(1) Pokemon’s Twitter Asks About Eevee’s Evolutions… Possible Hint? [1/6]

I'm hoping for no more Eeveelutions, but if we must have more, it'll probably be Normal, Rock, Ground, Steel, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, or Poison. We probably won't have any Bug or Dragon types since it wouldn't really make sense for a vulpine Pokemon like Eevee to assume those species.

Trexroarr said:
Has anyone else seen this yet? The new Eeveelution will be of the DIGITAL type!!!


Oh, LOL, that rumor is so hilariously bad. The space colony thing is awesome, and I'd love to see that for a spinoff, but for the main games, the emphasis is on the Pokemon World and the discovery of new areas, Pokemon, etc. You're not likely to get something like that out of a completely engineered environment. And the Digital type would be a horrible idea because the purpose of adding new types is to help balance out the type chart, and this does the exact opposite. All it really does is exaggerate another type's weaknesses and resistances, which means that stronger types get stronger and weaker types get weaker. Also, the way they put it I highly doubt backwards compatibility would be possible with all of the changes they're supposedly making to the mechanics.
As others have stated before, if (and for me it's a quite big if) we get new Eeveelutions, they'll probably be of an elemental type. Ground or flying seem the most probable to me.
wow really.

If you guys need a load of made-up pokemon stuff for speculation I can do way better than that lmao.
Mitja said:
wow really.

If you guys need a load of made-up pokemon stuff for speculation I can do way better than that lmao.

Pokemon Gen VI: Its Skyrim...WITH BALLS!
So was the twitter hint what we were getting or is it just a prelude to the announcement?

EDIT: Nevermind i just realized today is the 6th not the 7th here in the states lol
Sorry it was Spiriteon. The one of the cockroach was because the first bug that comes to mind it is that ('cause I hate them so much).

Yeah I suck at giving names for Eevees.
Bolt the Cat said:
I'm hoping for no more Eeveelutions, but if we must have more, it'll probably be Normal, Rock, Ground, Steel, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, or Poison. We probably won't have any Bug or Dragon types since it wouldn't really make sense for a vulpine Pokemon like Eevee to assume those species.
So it can become a fish like species but not an insect like one or dragon one?
Okayz, I work for gamefreeeeeeeeek and have come to spill all the secrets that are totally true whoop dee doo.

The starters will be Grass/Flying, Fire, Water/Poison
The legends will be about nature, with the epic mascots being Grass and Ground
The villains are Team Gaia (their goals are similar but different in each version, one being pro-nature and the other anti-technology. Both are the first villains to use more natural oriented types instead of Dark and Poison, either focusing on Ground or Grass (like Sharpedo & Camerupt) depending on the version)
The third legendary is Poison (but will get a pure Water form in the sequel)
The traditional legendary trio are Ground, Poison and Ice types all with a secondary Dark type and are hidden in special underground caves.
Many Hoenn characters show up during the plot because the regions are very close.
This is so as to set up the stage for a Hoenn-game 15 years after RSE, which is the time these games also take place.
There is of course a bunch of new Pokemon (~90) including a 3 stage fish, a Grass/Ground "Oddish-clone", an Electric starter-like Gift pokemon, a Dark/Flying-bat, several interesting Ice combinations, an Electric/Psychic levitating Pokemon that looks like a galaxy, several exotic underwater Pokemon like catshark and underwater volcano, a 3-stage fossil that is Rock/Dragon, a freaky Bug pseudo-legendary... along with a few new evolutions too (Banette, Luvdisc, final Eeveelution, alternate Trapinch evo...) and babies (Skarmory, Torkoal, Tropius..), bringing it up to 750.
But the casual roles are palyed by older Pokemon (Magikarp, Tentacool..) again, with barely any Unova pokes.
The advenutre gives a lot more freedom, so the 1st and 8th gym are fixed, the other 6 can be challenged in any order, their levels simply adjust depending on your number of badges.
There is an extra Normal gym at the beginning which gives you the badge case.
Some of the interesting locations are a heavy industrial area (which also inhabits a Poison/Steel gecko->komodo dragon), several stone-henge like places, an abandonded lighthouse, a forest with 3 areas, a long snowy mountain that consist of 3 routes, a sacred Dragon mountain, a huge underwater diving area and a desert with "aquatic" looking Pokemon 'swimming' in the sand.
There are some game mechanic fixes, like a more balanced type chart (most noteworthy being Ice resisting Dragon/Ground, and Poison being SE against Normal/Dark..)
Stealth Rocks are nerfed, but more hazards are added (Burn and Paralysis spikes), along with new ways of getting rid of them.
HMs now don't need to be learned, you just need to have a Pokemon that can use them in your party when needed.
Assist/Challenge are standard options from the beginning.
Arceus' formes now also have different stats, 120 HP, 120 speed, one 150 and one 130, with the rest being 100.

Hows that? Surely better than the other thing right?
This thread is more for eeveelutions, though. The other one was more credible and IMO better. Not bad either. We can always hope.
Fennex said:
However, as the Pokédex entries of many games name enviroment as main factor for Eevee's evolution I could see following types:
- Ground (as adaptation to a life in deserts)
- Poison (life in a swamp or necessity of producing venom against enemies)
- Rock (life in mountainous regions or in caves, especially to camouflage)
- Flying (advantage of flying, living in an area where ability to fly is necessary to reach high-lying places)
independent of environment, but still possible:
- Steel (could work similar to Steelix / Scizor by harden the skin)

I prefer a Fighting Eeveelution to a Flying one. Why would a fox grow wings anyway?
rocky505 said:
Bolt the Cat said:
I'm hoping for no more Eeveelutions, but if we must have more, it'll probably be Normal, Rock, Ground, Steel, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, or Poison. We probably won't have any Bug or Dragon types since it wouldn't really make sense for a vulpine Pokemon like Eevee to assume those species.
So it can become a fish like species but not an insect like one or dragon one?

Vaporeon isn't a fish.

Blob55 said:
Why would a fox grow wings anyway?

It may not have to, there are other ways for it to fly or float. Or it may not need to fly at all, just because it has wind powers doesn't mean it needs to fly.
Pokemon: Creating 2 New Eeveelutions during Even Generations since 1999

I can see any type but flying possible.

EDIT: And dragon is not possible either.
Bolt the Cat said:
Mitja said:
their goals are similar but different in each version, one being pro-nature and the other anti-technology.

I fail to see the difference.

I do see them. One makes campaign for saving Pokemon/Animals and the other says no to Power Plants or things like that.
I don't see any evil - except the anti-technology cutting down electricity stopping me to get into Pokebeach.
I couldn't care less what types of Eeeveelutions come next.. as long as one of them is Dragon!