(1) Nintendo 2DS Announced [8/28]

To the people asking who clearly don't know how to read:

- It plays 3DS and DS games
- It is geared towards kids
- It does everything the 3DS does except for the 3D display because it's harmful to kids.

Also guys, don't use the slider stuff as an excuse, that thing is annoying. It's cheaper without that being shoved in. Yes I get it people, you can slide it, you already have the 3DS.
You are past the age of 7 so what you complain about with this system is none of your concern |Dc
Open up your ears, xxashxx, and listen. (No, this is not flaming.)

They wouldn't lower the 3DS' price for no reason. Then they wouldn't be making a profit. That is unreasonable. Nintendo is a business. Businesses aim to make profit.

Profit, by definition, is (revenues minus expenses) must be greater than zero; to state it a simpler way, they need to make more from the system than how much it costs to make it. This includes stuff like parts, labor, and so on. Keep this in mind for the next paragraph:

They are removing various parts from the 3DS system - the hinge, the 3D function, and a few other things - and consequently reducing the price, because removing those parts means making the system costs less. That is why this newly-christened 2DS costs less: there isn't as much in it, and thus it doesn't cost as much to make.

It's also appealing to a different section of the market: children, plus people who aren't fond of the 3D portion, plus people who don't want to put that much money into a 3DS...or any combination of the above. I still feel it sounds a bit too silly to be real (2DS? lol), but it is real. And it's an ingenious marketing move.

Oh, by the way:
xxashxx said:
If they had just dropped the price of the 3DS then they would be more user friendly XD.

They already did.

The original street price of the 3DS, upon its initial release, was $240 plus tax. That's quite a lot. The fans complained about it, and Nintendo listened.
Only a few months after that, it was lowered, to $180 plus tax. That's a 25% drop. And to compensate for the people who brought it at the higher price, those people got access to the 3DS Ambassador Program, getting several games, for free, that aren't possible to get any other way on 3DS. (Single-player Four Swords? I'm super jelly.) But I digress.

Not everyone likes the 3DS, because it's a more expensive system and doesn't offer that much more than a 3DS - I have several friends who do not have 3DSs for this very reason, and I understand completely. "Don't like the 3D? Don't like the higher price?" said Nintendo. "We have just the thing for you. We had to take out some other things and tweak the design a bit, but we hope you like it!"

Nintendo not user-friendly? That's a bold-faced lie.
Cinesra said:
Videoland said:
I never bought the 3DS because of the 3D, so I think it a great ideá to release a console without the 3D effect and make it cheaper. But like everyone else, I don't like the fact that it doesn't fold, and the design is pretty ugly tbh. But its great for everyone who was going to buy a 3DS just for Pokémon XY, but I would've probably rather just buy a pre-owned one in good condition :/
You do realize that you can just turn the 3D off, right? I don't see why an optional feature is a good reason to not buy it.

Yeah, I own a 3DS... But if I could choose between two consoles, and one was more expensive and had a feauture that I will never use which one do you think I would choose? (assuming the cheaper one didn't look like shit, which 2DS does :/)
Ah I get it now but it does not make sense to make a 2DS because they just dropped the price on the Wii U. What they should have done is drop the 3DS price and left the Wii U alone. They still would have made a profit on the Wii U and if parents are worried about the 3DS screen all they need to do is disable that in the parental controls in the system settings. I have a 3DS right now but I don't use the 3D part at all and I prefer the 3DS because it is a top of the line system. The 2D system is not really needed if you think about it. By making the 2D system will actually cost them more and they will not be making a profit on that system. That is all I am saying. I don't explain things well on forums. I do better explaining when I talk XD.:)
What they should have done is drop the 3DS price and left the Wii U alone.
They have to make at least some profit on every unit they sell. You can't have a profit in 1 area and a loss in another (even if the profit exceeds the loss). It wouldn't be worth it.

And as I said, the 2DS is catering to a different portion of the market. You and I may not find the 2DS appealing (though I do not use the 3D whatsoever, I do like that the 3DS folds up), but that doesn't mean everyone won't.

It's not like the 3DS is being discontinued. 3DS units will continue to be sold alongside 2DS ones. This is the power of consumer choice.
I also don't get the complaint about the size.

"It won't fit in my pocket!"

Well neither did the gameboy and that thing is huge.
The 3DSXL is pretty big.

The 2DS is a bit shorter than an open 3DS to boot. Personally I can see it being convenient for those that wear cargo shorts or cargo pants. Or store things vertically in their bag.
The only name I can think of that could of worked is -3DS, but it's not any better. I don't really hate the name, though.

This is pretty ideal for my nephews who have broke my DSlite, my DSi, their DSlites, their DSis, and their 3DSs.(I didn't let them anywhere near my 3DS) They are not good with with technology.

