(1) Nintendo 3DS Announced! [3/23]

JPN Gallade said:
Well then, the DS's Successor is apparently called the 3DS. Very interesting I must say. I just can't wait for its release. It has lots of nice features. The 3-D screens without 3-D glasses sounds awesome. When Generation 5 will most likely be released, it'll be cool watching an attack flying out of the screen. The other part I like about it is that, although not truly confirmed, it can follow your head movements. Now that'll be quite interesting to see, and I wonder how Generaion 5 will handle this feature if this is true.

With the revealing of the 3DS, I am not just anticipating the release of the Generation 5 games, but also the Nintendo 3DS. It's likely Generation 5 will be released on this system. I have a feeling that this Nintendo System will be the best portable system out there, so I definitely can't wait to see how it looks like. Hopefully, one of the first colors released will come in blue since blue is my favorite color.

I doubt attacks will be flying out of the screen. It'll probably be most likely like this video
heck maybe even better. so itll look like a 3d enviroment
Porygon said:
If it's about tracking head movement, it'll probably be something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWAg1s7xfz0
Which is interesting that they can already do it on the DSi, but I suppose multiple sensors to allow it to be more complex or something.

We'll probably get a second touch screen, along with giving it the ability to know when it's being tilted around (iphone games, warioware twisted, kitbys tilt and tumble).

Can't wait for the minigames that require me to rub both screens frantically, blow into the mic, twist the console above my head, and have me make wacky facial expressions for the camera all at the same time. At least the major Pokemon games have been very reasonable when it comes to implementing features, wish 90% of the developers out there would get a clue.

OMG If I didn't see the video I would never believe it. It has change my opinion.
I'm really interested in the 3D. How will they acomplish it without the need for 3D glasses?
That is why i like Nintendo, because they are always going farther with very good features. And the 3D seems to be a very great leap in gaming, i just remembered that like 3 months ago i was asking myself
What will be the next advance in videogames?and i also thought we alredy played with movements maybe it will have to do with the minds, no that cannot be the case, What will it be?
Now that i have the answer i am just waiting it does not go like the VirtualBoy, not after all the great advances that Nintendo did with the wii