(1) Merry Christmas! [12/24]

DarkJawa said:
Merry Christmas to everyone!

WPM-that sucks to have something like that happen ANY time of year. Hopefully the Christmas spirit will cause the person that found your laptop to turn it in. Good luck.

Yeah, just one Slight problem. Nobody right now would return because of being in the "holiday spirit". Now if somebody finds something expensive like that, you will probably NEVER see it again. Now if however it was someone who actually cared for others, he would return it. But at this time of year where something like that would be an AMAZING gift? I don't see it being returned. =/

Anyways, Merry Christmas, don't shoot your eye out. :D (A cookie if you know what that's from.) *picks up cookie jar*

Edit: Added to the Merry Christmas part.
WPM that sucks you lost your laptop, hopefully you find it!

Merry Christmas Everyone!
To everyone of PokeBeach, a 2 min. sketch of Santa (on my new tablet =3):


Lol XD

Merry Christmas Everyone ^^
lol nice pic TSL xD

Merry christmas once again Pokebeach. Shouldn't the title be [12/25]? It was posted at 1:12 AM.

For christmas I got PMD: Explorers of Sky :D

EDIT: and an R5 Tri Bot
It's not even worth it to steal something like that. It's the exact opposite of the message Christmas is supposed to bring. >:[

Regardless, I'll say it again. Merry Christmas PokeBeach members!

dmaster out.
Merry Christmas Pokebeach. Sorry that someone stole that from you WPM. It's good that you didn't lose to much information! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. :D
Merry Christmas to all! I had a nice Christmas and satisfying presents. But that's not what the spirit's really about... (not)
Merry Christmas everyone. Jon, sorry to hear about your computer.
It should be Clefairy Christmas. DDDD:

Sorry about your laptop. I hope you find it.
WPM, it's something easy to solve: Go back to the store, and stare every emlpoyee at a time, saying, "I KNOW THAT WAS YOU!!!" The one who run away, is your guy! :D
Nah, just kidding.... Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year in advance!
Losing your laptop isn't a clever thing to do, you know..
But seriously, how can a laptop disappear in such short notice? There must be something on the security tapes that can help you out. And if there's nothing there, their security camera's aren't installed correctly. Let's hope for the best.
It would be a shame if you couldn't update PokéBeach. You're usually one of the first, if not the first website that has the news. All you can do is wait, and visit the internet as often as possible so you won't suffer from withdrawal symptoms;)

And of course, Merry Christmas to all of you.
Eww I hate using old computers, makes me thank god that we have the fast processors we have now.
Hope your laptop is O.K.