(1) New Pokemon Revealed: Zorua, Zoroark [2/10]

They look fine to me, I'm not dissapointed. I bet this guy will be a beast in competitive battling, similar to Lucario.
I doubt it.I mean,it dosen't look bulky,it probubly won't have a very good movepool, also it will fail to alot of things unless it has the Punches or something else useful.
Is the Zorua for sure a baby Pokemon or is it just being generalized as a pre-evo? They seem like dark counter parts of Vulpix/Ninetails.
Aaron said:
Is the Zorua for sure a baby Pokemon or is it just being generalized as a pre-evo? They seem like dark counter parts of Vulpix/Ninetails.

The magazine directly states that Zorua evolves into Zoroark
Yea, I also think it'll be Rattata-Sentret-Zigzagoon-Bidoof Pokémon. Btw. In my signature you can see new logo for 13th movie!^.^
Has anyone noticed that the Ken Official Art pictures gave the two Pokémon Green Eyes, while the Animé art has them with Blue eyes, and Zoroark has a Blue Scrunchy instead of a green one in the Animé. Plus Zoroark is Grey in the Official art, while he's Green-Grey in the Animé. Plus Zorua has a Black tail in the Official art, but is Grey in the Animé Artwork.

Personally, I think that Zorua is an evil Shinx, and Zoroark is an evil Ninetales.
Due to my love for wolves, I can say that this will probably permanently be my favorite Pokemon for this generation. The Coro Coro scans of it were pretty awesome, in my opinion. Gives me hope for this gen, but I still hope that wasn't the best one that they came up with. ^^;
Blob55 said:
Has anyone noticed that the Ken Official Art pictures gave the two Pokémon Green Eyes, while the Animé art has them with Blue eyes, and Zoroark has a Blue Scrunchy instead of a green one.

No, no one noticed. Not even the story on the front page. :p
well there not to far off from my sexy Sasquatch Z idea (i do not find them appealing at all). and evil fox pokemon say's it all, meaning that it can change it's colour at anytime (just basing this off of japanese folklore) and also meaning that they can even change there shape for there opponent to see (they would have the same shape during the illusion). but it's an interesting idea for a pokemon. cya

P.S. I prolly just ruined the movie ther, lol whatev, it's not like its that hard to find out.
imacharizard333 said:
THANK GOD it's not some weird evolution of Lucario.
It looks like 5th gen. might not fail after all. Can't wait to see more pokes.

Took the words RIGHT out of my mouth. :p

Terribly relieved to learn this wasn't an evolution of any existing Pokemon... Good, very good. But perhaps it's just me, but why are all these new opening Pokémon that will likely turn mascot, all seem to have that Mewtwo-esque vibe about them? The stance for the most part, but especially the eyes. Lucario had them, this one has them, and Mewtwo had them down first, as well as the humanoid anatomy (too bad he looks too fruity nowadays to even look threatening, but I digress).

Still. Looks like this one'll be an interesting Pokemon. Wish we could learn if they come in different genders, and/or if there's more than one.
Definitely want to see the shiny form.
I pretty sure that Zoroark can make illutions, and the shadow ash in the trailer is Zoroark
Heh.. Zorua is cute. :3
Not sure how I feel about Zoroark though..

Like others have said, Xous's fanart, along with many others, actually looks better than it. xp

But I'm sure I'll come to love it eventually. =p
Oh, BTW, I love how I was right for the placing of the other Arm and Ponytail :D. But I was wrong about everything else. :(
