(1) NO BW IMAGES FOR YOU! [9/19]

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--is this some kindof joke?! Every image are ditto's! omg..and the title says Pokerbeach. what the hell. What in carnation is going on...did u get hacked by marriland?!
It's a shame their making you take 'em down, but I'm glad you're fighting and mocking them. Too bad.
Also: is having a sprite as my avvy against their rules, as well?
@Electric Pokemon Master: Why are you mad? Its just probably a temporary thing because of Nintendo. We will probably replace the front page banner soon with something else or keep it like this until Nintendo gives us permission to use the images.
With that, this site will go down in flames!!!! No more people will come here!

@Ice Arceus, You know you can call me EPM!
No, don't go!

Aren't we trolling?

They are going to make my little sister cry when she gets on and trys to see the new pokemon. );

(PS: Did you know Pokemon basicly killed Digimon?)
Seriously, Nintendo is messing up so badly lol.
Absolutly understand and support your reaction, great comeback ;)

Dont let this put you down, the beach is the best fansite out there and no matter what, youve got a lot of support, keep up the great work =)

Some people are seriously going crazy. Really people stop complaining. This is just probably temporary until further notice. Just sit back and relax and discuss about things simple as that.
Do you all really not understand what is happening? Its not like nintendo is making WPM remove every pokemon thing forever, just the BW stuff until permission is granted. And its also not just Pokerbeach, its Serebii and every other fansite too. Nintendo is just worried that the won't be making any sales if everyone gets all the info from these sites
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