(1) New Xerneas/Yveltal Half Deck Cards + Chesnaught-EX Promo [1/14]

Interesting leaked cards! I'm really digging all the fairy support we're seeing, making me think it'll be a strong archetype once it comes out. The new stadium cards are fantastic, and seem splashable, to some extent. The biggest surprise for me is Chesnaught EX, which I was expecting to be pretty bad, to be brutally honest. However after I read it, it seems like it could work, and even if it's not top tier, it'll at least be a fun card to play. Shauna will definitely see a lot of play, harking back to the Professor Oak's New Theory days. No, it isn't quite as strong and PONT, but it gets the job done, and is a good middle ground between Juniper/Sycamore and N. I'm excited to see what kinds of decks people can come up with using these new cards!
Shadow circle will be good in darkrai against the landorus matchup. Shauna seems good and will probably replace N for next format. Fairy garden makes that new fairy type deck we've been talking about even better. Chestnaut can only be good if paired with virizion ex due to the fact that both of its attacks require a DCE... But besides for that it will be just OK (but the odds of 40x 4 though!)
Shadow Circle, Fairy Garden, and Shauna (ew Shauna) all look like pretty solid cards.

Great! Now give us a Stadium that benefits Metal and that would be awesome.
I'm really liking fairies now. They have all the support of Darkrai/Hydreigon and then some.

Shauna is a welcome addition to our supporter pool. No nonsense shuffle and draw. Unlike Colress, this will never be a bad topdeck.
Looks like some pretty cool cards! Ill have to give a shauna to my sister since thats her name xD.
I really like the art on all of these cards. Unfortunately for me, they will be sitting in my collection binder. I don't find any of these useful. Shawna as much as you guys above me said you liked had no place in a deck. Colress is a way better card! Sure it could have its draw back, but how often are there not 5 or more mons on the bench. The point of N is to also mess up your opponents hand. Shawna does not accomplish that. The field cards are great if you run those decks. And its true that it really does kill off Landorus against Darkrai. I don't see the EX's getting much play unless in fun decks. Overall, I think its nice they added to the set, but at this point from what I am seeing it was pointless.
JCGKVK6325 said:
I really like the art on all of these cards. Unfortunately for me, they will be sitting in my collection binder. I don't find any of these useful. Shawna as much as you guys above me said you liked had no place in a deck. Colress is a way better card! Sure it could have its draw back, but how often are there not 5 or more mons on the bench. The point of N is to also mess up your opponents hand. Shawna does not accomplish that. The field cards are great if you run those decks. And its true that it really does kill off Landorus against Darkrai. I don't see the EX's getting much play unless in fun decks. Overall, I think its nice they added to the set, but at this point from what I am seeing it was pointless.

Shawna is actually somewhat better than colress because you can play it early, mid-, and late game. You can generally only play colress mid-, and sometimes late game. It will probably replace N in the future due to its PONT-like effect minus 1 card. And yes, N is much better than Shawna, but when it will be most-likely out of format for the 2014-15 season, what will replace the staple we all run 4 of in almost every deck? The closest bet would be Shawna or Hugh (for the "disrupting opp. hand" effect you said). But I do agree with everything else you said though.
I'm honestly very surprised they made Shauna. Every supporter we've gotten in BW has had some large draw back, or have been significantly worse than other supporters. Although Shauna is definitely worse than the main 4 we've got now (Juniper, N, Skyla, and Colress), I think it far outclasses Bianca as the supporter you play if your deck can't use one of the main 4 very effectively. It's also one of the best early game supporters we have right now. N can be better if they used Junk Hunt or Tropical Beach, but usually early on, your opponent will use all the cards they can in their hand, and Ning them will basically give them a free use of a supporter.

Fairy Garden is a really nice card. I just made an Aromatisse list a few days ago, which played Rainbow Energy and Darkrai, but now I can play Fairy Gardens and save the space on my bench. It can also work for decks that play Prism or Rainbow Energy as a way to free retreat. Overall, a very nice card.

Shadow Circle is nice, but Darkrai already plays Virbank and Frozen City, so adding another Stadium may be a little messy. It is nice in a couple match ups, and with your large amount of Stadiums and Dowsing Machine, you can bump all of your opponent's Stadiums away, then once they're all gone play a Shadow Circle down and voila. Not sure how much this will be played. We'll have to see how much Fighting and Lightning stuff is played at the first week of States.

Sorry to double post.

Teal said:
I like how these EX are much weaker than BW EX!

Excpet Yveltal. But other than that I agree.
I know Yveltal is cool and the best new legendary that just happens to be a dark type but I really don't want them buffing darkrai anymore...

But Fairy buffs, Shauna, and a general lowering of the EX threshold are all good,

although, we wouldn't be getting these in our set would we? I couldn't imagine them being in our fire set, but every site out there says only 6 EXs for the set...
Wow Greninja EX is pretty good. Nice to have a cheap water attacker that's not a stage 2 (and still not anything broken like Landorus).
Why why why why why why why

Why couldn't Shauna have been draw 6? Did they really think PONT was overpowered? Anyway, it's still a phenomenal card, and depending on the deck, I could easily see it replacing that 4th N or 2nd-3rd Colress. Really happy to finally have SOME kind of consistent draw that isn't Juniper (N becomes bad late-game, Colress sucks early game, and Skyla is often useless when you just need to draw cards).

Fairy Garden is solid, Shadow Circle is meh because the decks that can use it don't have many weakness issues right now, and Chesnaught EX and Greninja EX are both total trash.
Shauna is better than it seems in speed decks. You can run a balanced combo of all the stable direct draw cards mentioned above to increase the speed of the deck. Darkness decks and decks that tend to burn their hands down should benefit the most.

Not sure on Shadow Circle either since Darkrai and Yveltal tend to be much better with Virbank / Laser. These cards allow Yveltal Ex to ohko opping Pokémon faster and to maintain momentum same time.

Greninja EX is indeed nice. Run him with his evolution line and we have another deck that can dish out ohkos fast.