(1) Pokemon 'Black' and 'White' Game Coverage Begins! [9/17]

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I think N is just a figurehead for Team Plasma. They'll probably use him as a pawn to stop you and complete their goal.
N is the leader. I am sure of it.

Why does the "REAL" champion look like Vegeta dyed his hair red?
I don't think N is the leader. But, I wouldn't be surprised if we really was the leader of Team Plasma.
Man those Black an White versions are going to be epic. Probably the best games since Gen 1. Man I thought D/P/PL were awesome. These ones will be off the charts. I also finally got the chance to watch the 4 videos too. The show looks like gen 1 and 2 but with 5th gen Pokemon instead and the song from the first gen was pretty epic also. Man a lot of great and awesome news XD.:)
The intro to the game looks great. I can't wait to play the games and experience them for myself. Black & White are going to hopefully be the greatest games. Also the new graphics are awesome, they have improved a lot with the intro graphics as well as the in-game graphics from the previous generations to make the game even more fun and also make the environment more realistic.
Yeah, the intro to the games are really cool. It just makes you more amped up to get the games when they release them in the US/Europe.
maybe that's why there aren't a lot of updates coming in now because the people playing the ROM realized that you can't level up making the game very difficult unless you have the actual games.
Sir, it is not impossible to beat N. Just use your potions and have a backup pokemon.
So that's the antipiracy on the rom? no levelups? That's at least better then HGSS, where the game kept freezing randomly. The no levelup thing will be easily circumvented eventually, lol.
WPM/anyone with the ROM: What Pokemon are in the grass Patches?(in the places you visited)
Ninetales gets the ability Drought via Dream World. If something gets Drizzle, this is going to be a fun metagame.

And yeah, the Japanese antipiracy is never as bad as the english one(which is pretty weird), so someone(kazowar) will have a patch soon.
the Japanese antipiracy is never as bad as the english one

Don't you just pity all the F.E.A.R. players? :p

The no levelup thing will be easily circumvented eventually

I doubt it. Rare candies won't help much without EV's. Then again, if the EV items are in this game, then the little guys are gonna be severely overpowered.
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