(1) New Pokemon Revealed: Zorua, Zoroark [2/10]

First!Yes!There both really cool.I can't wait to see there movie debut!
This is great! I wasn't expecting this to leak until Monday! Some of the fan art images weren't too off on how he looks.
What I don't understand, though, is that he is on all fours in the picture you posted, but he was standing on two legs in the silhouette.
Hm..I wonder if this guy is going to be good in competitive battling?Hm?Well,i'd say once this P-Sunday is realeased we might get anouther look at other 5th gen.Just wait 11 more days.
Yay, it's not going to be a legendary.
Anyway, they just look awesome. Enough said. The fact that they're awesome is all you need to know.
the march edition?! howd that leak so fast???? i cant wait for the movie!!!!! lets just wait for some more info....:D
THANK GOD it's not some weird evolution of Lucario.
It looks like 5th gen. might not fail after all. Can't wait to see more pokes.
The editions are labeled a month ahead. So the "March" edition is really just the edition that comes out in February.
Eh. Xous' was better. I think zorua will be the rattatata/sentret/poocheyna/bidoof of the 5th gen.


Am I the only one who finds it difficult to pronounce Zoroark?
BdUbBs_44 said:
the march edition?! howd that leak so fast???? i cant wait for the movie!!!!! lets just wait for some more info....:D
Never pay attention to the "month" of the issue. Issues for each month tend to release at least two weeks before the month even begins. In such cases as Nintendo Power's "December Issue" arriving in late October/ early November.

Juliacoolo said:
Eh. Xous' was better. I think zorua will be the rattatata/sentret/poocheyna/bidoof of the 5th gen.
I despised rattatata when I was young, although Zubat has been more consistently in the way.
At least the new pokemon seems to have a more creative design compared to any of those that you mentioned.
Zoroark looks quite interesting; I didn't expect a pre-evolution, but Zorua is adorable and interesting anyway. The only thing I dislike of Zoroark is the ponytail; but other then that, they're both quite awesome.

I wonder what Zoroark's ability will be, probably something to do with illusions. Hm.
Alright I guess, it just looks like your typical anthromon. The design is pretty cool, but there doesn't seem to be anything especially original about it. I'm hoping for a good dex entry or some sort of concept to redeem that.

It's not too difficult to guess at this point that Zoroark is essentially the Lucario of the 5th generation. Given the build, I also expect it to have a stat distribution similar to Lucario's (although perhaps with some Special Attack exchanged for Speed). The ability could be anything, but I'm hoping for something new and interesting in order to set Zoroark apart from all the other "frail sweeper" Dark types out there.

If you pronounce the name as "Zoro-Ark", then it's not too difficult to say. "Zo-Roark" sounds pretty awkward though.

And hey hey hey at KG's post, this is gen 5- anything can happen, including ubers with evolution lines. It will probably learn Spore too!
How was Xous' better? They are practically the same... even the color.

I like how it has a pre-evolution. That rules it out as being a superpowered ubermon. lol
I agree with Juliacoolo 100%. Both that Xous' was better and that Zoroark is hard to pronounce (Is it like Zo-Roark? Or Zoro-Ark?) I don't love the name, but it'll probably get changed when it moves over to America anyways. Also, Zorua is really cute.
Juliacoolo said:
Eh. Xous' was better. I think zorua will be the rattatata/sentret/poocheyna/bidoof of the 5th gen.

If Zorua is the Bidoof pokemon of the 5th gen then that will make me seriously dislike it. I think they should at least make it rare!
It's pronounced just as it's spelled: Zo-ro-ark (from Zo-ro-aaku).

And yes, Xous' was better! :D