(1) New Pokemon Revealed: Zorua, Zoroark [2/10]

Hmm, I actually like both news Pokes, but I will agree that Xous' was a little better. Still, I think people will end up warming up to it. My guess is that everyone was just so hyped up over Xous' that people were disappointed that it didn't look as good.

However, I don't like that anime artwork much, I'll agree with everyone on that.

Here's to hoping that we get even better 5th generation Pokes revealed in the new future. :]
First, I'm glad it's not a Lucario evolution.
Secondly, I hope this Pokemon turns out to be good competitively 'cause it looks awesome!
SourMilk said:
First, I'm glad it's not a Lucario evolution.
Secondly, I hope this Pokemon turns out to be good competitively 'cause it looks awesome!
Yeah but it doesn't look like it has a big movepool.
Xous' artwork looked very similar to Zoroark. This looks like a very cool Pokemon though. And I am going to have to disagree with the "Zorua being the Rattata-Sentret-Zigzagoon-Bidoof of this generation." Unless Gamefreak is going for a complete change, I don't think you will be able to catch it on the first route you travel. Although Poochyena was available on route 101 in RSE, a Pokemon whose evolution has a key role in a movie? I dunno. BUT this is just my opinion though, I could be completely wrong [just as many were wrong about a Lucario or Mightyena evolution]
Eh, this looks okay, but I'll agree with everyone who has said that some of the fanart speculations were better. This is okay so long as all of the other Pokemon this generation don't follow the same design principles, but it's certainly not my favorite. Is this even Ken Sugimori art? He is still doing the character designs, right?
TomSkylark said:
Eh, this looks okay, but I'll agree with everyone who has said that some of the fanart speculations were better. This is okay so long as all of the other Pokemon this generation don't follow the same design principles, but it's certainly not my favorite. Is this even Ken Sugimori art? He is still doing the character designs, right?
He better be lol.
The new Pokemon look awesome, but I have to say Xous's is slightly better. I can't wait to see more new 5th generation Pokemon to come!
Ice Arceus said:
The new Pokemon look awesome, but I have to say Xous's is slightly better. I can't wait to see more new 5th generation Pokemon to come!
Yeah Xous' is better. They look very similiar too.
says it's dark but doesn't it also looks like fire type to you guys?
I mean the thing on zorua's forehead definitely looks like a flame
and by the way, zoroark looks really dumb when he's on all four feet
No offense to Xous, but his latest artwork on the pokemon Z WAS good and all, but I don't like it as much as the actual pokemon. This one looks much more fiendish, while Xous's looks like-Shadow the hedgehog a lot. Its still a great drawing, I just like the actual artwork better. Sorry Xous...:(
i forgot to mention that he looks like a baboon when he's on four feet :p
new style of evolving? what's wrong all the previous ways?
I've had kinda enough of new sorts of stones, items and evolving on places.
What's wrong with good old moon stone :) or evolving at night
I'm looking forward to the new Ability and a new way to evolve. What other ways are there by now? 0_o

dmaster out.
Let's see how long until fan art of Zoroark and Ninetales, regardless of whether of it's "awesome!" or "...My eyes, my eyes...", or, even best, the "no, just no..." (you know what I mean >_> <_<), appears on the internet.

Anyways, I've grown to it now. I like it. I like it better than Xous's, which almost made me grab a new pair of pants to begin with. ;O I like this one better because, as said by that one dude, it looks more fiendish and wicked. Also, it has a cooler hair-tie. A *much* cooler hair-tie. Took me a tad bit to get used to it, but now that I have, I love it! I mean like it a lot. Not that kind of love. Of course.

Oh yeah, the red marks around the edges of its lips? I'm going to pretend that it's blood, just because it seems cooler that way, even though it's not actually the case.
I wonder if these new games they will be in be like the HG SS games. Maybe a change of story line? Anyway, Zorua looks so cute! I want to hug him!
Well, the Japanese title of the 8th movie was "Mew and the Guider of the Waves: Lucario". The 13th movie title will be "The Ruler of Illusion: Zoroark." I think that Zoroark=5th Generation Lucario. I mean look at Riolu and Zorua. Very similar to me.
Well, I was right on it being based on a kitsune, at least. :) I can be content with that.

And SQUEE Zoroa. Seriously, I want to hug it. When these games come out I'm going to have to do a 'Cuteness of Doom' Challenge with a team of Zoroa, Vulpix, Eevee, and shinx.

Hmm new evolution method.... evolve by DISlike? It is a dark type.