frezgle said:Nightingirle said:Where did he say that? Sorry I'm really interested not rude or anything the last thing I read from him was this :
(Yesterday 07:47 PM)Salamencetrainer34 Wrote:
WPM, if the info is correct, will you release all info he gave you?
In thinking about it, probably not. I don't think TPCi would appreciate spoiling stuff this far ahead, but we'll see. IF THEY TAKE ANOTHER TEN MONTHS TO REVEAL INFO THEN PROBABLY YEAH.
That still seemed to be up for discussion kind of.
Looks like a "probably not" to me, unless we experience another dry spell news-wise. The official information releases always speed up as it gets closer to the game being released, so... not likely :d
Ah yeah, it does, but since it wasn't a 'no' I thought it would be worth sharing an opinion whatever the outcome, I guess we should be talking about the exciting stuff we already know