(1) 'Pokemon Black 2' and 'White 2' Fall Release [2/27]

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That's very surprising!!
I'm amazed at how fast this is actually coming out! Can't wait to see what stuff these games bring to the tables!
I am surprised at the time it takes to translate them now. Feels like we used to wait a year or so for the new games, now it's 3-4 months. Keep it up Nintendo/TPCI/GF!
I had a feeling that the English versions would come out just a little bit after the Japanese version. The fact that the English website announced these games the same day as Japan suggested a fast release. But there's also the translation process (among other things) to concider; so being released on the same day seemed like it was stretching it.

Awesome news, though!
Well due to most of the translation work being done from the previous games. City names , New Pokemon, etc I shouldn't of thought the new storyline will take to much work to translate.
Translating Pokemon and cities is tough work, with having to figure out what to name it, but there's an awful, awful amount of dialogue differences between the Japan and international releases. It's mostly just sentence structure, but there must be at least 2,000 boxes of dialogue per game. It's tedious work to even replace the old dialogue with new, let alone slightly changing the meaning. Four months or so is enough time to allow for it.

Anyway, this is great news. Waiting too long on a translation may be pushing the DS, so this will be a good, final, big, bang. Just like GBA and Red Rescue Team.
hmm thats neat :) yaayyy hopefully a november birthday gift for me!!! :3 Imma reserve a copy asap when gamestop starts doing that. So soon, very excited!!!!! Better than waiting a year!!! X'D Hmmmm maybe they wanted to release it before 2012!!?? LOLZ!!!!! j/p, j/p :p
Wonderful; I now have a game to look forward to right before the world ends.

Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, NSMB3DS, the new Zelda - and now these two new Pokemon games... Nintendo is showing a lot of handheld love; the DS is going to go out with a bang! My wallet isn't going to be happy with me.
Very pleased about this as the wait from the Japanese release to the translation can often feel painfully long with all of the information on the games readily available within hours of the release :p

I hope it doesn't mean that the bulk of the text to translate is based on what's in B/W already. I'd be disappointed if the new story elements are only a small amendment to the one we've already experienced. All this pointing to it being a sequel as opposed to a traditional third game has me wanting a truly new experience.

That said I've always enjoyed the third game anyway...
Come to think of it, why were there big gaps between third versions previously? Surely there wasn't an extreme amount of work to be done. Timing, I suppose.

But there go all my hopes of maybe affording a Wii U on launch. Ah, maybe I'll get a preorder gift.
Not bad, I like this decision. Maybe one day there will be a same day international release. Feels like we've come a long way.
Very short localization? I hope that's because they can localize the game quickly, since I'm worried about a not-new storyline.
Shining Raikou said:
I am surprised at the time it takes to translate them now. Feels like we used to wait a year or so for the new games, now it's 3-4 months. Keep it up Nintendo/TPCI/GF!

It's not so much that they're taking a shorter amount of time to translate the games as much as it is Game Freak allowing Nintendo's other divisions to translate them before the games come out. The reason why it took so long before was because Nintendo of America and Europe weren't given their own copies to translate until the games came out in Japan, so the localization process couldn't begin until after the Japanese release. Now that Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe are localizing in advance, the releases have grown closer together.
Shining Raikou said:
I am surprised at the time it takes to translate them now. Feels like we used to wait a year or so for the new games, now it's 3-4 months. Keep it up Nintendo/TPCI/GF!

And honestly 3-4 months is too long. Look at any other big Nintendo game, those come out with in a week of each other! Microsoft is even better about it by always doing world wide releases.

This is just epic. I kind of suspected that we wouldn't get it at the same time as Japan, but this is the next best thing that I was hoping for. I'm going to have to save some money over the summer for White 2! (and possibly Black 2 as well, if I don't spend the rest on the TCG).

Also, this almost guarantees that the game will take place in Unova (in my opinion, anyway). A new region is out of the question, this release is coming to fast for that. And I'll only say it one more time: it's not going to be in Hoenn.

All and all, this is very exciting news!
This is pretty darn awesome. I sure hope it becomes a new trend with releases. I honestly can't wait any longer for these games :D.
...interesting. That's all I really have to say on this subject...it's just...interesting.
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