(1) Mega Charizard X Revealed During 'Pokemon Origins' [10/2]

Rune Yagami said:
Haverok said:
Uhm, TayBee... because he enters the battle as the normal Charizard...
...would you expect the poor guy to fall down after he MegaEvolves? :>

Similarly, in a regular battle, you could switch your regular Charizard into a choice-locked Earthquake, still having the immunity, and then mega-evolve. This is assuming mega-evolution is an after-turn effect on the turn Charizard enters the battle. Has it been confirmed when in a turn mega-evolution takes place?
I think the MegaEvolution happens RIGHT before your attack.
Rune Yagami said:
Haverok said:
Uhm, TayBee... because he enters the battle as the normal Charizard...
...would you expect the poor guy to fall down after he MegaEvolves? :>

Similarly, in a regular battle, you could switch your regular Charizard into a choice-locked Earthquake, still having the immunity, and then mega-evolve. This is assuming mega-evolution is an after-turn effect on the turn Charizard enters the battle. Has it been confirmed when in a turn mega-evolution takes place?

It looks like Mega Evolution takes first priority in a turn.
There's been a vid recently, and Ampharos Mega evolves before Slowbro attacks whilst under Trick Room.
Usually, Slowbro would attack before anything else (except Protect or priority).
It also shows Ampharos Mega Evolving, but then it attacks a few turns later.
Rune Yagami said:
Haverok said:
Uhm, TayBee... because he enters the battle as the normal Charizard...
...would you expect the poor guy to fall down after he MegaEvolves? :>

Similarly, in a regular battle, you could switch your regular Charizard into a choice-locked Earthquake, still having the immunity, and then mega-evolve. This is assuming mega-evolution is an after-turn effect on the turn Charizard enters the battle. Has it been confirmed when in a turn mega-evolution takes place?
I thought they have to hold mega stones to mega evolve, so how will he be choice locked?
Sheriff_K said:
Rune Yagami said:
Similarly, in a regular battle, you could switch your regular Charizard into a choice-locked Earthquake, still having the immunity, and then mega-evolve. This is assuming mega-evolution is an after-turn effect on the turn Charizard enters the battle. Has it been confirmed when in a turn mega-evolution takes place?
I think the MegaEvolution happens RIGHT before your attack.

So you could switch in on ground moves and dodge them, then on the next turn you mega-evolve. This could be useful.

Bashamo said:
Rune Yagami said:
Similarly, in a regular battle, you could switch your regular Charizard into a choice-locked Earthquake, still having the immunity, and then mega-evolve. This is assuming mega-evolution is an after-turn effect on the turn Charizard enters the battle. Has it been confirmed when in a turn mega-evolution takes place?
I thought they have to hold mega stones to mega evolve, so how will he be choice locked?

The opponent is choice-locked, not Charizard.
Well duh! I forgot that it starts off as a regular charizard, not just go into battle as Mega Char X.
Rune Yagami said:
Sheriff_K said:
I think the MegaEvolution happens RIGHT before your attack.

So you could switch in on ground moves and dodge them, then on the next turn you mega-evolve. This could be useful.

Bashamo said:
I thought they have to hold mega stones to mega evolve, so how will he be choice locked?

The opponent is choice-locked, not Charizard.

Awww, I read that wrong.
So sometimes it would be safer to know, when you should wait with MegaEvolution.
Cause, you know... MegaGarchmop vs Xarizard... my not look very good for Xarlie, especially with the Sand Force.
Haverok said:
So sometimes it would be safer to know, when you should wait with MegaEvolution.
Cause, you know... MegaGarchmop vs Xarizard... my not look very good for Xarlie, especially with the Sand Force.

Since the trainer has to trigger the mega evolution with his/her bracelet, it would make sense for the player to control if/when the Pokemon mega evolves. This could be useful, but also extremely unpredictable. You could bluff that you don't have the mega stone, or something to that effect, and then slap a mega-evolution out there out of nowhere.
The real question, is if a Pokemon retains their MegaEvolution when they are switched in/out, and how that interacts with the "one Mega Evolution per Player" rule..
That's why I think the whole mechanic is VERY interesting, and the main reason for including Megalutions was Eviolite.
This is the perfect Anti-Eviolite way to give new stages to our favourite Pokemon. Also with Charizard (and possibly few other Pokemon too) you gain additional twist, because the opponent is not sure, which Mega do you posses. I can see many uses for both. Can't wait for the second Venusaur, though.

Edit: That's a VERY good question. Would you even be able to switch a Mega, or is it to epic to be contained? :D
Rune Yagami said:
Just a thought about Mega Charizard X: This thing has Tough Claws as its ability.

@ Choice Band
1. Outrage
2. Flare Blitz
3. Metal Claw (Smacking those Fairies)
4. Earthquake (Otherwise walled by Heatran)

I don't think Tough Claws will boost EQ but still, this thing will be a monster

EDIT: Wow, choice band....I lost my mind for a second. Ignore that.

