(1) More 'HS - Unleashed' Scans [5/1]

LoL, I don't understand what the problem is here. I've been nothing but reasonable approaching this situation. I saw no reason to zealously believe bangiras is right without a doubt, is that so wrong of me? Can't a person be a little skeptic? Or is that such an atrocity to you?
Sabett, do you want to get yourself banned? Just shut up & respect Bangiras. She's such an amazing translater who always give up her valuable time to bring us translations within an hour or two of scans reveals :)
Sabett, it’s the way you’re doing this. You continue to drag things out. I just realized that you’ve been going at this on both Pokegym and Pokebeach. Dude, go take a break and play some Pokemon or something. It sounds like you got your answer on the Pokegym. You’re starting to sound like one of those people that questions wither or not the moon landing happened. If you really respect Bangiras, like you say you do, you would stop posting and just let PUI go through the slow process of checking things over. You've stated your opinion.
Bulbachar said:
Sabett, it’s the way you’re doing this. You continue to drag things out. I just realized that you’ve been going at this on both Pokegym and Pokebeach. Dude, go take a break and play some Pokemon or something. It sounds like you got your answer on the Pokegym. You’re starting to sound like one of those people that questions wither or not the moon landing happened. If you really respect Bangiras, like you say you do, you would stop posting and just let PUI go through the slow process of checking things over. You've stated your opinion.
This wasn't about an opinion, this was about getting the facts straight. WPM was being so confident, when in fact he had no confirmation other than the source in question, and shouldn't have been so confident, but he trusted Bangiras, despite the sunflora mishap. That can be fine for him, but I need more confirmation from a source that hasn't made a mistake so recently, no matter if it is the most reliable source on the subject, which Bangiras arguably is. I posted in more than one place in order to get information where I could. I was actually expecting to get more confirmation from here than on pokegym, because of the confidence WPM posted with.

And I'm sorry if I seem like some sort of conspirator, but this is very simple and logical reasoning. Source A says X, Source B says Y. What is true? Source A has been wrong before, as well as Source B. What is likely now? That Source A is wrong, or that Source B is wrong? Is there any information shown that says one way or the other? No, none at all. Now add a third source, Source C. They say X. What is most likely now? That two separate sources got it wrong, or that Source B got it wrong? It is more likely that Source B got it wrong, since two different sources, who more than likely have no bias for or against each other, both said the same thing.

I'm sorry if people were offended by this, but Bangiras isn't going to be gospel to everybody, she is not above simple rational.
I do agree with Sabett, really. I do trust Bangiras, of course, but she's not always right - nor is TPCi, obviously.
Now that we know there's a mistranslation, I'd be grateful if Bangiras double-checked her translation. (Anybody could make mistakes at 3 AM in the morning, right?)
...If she hasn't already done so, that is. x3
FireMeowth said:
I do agree with Sabett, really. I do trust Bangiras, of course, but she's not always right - nor is TPCi, obviously.
Now that we know there's a mistranslation, I'd be grateful if Bangiras double-checked her translation. (Anybody could make mistakes at 3 AM in the morning, right?)
...If she hasn't already done so, that is. x3
Name one time she has not been right with a card translation. Sure there's an error here or there sometimes when we're up at 3 AM in the morning downloading the scans and rushing through them, but they're always corrected within at least a day. As for Sunflora, that was a typo, not a mistranslation. She knew what the card did and her translation skills were not in question - it was just presented wrong and missed when proofreading the cards. I've never, ever seen Bangiras get a card translation wrong and I would know better than anyone since I get all the complaints about everything. Not once. Ever. I have 100% faith in her card translations.

And do you really think I would be stupid enough to say the Onix card is wrong without first checking with Bangiras? Well I didn't even have to, because she knew the second I posted it and double-checked her translation. It's not even a complicated translation... I could do it with Babelfish. Have more faith in the people who have been running this website for almost seven years now to know we have more than enough common sense to handle things like this. I mean it's fine to question things sometimes, but causing drama over a single basic card? Do you really think we lack common sense to not double-check the translation before posting about it? I'm a little offended.

Bangiras is da best in da business, that's all there is to it. There has never been a TCG translator in the Pokemon community like her and I've been here since the Base Set / Jungle days. It's too bad TPCi doesn't hire her... she can translate whole sets in a few hours, under pressure, and while half-asleep... she's like ten people in one!
In all seriousness I think Bangiras is right. Since I can also read a bit of japanese as well I took a look to both prints and the Japan Onix clearly state that the effect only applies to 'this' pokemon. Not 'that' as the english version is.

Perhaps it was a honest mistake.
yay lurker
Yep, she is the best in the business. For doing all the translations she does every year, I can’t believe anyone would question her. It’s like questioning your English professor about them misspelling a word in English. That’s just not gonna happen.
Why blame Bangiras? It would not be the first time there was a error in an English set.
Why do people bring up the fact that Sunflora was a typo, after I was banned? Did I not mention it several times, as it it were a mistranslation on Bangira's part?
@ Darkrai's Nightmare: Why would you think I would be banned? What rule was I breaking?

@ Bulbachar: That's a bad comparison, because that does actually happen, it's called human error, and could've been the case here, at this point in time it was obvious, and it was clear a week ago, but such necessary information to see it as such, was only shown after I was banned.
@Darkrai's Nightmare Sabbet has a point, he wasn't blatentely breaking a rule. Although I think he may have brought the subject up to much.
Sabett, I’m not talking about human error with my comment, but a professor blatantly not knowing how to spell. My relation is relevant as you’re trying to say that you don’t trust her translations when she knows English and Japanese fluently.

I understand someone who is skeptical, but you took it to a whole other level. You made your distrust very clear, although I see no grounds for it considering Bangiras’ degree in the area and all the years she’s been translating. Even with human error taken into consideration, stuff gets double checked, and from what was said, stuff was double checked. To me, that sounds like you just don’t trust that Bangiras has a grasp of the Japanese language, which just sounds totally crazy to me. It’s no different from me making a thread and saying that you don’t know English, when there is a ton of proof that you really do.

I wished that you just would’ve taken into account all that Bangiras has done for this community and the hundreds of hours she’s spent translating over the years so everyone can see these cards and information ASAP. Yes, you’re skeptical, but don’t drag it out on multiple treats on different forums. That just shows a great deal of disrespect for Bangiras when she deserves everyone’s gratitude for everything she’s done for this community.
Great release! Thanks for the scans. I like that fact it has less cards than HGSS. Does anyone know the ratios for the Booster Box?