the past. The past generation was a little kind....Now when the characters are older will probably the bad guys be worser then ever and the story about Reshiram and Zekrom will perhaps be a battle between life and death. This battle will maybe threaten all life in the whole pokemon universe and it's up to Ash and co to stop the doomsday![/size]

(Sorry if my grammar isn't perfect)
Tobi_Akatsuki said:
nobody is gonna ban 4 religious references, dante's inferno goes through all 9 circles of heck, and that game is still around...

Dante's Inferno is not rated or going to be in the case of these games "E"

Although, since these characters are older, gamefreak MAY pull a fast one and rate these games "T"... I HIGHLY doubt that will happen though.
Setosama said:
Dante's Inferno is not rated or going to be in the case of these games "E"

Although, since these characters are older, gamefreak MAY pull a fast one and rate these games "T"... I HIGHLY doubt that will happen though.
These games are designed for kids. If you think they'll ever give ANY Pokemon a "T" rating, you're deluded.
No quiero new types. Keep 'em simple! I like that generator idea on the tails...they both look like engines, and maybe those generators turn on depending on the time of day.
Like I pointed out in another thread, if you put both of their tails together, you'd get a rocket:

That would go well with your sky theme, WPM.:D
i think the new games will be more mature and more appealing to older people. the other games appealed all ages, but now i think pokemon wants it to be more badass and might bring some ygo/magic etc (and whatever there is) players too the world of Pokémon.

And to make my point stronger we can just look at the older and new characters. older than before and the legendary pokemons look more cooler then ever.

Before pokémon where more cute and fun, now it might be more dark and light if you get what i mean.

Btw, maybe if you put these two legendaries together you might get another legendary? maybe something like Zapdos, Articuno and Moltres and u get Lugia.
RE: (1) Meanings for Reshiram and Zekrom's Names - Clues for 'Black' and 'White?' [5/

Well... Remember that this franchise is a way to make money, and that it does so mainly by younger audiences. As such, try not to get your hopes up too high for a more mature plot or whatever, because it's likely that won't happen, and you'll end up disappointed. If they do make it more mature, that's wonderful, but don't set yourselves up to get disappointed if they don't ;o

But sky is one of my favorite things. I hope there is indeed a sky theme with these games :>
They look like digimons. o_O

MrMadMan said:
These games are designed for kids. If you think they'll ever give ANY Pokemon a "T" rating, you're deluded.
Gamefreak has no power over the ratings, especially not in the states. I suspect the game will be rated "A" (the japanese equivilant to our "E" rating). Then either Nintendo will censor it similar to HGSS (voltorb flip) and it will be E rated, or Nintendo will leave it uncensored and it will be rated "E+10" or possibly (though still unlikely) "T." "A" rated games becoming rated very differently (usually higher) by other countries' sytems is not unusual, largely because of cultural differences. Examples of this are Okami, Metroid Prime, and many Shin Megami Tensei game, which are occasionally rated "B" but were then rated M here.
i am a supporter for the light and darkness but not heaven and heck because it would cause religious issues. I can already imagine on CNN in the morning "First Pokemon Racist and now it is going against religious beliefs!" I think the games will have 2 teams light and darkness that are trying to make the sky always day or always night and they r obtaining these Pokemon to fight to disrupt the sky and make it day or night
one of my only ideas, is that the region that it takes place in is based off of NYC, not only does it say that the region is far away and you can only get there by boat or plane, but the area reminds me of it, and the characters look slightly more american i guess... just an idea xP
I still think Zekrom is the guardian of death and Reshiram the guardian of life. I agrre with ghozt maza1 that pokemon will be a little tougher. The anime episodes will have more exitement and the story in the games will be a battle between death and life. I wonder if ash is going to be in the 5th generation Tv series too? What do you think?
Nice fan art tobi, Also I like this sky darkness theme. Doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be heaven and hell. Now if we get a light, That'll be something.
NICE theory i always like this type of article is it not part of the fun just speculating. i really think that a light type is going to come, i am happy for this gen
^Lol nice. I would love it if pokemon was rated T or even E-10. This game might have soemthing to rate it T, but even any of the older games I find should be rated E-10 since kids 9 and under often don't know what they're exactly doing... Not saying those kids shouldn't play at all, but like the tcg, they should be recommended for players ages 10 and up.
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