Take out Metal Claw and give it Belly Drum! That will be "All She Wrote!"
Re: RE: (1) Mega Charizard X Revealed During 'Pokemon Origins' [10/2]

jstar21 said:
Rune Yagami said:
Just a thought about Mega Charizard X: This thing has Tough Claws as its ability.

@ Choice Band
1. Outrage
2. Flare Blitz
3. Metal Claw (Smacking those Fairies)
4. Earthquake (Otherwise walled by Heatran)

I don't think Tough Claws will boost EQ but still, this thing will be a monster

EDIT: Wow, choice band....I lost my mind for a second. Ignore that.

Take out Metal Claw and give it Belly Drum! That will be "All She Wrote!"

Imagine doing Belly Drum + The Mega Evolution in one turn... Wow. Can't wait for this! Shame Charizard's base stats are better suited to Sp. Attack.
Belly Drum is too risky, and Metal Claw is making a good use of his abillity.
The thing would still have ridicolously high Attack.
And as I mentioned before - Mega Garchomp. I doubt Xarizard would be faster and now he is no longer protected from Earthquake.
mastermagpie said:
jstar21 said:
Take out Metal Claw and give it Belly Drum! That will be "All She Wrote!"

Imagine doing Belly Drum + The Mega Evolution in one turn... Wow. Can't wait for this! Shame Charizard's base stats are better suited to Sp. Attack.

I forgot where I saw it but MegaCharizard X will have higher Attack instead of Sp. Attack.
Haven't read through all of the posts yet, but I feel there is a very strong need for me to say this. CALM DOWN, people. Charizard Y gets Drought, as well as improved stats to the old dragon, finally giving him new life. His special attack stat is higher, which is what gets boosted there. X just becomes a more vulnerable, physical beast throwing flare blitzs around. The mighty physical dragon niche is already filled by the likes of Garchomp, Salamence, and Haxorus, and we all know who our powerful physical fire men are. I'm sticking with Y, as Charizard under automatic sun is nirvana. This monster is cool too, but it isn't as though Y got gyped. Far from it.
KiryatheDragonite said:
Haven't read through all of the posts yet, but I feel there is a very strong need for me to say this. CALM DOWN, people. Charizard Y gets Drought, as well as improved stats to the old dragon, finally giving him new life. His special attack stat is higher, which is what gets boosted there. X just becomes a more vulnerable, physical beast throwing flare blitzs around. The mighty physical dragon niche is already filled by the likes of Garchomp, Salamence, and Haxorus, and we all know who our powerful physical fire men are. I'm sticking with Y, as Charizard under automatic sun is nirvana. This monster is cool too, but it isn't as though Y got gyped. Far from it.


Earthquake is taught to almost every physical sweeper, so Charizard X will now be on the chopping block. Yes, in Sky battles this may be different, but the mass majority of gameplay won't be in the skies.

(I pre-ordered Y, so I have this little bitterness towards this awesome new Mega)
I'm sure both can do miracles in the right hands and in the right battle format. :)
I just realised... if MegaVenusaur we know currently is all for defence, does that mean that the second one would be a Special Sweeper? :O

Edit: Guys, we haven't seen everything yet. I'm pretty sure Y has some more things to amaze us.
Just wait patiently. Charizard is just one Pokemon.
(Terribly overrated, though :p)
Haverok said:
That's why I think the whole mechanic is VERY interesting, and the main reason for including Megalutions was Eviolite.
This is the perfect Anti-Eviolite way to give new stages to our favourite Pokemon. Also with Charizard (and possibly few other Pokemon too) you gain additional twist, because the opponent is not sure, which Mega do you posses. I can see many uses for both. Can't wait for the second Venusaur, though.

Edit: That's a VERY good question. Would you even be able to switch a Mega, or is it to epic to be contained? :D

A fansite that shouldn not be named posted this a few days ago:

During the final episode of Pokémon Smash, it was finally fully showcased how Mega Evolutions work in battle, answering a question that has been in place in some parts of the fandom since the revelation. It proved that you can have a Mega Evolution in combat if your opponent also has one, with this footage being the first showcase of two Mega Evolutions being seen in battle, as seen in this battle where Mega Ampharos was used against Mega Blaziken confirming that it is one per trainer in battle, not one overall per battle.

If someone wants to confuse their opponents, they should have more Pokemon in their team capable of mega evolution, especially ones that have multiple formes. This way the opponent will wonder which Pokemon will megaevolve and into which form if it has multiple.
Haverok said:
They already said some moves won't be useable in Sky Battles, Rune.
Earthquake and Stealth Rock are on the first place, imho... cause that would be silly...

Pertaining to your comment about Stealth Rock, this move sets out levitating rocks, therefore I believe this move will still be of use in sky battles. Why else would it still hit Levitators and flying types. Just a thought though.
Bellyzard X. Oh god.

Altough I like the design, making it both black and Dragon type is screaming fanservice.