(1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]

howelllawson said:

What is this? Please explain.

it's the new kind of tournament in the new pokemon movie,,,like the pokethlon maybe,,, but for BW gen,,,dont know yet,,,just an opinion~
RE: (1) New Pokemon Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [6/28]]

flyingmunky said:
that water bear thing looks like a gligar pre-evo to me but idk could be a whole different pokemon

Majora_787 said:
I didn't like 2nd or 4th generation stuff, but in my opinion GSC had the absolute worst stuff ever, as a whole. There were worse things, like Lickilicky, but 2nd gen as a whole was a giant disappointment for me. While the 4th gen, I just didn't like how many pokemon were just evolutions.
i agree i actually think the 2nd gen pokemon weren't that good. even though the games are cool most gen 2 pokemon are not that good IMO, but be careful because most people think the second gen is like the king of all gens

i personally thought that GSC was by far the most tedious of all the games (not to mention easy beyond words...) there was almost no need to train for anything, and when you did, the level 10-16 (at most) wild pokemon just weren't enough! and whats worse is that you found more jhoto pokemon in kanto than you did in jhoto!
Well, being a biologist, I'm taking the Jelly Bear thing. Be it a water bear, an amoeba, a cell, or whatever, it's obviously bio related and I love it so much. Also, the only ones I really dislike is the possible Nosepass evo and tower girl.

The bear also could be based on chlorophyll which would also set its ability or one of its abilities. I'll say grass/ghost for now.

Desu means "To be" I believe
DEsukaN - Den, has relation to an Egyptian pharoe
The symbol on its back relates to a compound associated with various foreign medicines.
^Desu is also Engrish/Katakana for Death. (Th becomes su or zu to Japanese)

@Exeledus: I completely agree about the Johto pokemon in Kanto being frustrating. It doesn't make sense for a pokemon 'discovered' in a region not to be there, but in a region you already explored thoroughly in the last gen. XD
All My Teams.!










My god. How many pokemon have been revealed now? Like, 30? And don't we only know about half of them? xD

I wish we could get some names and info on all of these guys who keep popping up. They're virtually all names, faces/backsprites, or both.
sure are a lot of people here who seem to think 100% of the pokemon so far are part of previous generations' evolutionary lines, aren't there XD

also very sad some people are saying they won't buy the game/stating this generation sucks due to not liking some of the pokemon so far, which are a very small percentage of the entire new 'dex. i suppose the new battles, attacks, storyline, characters, gym leaders, towns, rivalries, wifi features, music, animations and what not are ALL not worth it unless you like all the new pokemon so far!

honestly though... since when does one have to love every pokemon in a generation for the game to be worth it? heck, i flat out hate some pokemon from each gen. don't we all?
sunyshore said:
sure are a lot of people here who seem to think 100% of the pokemon so far are part of previous generations' evolutionary lines, aren't there XD

also very sad some people are saying they won't buy the game/stating this generation sucks due to not liking some of the pokemon so far, which are a very small percentage of the entire new 'dex. i suppose the new battles, attacks, storyline, characters, gym leaders, towns, rivalries, wifi features, music, animations and what not are ALL not worth it unless you like all the new pokemon so far!

honestly though... since when does one have to love every pokemon in a generation for the game to be worth it? heck, i flat out hate some pokemon from each gen. don't we all?

Every gen except 3rd generation, yeah. I didn't hate anything in that generation, but there were many things I thought could be better.

You can't make everyone happy, there'll always be people who _____ and moan about everything, and will say it was done wrong, even if it makes a lot of people happy.
sunyshore said:
sure are a lot of people here who seem to think 100% of the pokemon so far are part of previous generations' evolutionary lines, aren't there XD

also very sad some people are saying they won't buy the game/stating this generation sucks due to not liking some of the pokemon so far, which are a very small percentage of the entire new 'dex. i suppose the new battles, attacks, storyline, characters, gym leaders, towns, rivalries, wifi features, music, animations and what not are ALL not worth it unless you like all the new pokemon so far!

honestly though... since when does one have to love every pokemon in a generation for the game to be worth it? heck, i flat out hate some pokemon from each gen. don't we all?

People say they wont buy the game because they dont like the pokemon but they will. Lets face it, who would actually miss out on black and white because of what... 20 pokemon out of a possible 150 that they dont like ><

From 420chan, credit to Arena Tycoon Ian[/align]
SinnohTrainer17 said:
I'm not too crazy about the triple battle feature, but I can't exactly judge it yet until I get to actually try it out.

Maybe in 10 years they will have sextet battles.
Rockoto said:
>Image Here<
From 420chan, credit to Arena Tycoon Ian

I find it utterly hilarious that people need to draw Gothgirl much more appealing than it actually is because it's pretty fugly to start with.

Keep trying though, fanartists! It won't change the in-game sprite.
cocowoushi said:
I find it utterly hilarious that people need to draw Gothgirl much more appealing than it actually is because it's pretty fugly to start with.

Keep trying though, fanartists! It won't change the in-game sprite.

Gotta agree though, you can't change Gothgirl basically. Hey it can't look that pretty in game right?
I don't know what are you talking about guys !! even if it is the WORST movie EVER, nothing in the world worth going to the cinema and watching you far most favorite anime movie , all people around the world wanna do this but they can't do because of cartoon network.!! I hate it, I wish that I can one day go to the cinema and watch pokemon movie there..any way all pokemon movies are the same so I don't think it will be that bad and about the games no one would risk missing the two new great versions ,I love all the 493 with no exaction and I call my self pokemon's first fan ,but some of the new pokemon !!?? I don't know but I feel they have no Idea and looks childish a bit but when I understand them I will love them all and I can't wait to see the movie and play the game ..