(1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

Spammy said:
For some reason I get the feeling it's going to be one tidbit of information that's not going to satisfy anyone. XD

Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up. But I am at the same time. So, it works out that hopes are neutral.

Zalman said:
I think we will see the logos and the cover legendaries... And if we're lucky, even a few seconds of gameplay!

It's too soon for Legendaries to be announced. If we get anything Gen VI, it'll be whatever they decide (if they decide) to introduce in the Genosect movie.

Most likely we'll get new game and Legendary announcements a few weeks after the Genosect movie.
Spammy said:
For some reason I get the feeling it's going to be one tidbit of information that's not going to satisfy anyone. XD

And that's why I'm not going to wake up at 2.50am. (Not like I can, anyway; it wouldn't be enough sleep for me.) Whoever is online, though, tell me if it breaks the record...or the bandwidth.
DNA said:
Spammy said:
For some reason I get the feeling it's going to be one tidbit of information that's not going to satisfy anyone. XD

And that's why I'm not going to wake up at 2.50am. (Not like I can, anyway; it wouldn't be enough sleep for me.) Whoever is online, though, tell me if it breaks the record...or the bandwidth.

I made the dumb idea to consume caffeine in the middle of the night. I'll probably still be awake. I'll be sure to spread the excitement if the announcement is something spectacular.
Announcement: We would like to annouce FireFIRE Red and LeafyLeaf Green for 3DS

I cant wait for this new info though.
i doubt we will get to see any new pokemon. If it is gen 6, possibilities are that they will just release the names of the games with their logo (just as they did previously with black and white).
I'm just going to go ahead say that I think the titles are going to be Cobalt and Mercury, no particular reason, just a wild guess. :p
scuba steveE said:
I'm just going to go ahead say that I think the titles are going to be Cobalt and Mercury, no particular reason, just a wild guess. :p

I would get Mercury version, and name my main team after members of the band Queen.
I've always wanted Lily and Iris (pinkish and violetish). They represent life and death. Then the 3rd game would be Clover (green - eternity). Also they kinda relate to Red/Blue/Green.
i wonder if they will give houndoom an evolution. I love houndoom. it's evolution should look epic
godzilla41 said:
i wonder if they will give houndoom an evolution. I love houndoom. it's evolution should look epic

If Houndoom gets an evolution, it should look something like Cerberus.
TyTyTynamo said:
godzilla41 said:
i wonder if they will give houndoom an evolution. I love houndoom. it's evolution should look epic

If Houndoom gets an evolution, it should look something like Cerberus.

It would also have to have an evolution similar to Scyther -> Scizor or Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z since it already has 500 BST.
jynxed said:
TyTyTynamo said:
If Houndoom gets an evolution, it should look something like Cerberus.

It would also have to have an evolution similar to Scyther -> Scizor or Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z since it already has 500 BST.

Pinser Evolution. Needs to happen.

I'd also love to see some sort of cross-breeding mechanic. Like if you breed two specific pokemon together, you get a completely new pokemon as the hatch result. Hybrids!
I would like a Pokemon Sun Version and Pokemon Moon Version, but please no new Porygon's haha.
I bet there will be another Pika-clone.
I'd like for there to be another game where you could travel to at least one older region like silver/gold and their respective remakes.
HeatRotomFTW97 said:
Who knows, "6thgenerationeon" could possibly be the co-star, assuming Virgil will be in the movie. I think that too many people are under the assumption that an Eeveelution announcement tonight/tomorrow is definite. Yes, we've had hints to it, but we'll see. I think we'll get mascots, titles, and maybe 1 other Pokémon.

Assuming we do get a new Eeveelution, it won't be the co-star of the movie, it'll be appearing in the short with all of the rest of the Eeveelutions.
Wow not long now. Masuda just tweeted his new blog update as number 232,which is Donphan, which was released early:p
Now rumors are pouring in Bout Pokemon rainbow and draceon and verbiil ... Oh lord plz Pokemon not something so gay As rainbow
Welcome to our Pokémon Direct broadcast! Watch this short presentation by Nintendo President Satoru Iwata for the latest Pokémon information!

Once the broadcast is over you can re-watch the video here again at any time!

Please note that the Australian timing for this presentation is 9pm (AEST) on Tuesday, 8th January.

Gettin' it a hpur early. I'll tell what happens.

EDIT: maybe.

DOUBLE EDIT: They dun goof'd