(1) New Pokemon on 'Pokemon Sunday' Next Week [5/1]

squilevee said:
probably a evee,every region so far besides pokemon ranger or gamecube games has resulted in a new evee
Hoenn didn't give us one.
marcsamazingtreasures said:
I bet it's going to be a baby pokemon, but the question is of what.

Baby Scyther or Baby Tangela would be cool. Celebi is more likely.

dmaster out.
They wouldn't show the starters this early on, would they? Of course, they'll have to reveal those no later than E3, though, won't they?
a celebi forme would suck... why give a new forme to an old pokémon? They need to stop this formes thing.... I wanna see a new pokémon/new evolution of an old pokémon.
It's a form of Missingno. The question mark IS the Pokemon.
No seriously. I think it'll be Johto related, possibly an evolution or preevolution to something. I think it'll appear in the movie as well.
If we're being realistic i'll expect it to either be a pikachu fill-in, or a pokemon like starly or bidoof. hoping for something cooler though- pinsir/dunsparce evo?
Well...it could really be a simply normal Pokemon like Bidoof, Starly, Cherubi oder Buneary - as Unown Master said
Awesome news - can't wait to see what it turns out to be. Just one more thing to add to the to-draw list! xD
Can somebody please explain the logic behind a new Celebi forme? I thought this was a new Pokemon for Black/White. (And a new forme isn't really a new Pokemon...and why would they be making formes of existing Pokemon when a new generation is coming out in 5-6 months?)

I won't guess what it is until we know how many Pokemon will be revealed: (Which we won't know until the silhouettes are shown)

One: Random new Pokemon (good chance it'll appear randomly in the movie)
Two: Box legendaries
Three: Starters
Maybe It Is A Form For The Shiny Legendary beasts Or Something Along That Line. Or Maybe Shaymin Used To Much Form LOL
I hope its not a new form, cant say I like that current trend very much.

I suspect it will probably be a random Pokemon from the new movie like Chatot.
I have a feeling it might be a new form of Celebi who knows....
I just really hope that they actually show the artwork of the Pokemon.
Hopefully it would be a chinchilla Pokemon or a Mew evolve form like Mew3...that would be cool:p
Probably some random pokemon that is going to appear in the movie or Ash and gang will met at the remain episode in Diamond and Pearl.
My dreams're finally comes true!!!!

I hope it'll show the starters.

Or the Legendary Pokemons 4 covers of Black & White.

Or maybe they'll shown a new Pikachu's coolest evolution 4 the 13th movie & Black & White. That'll be totally awesome that Pikachu'll evolve the 5th gen pokemon in the 13th movie!!!

I always want 2 see that coming!!!