(1) Photo of 'Pikachu World' Collection Poster [6/19]

_Furret said:
France's card looks so cute!
It's very funny when you're a Hetalia nerd too. GERMANY PLAYING POKEMON AWH YEAH

XD Don't even talk about Hetelia. XD

I'll be purchasing 2 of these when they come out. One for me and one for my friend. :F
Loving the French one. :3​
Wow, those Pikachus are certainly cool. If I collected Pikachu, I'd probably care more, but I hope these come to the US for cheaper.

dmaster out.
Will any of these come to the US (except for maybe the US one because... duh) or is this a Japan-only thing?
For anyone else wanting to nitpick:
  • There's a card for France but none for Canada,
  • There's a card for Spain, but none for Mexico,
  • The Chinese don't have a card at all.

Let's just be appreciative that there's a card in our languages. Sorry to the Chinese, but it's not like they weren't going to print their own, anyway.

masterryanx said:
Kouki Saitou is actually male.
I did not know that. Correct'd.
All of the cards look good. Kinda weird though why the Japanese card has to settle for the standard Sugamori art, but aside from that they're all good :)
I'm worried about the impact of these cards on the metagame. I mean, both players draw a card? Discard 3 energy for 60 damage?!! What is this game coming to?
Well, finally, we see the images for the new Pikachu world promos. I have to admit, what the Pikachu does is pretty interesting. The first attack lets me greet my opponent, and then we both draw cards as it seems. The second attack can hit for 60 for three, and then you discard all energy attached to Pikachu. Well, the first attack, Greet, is more interesting in my opinion. I find that attack pretty nice whenever you face someone who is from another country.

As for the artworks of all of the Pikachu cards, they look really adorable. In my opinion, the artworks that look the most adorable out of all the Pikachu cards in the mini set, in my opinion, are the American one, the Spanish one, the Japanese one, the French one, and the Polish one. My reasons for them are the following: The U.S. one was drawn by Kouki Saitou, which he drew the Pikachu in a really good and cute way. The Spanish one was drawn by Kagemaru Himeno, another really good Pokemon artist, and here, we have another portrayal of a nice and cute Pikachu. The Japanese one is also cute because after all, it was drawn by Ken Sugimori, and the Sugimori artwork for Pikachu looks awesome. The French one is cute too since it really shows Pikachu in a real "Kawaii (meaning cute in Japanese)" way. The Polish one is also really nice because the artwork looks very much like the Pokemon Center artwork for Pikachu, and I have to admit, I like the Pokemon Center artwork for many Pokemon.

Well, I must say, these Pikachu cards look pretty nice. I can't wait until they are released in Japan.;)