(1) "Number of Games" Quiz [4/27]

I think this quiz is absolutely hilarious!!!!! However, it doesn't look like people got the joke.
The previous quiz could've been a tad misleading in wording, however. Since it said released in English on a gaming console, that could've only meant home consoles and not handhelds, since people do tend to refer to them in those manners. Also, Pokemon Mini could've debatably been counted since it was released inside of Pokemon Channel, which was still on a console. But even then, just checking out the numbers would've tipped you off to these not being true.

I am a big fan of this week's quiz, though. Good thinking.
Well, I didn't participate in that quiz because I saw the discussion about it elsewhere, so it wouldn't have been fair. But...

Oh, man, WPM... This new quiz... C'mon, can't you give us a little hint? Oh, man, my brain hurts from thinking of the answer to this... The possible answers all sound so convincing (I mean, two Deoxys choices!? Sheesh, talk about a curve ball!)... Even a minor miscalculation in the accuracy of an answer could cost you everything... Oh, man... It's final, then. I've got to call the brightest minds in the history of mankind in for a much-needed congregation just to narrow down the options. Hopefully we'll be able to conjure up an accurate answer for this one... [/sarcasm]
Which type of influenza is in the poll? There are many different sub-types of this disease? (Kind of joking)
It was kinda obvious it was unserious but still, it's not like even really idiotic joke quizzes have the same answer twice. If they did, well, they'd probably have it four times. Or possibly as every option.
Hmmm, I can't figure out which games I left out, but I should've just guessed the highest number anyway. Only off by two. :[

Joke poll is funny.

dmaster out.
Dimentio said:
The previous quiz could've been a tad misleading in wording, however. Since it said released in English on a gaming console, that could've only meant home consoles and not handhelds, since people do tend to refer to them in those manners. Also, Pokemon Mini could've debatably been counted since it was released inside of Pokemon Channel, which was still on a console. But even then, just checking out the numbers would've tipped you off to these not being true.

The Pokemon Mini being featured in Pokemon Channel wouldn't have mattered, it was also a physical console. Which is why I am suprised it was not counted.

It would have been a perfect curve ball, and one you'd think WPM would use to throw people off. XD
masterryanx said:
The Pokemon Mini being featured in Pokemon Channel wouldn't have mattered, it was also a physical console. Which is why I am suprised it was not counted.

It would have been a perfect curve ball, and one you'd think WPM would use to throw people off. XD

If Pokemon Mini was to have been counted, however, then debatably the Pokemon Pikachu could have been counted.
Wow that is a lot. I did not realize it was that many.:)
Dimentio said:
masterryanx said:
The Pokemon Mini being featured in Pokemon Channel wouldn't have mattered, it was also a physical console. Which is why I am suprised it was not counted.

It would have been a perfect curve ball, and one you'd think WPM would use to throw people off. XD

If Pokemon Mini was to have been counted, however, then debatably the Pokemon Pikachu could have been counted.

The only issue with the Pikachu V-Pets would be the fact that they don't have actual cartriges like the Mini does. I feel I'd be the same as trying to count a Digimon or Tamagotchi V-Pet as a video game, which wouldn't really work. I think they'd fall more into the electronic toy category.

Although, I will give them this much. Pokemon Pikachu 2 did indeed have connectivity with GSC, that's worth something.
I applaud you WPM I tried to put some tips on the gym for my friends in San Antonio which you know has cases, I tried to put it in a spring battle roads thread since them and the preleases are coming up and even the kids who don't leave their room could see that this is a serious situation, I don't know if youv'e read the Stand by the king of authors but this brings up feelings of reading this and it's a test to see if we can cope with a pandemic
Clear said:
whoever picked Swinub needs to be shot.

The end.

It took me the better part of 10 minutes to understand what you meant. Blonde moment!

Don't bother. I'll shoot myself.
Shouldn't it have been Spoink? Eh, I guess the play o words is ultimately the better choice...even if Swinub was based on a mammoth cub. (Or whatever a baby mamoth is called.)

For the record, I voted "Brock," which is apparently the #3 choice. I should've voted "Ludicolo."
Ophie said:
Shouldn't it have been Spoink? Eh, I guess the play o words is ultimately the better choice...even if Swinub was based on a mammoth cub. (Or whatever a baby mamoth is called.)

For the record, I voted "Brock," which is apparently the #3 choice. I should've voted "Ludicolo."

I think "cubs" are more for larger predatory mammals. Like big cats and dogs.

Mammothlet? I don't know! (I never thought of swinub being based on a Mammoth though. I think that was just Mamoswine.)
I always thought the Swinub was based off a Swine. Mamoswine didn't come until a later generation, so I doubt Swinub was always a cub.
I have all 37. Considering that no one else seems to have claimed this, I am, for the first time in my life, concerned about my Pokémania.