(1) 'Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth' [9/12]

IMO, Rampardos will help you link moves.
Guys, where's the Purple Kecleon?

I don't like that Virizion is apparently the guild master, because in the previous games, the Guild Master was a normal Pokémon, so when you go up against him, it wasn't that much of a big deal.
Blob55 said:
I don't like that Virizion is apparently the guild master, because in the previous games, the Guild Master was a normal Pokémon, so when you go up against him, it wasn't that much of a big deal.
Every legendary in PMD is pathetically easy, anyway. Really the only difficult parts of the PMD series are the dungeons themselves.
Blob55 said:
I don't like that Virizion is apparently the guild master, because in the previous games, the Guild Master was a normal Pokémon, so when you go up against him, it wasn't that much of a big deal.

There was a good chance you were going to go up against Virizion anyway. Now it just means the battle has more storyline significance (the student having to fight the master).
There doesn't seem to be anyone for Egg Hatching or Move linking. :(

Are there even going to be normal missions in this? I'd like the Outlaw Pokémon to come back.
Ahh PMD, I will definitely buy this. I still remember playing PMD Blue. I never got a keckleon to join my team in that game though...
Blob55 said:
There doesn't seem to be anyone for Egg Hatching or Move linking. :(

There's a Cincinno running one of the stalls that might offer one or both of those services. And I think there's some others that haven't been mentioned.
I love the PMD series, definitely getting one of these games, idc if the theme is repetitive, the nostalgia is enough for me :p

Explorers of Sky or Darkness was my favorite PMD game though, I just love the storyline for that game :3
so these games look interesting.I like the concept of magnates.I can't wait for this to come out. Hopefully they will make the main series games something like this.I hoping for it but i have my doubts.
Bisharp37 said:
so these games look interesting.I like the concept of magnates.I can't wait for this to come out. Hopefully they will make the main series games something like this.I hoping for it but i have my doubts.

I seriously doubt it, but it would be cool.
Do you think this game will be the beginning of pokemon moving to the 3ds?
pikhu2000 said:
I seriously doubt it, but it would be cool.
Do you think this game will be the beginning of pokemon moving to the 3ds?

Nah, that was BW2. They're DS games, but extra features and goodies appear when played on a 3DS. I think it's a fair assumption that we'll be seeing future handheld Pokemon games on 3DS from now on.

Also, I'm hoping there's a Time Capsule for Generation 6.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Nah, that was BW2. They're DS games, but extra features and goodies appear when played on a 3DS. I think it's a fair assumption that we'll be seeing future handheld Pokemon games on 3DS from now on.

Also, I'm hoping there's a Time Capsule for Generation 6.

technically it began with pokedex 3D and pokemon Rumble Blast, if you count them...
The Pikachu Mafia said:
technically it began with pokedex 3D and pokemon Rumble Blast, if you count them...

We don't talk about those things here.
Yeah, amazing games and awesome apps obviously don't count. Only less awesome games and games that weren't even made for the system. :p
Haha, you think Pokedex 3D and Rumble Blast are "amazing"? I weep for you. Pokedex 3D is nice but incomplete, and Rumble Blast is dull and repetitive. That's why we don't talk about them here.

well then we can count the sequel, pokedex 3D pro, right? Also PMD is sorta repetitive and a spin off series like Rumble blast anyways, so I fail to see why they don't count and we can't talk about them. :p
Nothing wrong with 3D Pro. It's what Pokedex 3D V1 should have been.
Also, the only reason we're talking about PMD in here is because it's in the topic title.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
Also, I'm hoping there's a Time Capsule for Generation 6.

Now that would be really cool.

Now due to this game I think we can realistically expect the main series to finally update to the 3DS.Besides after a 3D game I don't think you can just suddenly say no our games aren't gonna be in 3D anymore.I think a move backwards would make many fans uncomfortable.