I also wonder if It will be easier to plays Kid Icarus on it...
DNA said:
Open up your ears, xxashxx, and listen. (No, this is not flaming.)

They wouldn't lower the 3DS' price for no reason. Then they wouldn't be making a profit. That is unreasonable. Nintendo is a business. Businesses aim to make profit.

Profit, by definition, is (revenues minus expenses) must be greater than zero; to state it a simpler way, they need to make more from the system than how much it costs to make it. This includes stuff like parts, labor, and so on. Keep this in mind for the next paragraph:

They are removing various parts from the 3DS system - the hinge, the 3D function, and a few other things - and consequently reducing the price, because removing those parts means making the system costs less. That is why this newly-christened 2DS costs less: there isn't as much in it, and thus it doesn't cost as much to make.

It's also appealing to a different section of the market: children, plus people who aren't fond of the 3D portion, plus people who don't want to put that much money into a 3DS...or any combination of the above. I still feel it sounds a bit too silly to be real (2DS? lol), but it is real. And it's an ingenious marketing move.

Oh, by the way:
xxashxx said:
If they had just dropped the price of the 3DS then they would be more user friendly XD.

They already did.

The original street price of the 3DS, upon its initial release, was $240 plus tax. That's quite a lot. The fans complained about it, and Nintendo listened.
Only a few months after that, it was lowered, to $180 plus tax. That's a 25% drop. And to compensate for the people who brought it at the higher price, those people got access to the 3DS Ambassador Program, getting several games, for free, that aren't possible to get any other way on 3DS. (Single-player Four Swords? I'm super jelly.) But I digress.

Not everyone likes the 3DS, because it's a more expensive system and doesn't offer that much more than a 3DS - I have several friends who do not have 3DSs for this very reason, and I understand completely. "Don't like the 3D? Don't like the higher price?" said Nintendo. "We have just the thing for you. We had to take out some other things and tweak the design a bit, but we hope you like it!"

Nintendo not user-friendly? That's a bold-faced lie.

By the way, I did some research, and the 3DS didn't start turning a profit until July 2012. (And the Wii U is also at cost or slight loss.)


Well I see heavy discussion about it is targeting to younger people etc,

at first glance I was VERY happy until I saw the design, from what I see I will have problems to fit that thing in my hands if it is as big as it looks, oh well it could be small from what I know

anyways, the reason why I was happy to hear about a 2DS is because I only have one eye, making it impossible for me to see 3D at all so this would be a product perfect for me, I dont need to pay extra for 3D

I bought the 3DS when it was new because of Mario Kart 7 but it always hit me when I accidently slide the 3D function on and I feel the headache and blurry view is coming

Say what you want, but I am happy for this product because of my limitations and I am sure there is more one eyed 3DS players out there
Not really the portable console I was hoping for,but I guess it's alright,although I don't know why the name sounds so weird to me.
Guys if you are having problems with the switch either get a piece of tape and put it over the switch or disable that in Parental controls. Just go to settings then Parental controls and follow the on screen instructions. As far as playing VC games use the Restore Point function to save your progress before and after every hard spot. This includes fighting a boss. When you fight a boss and the boss gets hit create a restore point on every hit you make on the boss. This way if your game is over before the next hit you can reload the restore point exactly where you left off XD. This is best for fighting the bosses in Super Mario Bros 2 for instance XD.:)
xxashxx said:
Guys if you are having problems with the switch either get a piece of tape and put it over the switch or disable that in Parental controls.
Have you considered that smart kids can undo the parental controls?
don()shinobi said:
xxashxx said:
Guys if you are having problems with the switch either get a piece of tape and put it over the switch or disable that in Parental controls.
Have you considered that smart kids can undo the parental controls?
He was talking about the one-eyed guy who sometimes switches 3D on by accident. Just disable 3D from the controls and it can't happen.
Teal said:
don()shinobi said:
Have you considered that smart kids can undo the parental controls?
He was talking about the one-eyed guy who sometimes switches 3D on by accident. Just disable 3D from the controls and it can't happen.
Well, my apologies, whoever you may be, but ash talked about parental controls, so I only assumed he was talking about kids.
Teal said:
I don't understand how the name is bad. It is a 2D 3DS. A 2DS. Where is the problem???

It's a 2DS that plays DS games as well as 3DS games but does not play 2DS games (because those don't exist lol). I can't be the only one that sees that this is a problem for general consumers. If you can't see it, just think about what the Wii U name did to the product for months and you'll realize, 'wow, this is the exact same thing'.

Teal said:
Read what the box says? Ask the (hopefully) informed clerk?

How is that the problem of anyone on here again?

Those moms that don()shinobi are referring probably aren't "on here." Basically they won't know where to look for the information they need. Also relying on an informed clerk and reading skills of the population in the US is laughable.

dmaster out.
Well, I definetly hate the design and won't buy it, but I think it's a good shot for those who can't actually afford a 3ds