RE: (1) Movie 14 Goodies This Weekend + PokéBeach Contest Details [12/2]
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay I get a Goodie Bag .Also it had the option of putting the number of tickers you bought which means you get 1 Gft Bag for each ticket.Just hope no one abuses this and fakes the number of tickers they bought.This has been an amazing Victini week for me.1 day before the movie pulled a FA Fliptini,Fliptini,and RH V-Blast Victini out of 2 NV packs.Then I ot her in my game to go with my Liberty Victini.Now I get to get the gift bag I did not get.Victini I love you!
RE: (1) Movie 14 Goodies This Weekend + PokéBeach Contest Details [12/2]
I saw the movie at Park Place 16 in Morrisville, NC with my younger sister.
We both loved the movie, it's one of the best Pokemon movies we had seen. The only thing stopping me from saying it was the best movie of all was the distinct lack of Charizard