(1) 'Next Destinies' Booster Packs, Theme Decks, and Blister Pack Revealed! [12/12]

They sure do like reprinting the same Reshiram and Zekrom over and over again don't they? This would make what, 5 different pieces of artwork for the same card?
Ryu Shoji said:
They sure do like reprinting the same Reshiram and Zekrom over and over again don't they? This would make what, 5 different pieces of artwork for the same card?
I agree with you there. I'm also not too pleased about Zekrom and Reshiram making an appearance on booster packs again, and same with Regigigas too. It's like we're back to DP where all we get is Palkia, Dialga, or Magmortar every few sets. Lol.

That being said, the artwork itself on the packs are great. Not so keen on the reprint card artwork though...
WPM, these aren't the first theme decks that feature reprinted cards. Remember the Dialga deck and Palkia deck from Great Encounters? The Dialga and Palkia cards feature in those decks (and set) are reprints from the 1st DP set.
That's why I said some time ago that this set is looking a bit like Great Encounters...

And yeah, I'm mad Kyurem isn't in the packs art... But it will definitely be in the set... Otherwise, the next spring tins wouldn't feature Kyurem-EX... Now, KyogreEX and GroudonEX being held back is a real possibility...
Ryu Shoji said:
They sure do like reprinting the same Reshiram and Zekrom over and over again don't they? This would make what, 5 different pieces of artwork for the same card?

The same thing happened to Palkia and Dialga in the DP block, right down to alternate artwork reprints of the original cards being including the fourth DP set (Great Encounters).
The one thing I despise most are Theme Decks. But I want those Alt. Art reprints so bad D:

Might just have to buy the theme decks >:[

Pack art is stunning, although using Regigigas as the cover of the packs wasn't as smart of an idea, Kyurem would've served a much better place on the cover of the last pack.
The pack art is pretty good, but I think Noble Victories' was just a bit better. I also think, as just about everybody else here, Kyruem should replace Regigigas on the packs.

Zorua said:
The one thing I despise most are Theme Decks. But I want those Alt. Art reprints so bad D:
Ryu Shoji said:
They sure do like reprinting the same Reshiram and Zekrom over and over again don't they? This would make what, 5 different pieces of artwork for the same card?

At least they are good cards. Remember how many times they reprinted D/P starters and that awful Pachirisu? That was so terrible.

Its like P!P realized NV had too many playable cards in it, and now they're making a reprint set just to put things back in their place.
Is it just me, or are Reshiram and Zekrom from B/W the cards with the highest number of diffrent atworks/layouts ever?
I know about 4 form from each of them.

My hopes are not too high that we'll get Kyogre and Groudon in this set, since we know there will be Regigas EX, Mewtwo EX, Reshiram EX, Zekrom EX and there will only be 6 EX in this set. Would love Shaymin EX and Groudon EX, but the Shaymin EX and Kyurem EX will be the ones I expect to come.

Let's see, how long it'll take until we get Kyogre EX and Groudon EX.
I'm expecting we'll receive Groudon EX and Kyogre EX in a later set that also contain's Dragon Selection's inevitable Rayquaza EX

Oh and reprinting Reshiram and Zekrom...again, just seems like overkill. I wouldn't have minded as much if they were just some obscure crap japanese promo, but these cards are much better suited to being promos in some gift box or something.
I'm not surprised that Kyurem isn't on the booster packs. It was just on the booster packs in Noble Victories.
So if kyogre and groudon get held back, which two EXs will take their place? It's already confirmed that there will be 6 full art EXs in this set, Reshiram EX and Zekrom EX don't have full arts yet so then is it a possibility we will get darkrai and something else?
I wonder if we're going to get the Thudurus and Tornadus reprints in Next Destinies as well.

With this release we have three of the five 'decks' that were in that japanese gift set, but has anyone considered we're missing one important piece of that puzzle. When do you think we're getting the Full Art version of Landorus?

It does seem that another version of Reshiram and Zekrom is a bit overkill. (We have the ones released in BW, the tins, the specific boxes, and the full art versions for four each) though my observation of decks posted says that at least their playable, after all Reshboar anyone? If I were Kyurem I'd feel a bit ripped off. No full art (the ex not counting) and no tin extras or boxes.

I agree that Kyurem was not on the pack art because he was on Noble Victories, our last set. Reshiram and Zekrom were three sets ago (though they get their own 'star' with the theme decks). I would be willing to believe the Kyogre ex and Groudon ex are being held for a R/S/E remake, though we still have no proof that will happen. Maybe we'll be getting English exclusive (for the moment) full art works of Reshiram and Zekrom ex.
Eh, a Zekrom and Reshiram is a Zekrom and Reshiram.

Never know, this might be a pretty good theme deck, especially for new players. I'm definitely getting the Zekrom deck since Zekrom's right up there in my favourites. As for the set, I'm just hoping for less rares, and hopefully not a lot of reprints. I kind of dislike the fact that we get cards in our packs that came from special decks. in my personal opinion, we wouldn't be this far behind if they just kept being accurate. Though I guess they do need a lot of cards in their sets.
I swear, it's almost as if they want us to make Reshiboar, win a lot, enjoy the game, keep playing, enter tournaments and spend a heck of a lot of money along the way. Oh wait...
JinjaNinja said:
I swear, it's almost as if they want us to make Reshiboar, win a lot, keep playing, enter tournaments and spend a heck of a lot of money along the way. Oh wait...

It's almost as if they want to give us a higher chance at staples.
Also I fixed that.
You guys think the theme decks will atleast have some staples like catcher or anything?
Kkillax said:
You guys think the theme decks will atleast have some staples like catcher or anything?

Honestly, I have an odd feeling they will. If they don't,oh well.
The decks are starting to actually get generous and not-so-crappy.

I have a feeling Eviolite will be in this.

Have you read any articles lately? Or at least what I posted? ;P
Sometimes you count 1+1 and you get the solution. ^^
Queen Excel said:
It's almost as if they want to give us a higher chance at staples.
Also I fixed that.

Very good points on both accounts. In a world, filled with Reshiboar, no-one will have fun.