Well, the Japanese have a different view of merchandising and commercialization than in the western world. The Japanese enjoy buying merchandise and supporting corporations, whereas in American and Europe, people who run companies are seen as these Mr. Burns type people (and for the most part, they are). That's why there's so much merchandise for every franchise: CEOs don't have the sort of stigma they do here. Japanese CEOs are often a lot more open, compassionate, and friendly due to the cooperatism, whereas in Western world, at least in the States, we are taught that we must push other people down in order to get ahead and that in order to stay ahead, we must be cutthroat. Well, either that or they put up a good façade.
(Don't think I'm a Japanophile, however. There are many flaws in Japanese culture, such as its continued denial of Korean comfort women in its history classes and its very strict gun control laws. I just prefer the Japanese style of big business over the American style.)
Also, only a certain group of people in school pick on other kids for liking certain things. Let them have their fun now, and remember that they're going to be the ones stuck at minimum wage for the rest of their lives.
(Don't think I'm a Japanophile, however. There are many flaws in Japanese culture, such as its continued denial of Korean comfort women in its history classes and its very strict gun control laws. I just prefer the Japanese style of big business over the American style.)
Also, only a certain group of people in school pick on other kids for liking certain things. Let them have their fun now, and remember that they're going to be the ones stuck at minimum wage for the rest of their lives.