(1) Next English Set: 'HS - Unleashed' [3/4]

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When will they learn? Putting "Unleashed" in something's name doesn't make it sound better.

Oh well. We get Lanturn Prime early. Yay.
I don't understand why anyone thinks what the advertisement said indicates our primes will come from RL. The only thing we know we're getting from RL is the dogs and tyranitar + steelix. I'd bet we get the complete Leafeon & metagross, the stuff from HGSS we missed (including the primes) and the stuff to make up the starter decks. That would make the most sense to me. And then for the other primes we'd probably get the three promos. (Yay, I might be able to run Raichu Prime LV. X!)
xxashxx said:
Wow sounds like a pretty good set. Sounds like the sets are coming out every 2 months rather than 3 months now. Why so close together? It does not give anyone enogh time to even get their hands on the set through packs. Are they doing it this way because people are buying by the box rather than the packs themselves or is it something else? I hope the cards still have the same quality and I hope they are not cutting corners to get the sets out earlier.:)


Still 3 months. And the close rotation encourages people to get more NOW, even though target/walmart/online stores keep them in stock pretty much as long as they're in rotation.
AGH! That artwork of Entei is TERRIBLE! I never really liked kawayoo anyways, but whatever. At least we got Espeon! :D
I'm also looking forward to the Dordio. Dodrio+Palkia X+No 3 or more Retreat Pokemon = Gust of wind every turn!
Crobat Prime
Ursaring Prime
Raichu Prime
Slowking Prome
Houndoom Prime
Scizor Prime
Silver Lithograph

I'm calling it :)
I hope the Interviewer's Question card gets put in here. We could use a successor to Holon Lass.

Well, I could anyway. I seem to have trouble getting Energy unless I deliberately look for it, no matter how few or how many Energy cards I put. I get everything else just fine.

Also, I loved Sonic Unleashed. I got an Xbox 360 just for it, and it's been worth every penny.

Official site info. At least Crobat's in it.
96 cards, then? That's nice. :3

Also, I like the symbol. Nice that they managed to combine the faces of the three Legendary Pokémon into something awesome. *nods*

...And Chaos Control / Steel Sentinel = WIN~
lol they're so being sued by sega:

HS unleashed - Sonic unleashed

Chaos control - ....Chaos control :p

whats next spin dash?
Asrialys said:

Please don't post in a thread that has not been posted in for two or more weeks. Thanks.
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