(1) Mewtwo EX from 'Psycho Drive' Revealed! [8/9]

Tricky, tricky Pokemon you had me going there thinking EXs would be different from exs.

Anyway liking Mewtwo EX been waiting for it (especially since I was denied a Legend featuring Mewtwo or any other Kanto Pokemon for that matter.) Good specs, a DCE attack that does 40+20 for any additional energy attached to Mewtwo and the defending (that is if I'm understanding this right)=Zekrom's death, and three energy 120. I know 170 is a lot of HP (third highest in game to Wailord/Wailord ex and Rhyperior) but considering the creep there was no other way to see EXs survive IMO. Plus there are plenty of Psychic Pokemon to counter it. I can't wait to see the other new EXs, and I'll continue to hold out hope Ryo Ueda does some of the art.
its actual 20 x the number of energy cards. I dont think it will be the death of Zekrom. You got to remember that Yanmega is still a good card. BUt regardless he is still a very good card. And the artwork is amazing
Yanmega might not be a threat if we have a B/W-On format next year:D.In truth,Mewtwo EX is almost like the TCG version of the video game's Deoxys-A.Only one word describes it:eek:verpowered.
Zoroak is a good counter for mewtwo ex or any other ex probally like you can use pokemon catcher bring up mewtwo then use its second attack and if you have a deffender attached to zoroak it cant be one shouted by mewtwo because zoroak hase resistence to psychich.
Tiftonhotchild said:
its actual 20 x the number of energy cards. I don't think it will be the death of Zekrom. You got to remember that Yanmega is still a good card. BUt regardless he is still a very good card. And the artwork is amazing

Not true actually, Mewtwo does 20 times the number of Energy not energy cards so DCE will still do base 40. As for killing Zekrom I was referring to Zekrom being unable to beat Mewtwo in a one on one as Bolt Strike will KO itself and Mewtwo can do good enough damage to get in range of that, unlike Reshi and several other cards.

Also how is Zoroark a good counter? Zoroark will likely do in 100 range damage to Mewtwo when Mewtwo can OHKO it right back (even with resistance) Plus who plays Defender that often anyway?
Hmm... While the other cards in this and other BW sets may balance the high HP, what about the HGSS Pokemon with noticebly lower HP, or is HGSS strictly for techs now... Whatever, you just all wait and in a few years, 170 will be average for a hard hitting Pokemon. This seems like a slap in the face to all the unlimited format users, especially younger kids who just battle for fun.
I don't mind the larger numbers really. I think its time mewtwo got some recognition. I want to see more first Gen EXs. Dragonite anyone? Aerodactyl? This time with art that's actually good Haha
The artwork itself is pretty impressive! Massive HP, aswell - looking forward to seeing the other EX's in the set.
Mew the source of all said:
Not true actually, Mewtwo does 20 times the number of Energy not energy cards so DCE will still do base 40. As for killing Zekrom I was referring to Zekrom being unable to beat Mewtwo in a one on one as Bolt Strike will KO itself and Mewtwo can do good enough damage to get in range of that, unlike Reshi and several other cards.

Also how is Zoroark a good counter? Zoroark will likely do in 100 range damage to Mewtwo when Mewtwo can OHKO it right back (even with resistance) Plus who plays Defender that often anyway?

yeah typo... but as far as it goes when zekrom goes one on one with mewtwo it will be a good. Both can not shot with the help of other cards but mewtwo can with pluspower. But Zekrom is faster than Mewtwo.
Stecune said:
The artwork itself is pretty impressive! Massive HP, aswell - looking forward to seeing the other EX's in the set.

No kidding. Put evolite on it and you've got more HP than some wailords...
I still think Mewtwo counters itself pretty well. If a Mewtwo deck gets big, we can all run 1 or 2 Mewtwos with some DCE and pluspowers to get a few prizes off of a it. And after we get 2-4 prizes off of the M2 deck that way, we can catcher Jirachi and Shaymin for the last prizes, or anything else the Mewtwo deck runs as support.
I feel like mewtwo would have an easier time with zekrom. Zekrom is faster but highly situational IMO. 1 dce on mewtwo is easier to set up for the possible knockout after bolt strike recoil than zekroms bolt strike then even still you need 5 plus powers to ohko. That's saying evolite isn't in the picture.