(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airing 'Black' and 'White' Info With Junichi Masuda [9/11]

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well looks like this generation is going back to basics, i remember junichi said when he unveiled the Zoroark sillohette, that people will be saying 'is this really pokemon?'

i'm actually looking forward to this generation, i think its what fans really want, EVERYTHING fresh and new.

and with only 6 days to go, i dont think i can wait any longer
So would this probably mean we will see no Magikarps in the waters? I hope so. If you're gonna go "new", everything better be new!
Watching now, Desukan and Denchura, and Ononokusu are looking quite yummy all animated and whatnot xD

...wait. They missed Doryuuzu. I do not approve of this >_>

Seems that only bits of information other than the new Pokemon have been revealed so far.
looks like thats it, pokemon sunday just finished, hardly anything new.....except for the stuff on the main pokebeach homepage
@Player, You didnt think the scans we're real? Not much new on this episode. Anyone hear the Team Plasma music I think.
Fire monkey confirmed by a silhouette; meaning that the page also showing it with dento is confirmed. Which proves pokabu's evolution is real, which proves the other page with it is real. Which pretty much proves the final evolutions are real. At least this debate ends.

Anyway, the gameplay looked amazing; and it looks like mjimaru doesn't evolve until after level 17? Pretty sure it said it grew to level 17.
I am so disgusted now with the games with the 3 gens in a row of that fire/fighting crap. None of the starters are good now since they ruined the grass one... shoulda become smugzilla... I might actually reconsider my original plan of buying these games and a DSi now and just stick to my freshly dead gold version (battery just a couple months back died).
Wow.... The games have been in development since 2006??? I find that hard to believe.... I mean, working on a successor to Diamond and Pearl right when they're released? I admire they did that ahead of time because of the C-Gear but still that's just insane.... o-o
The first half or so was pretty good to watch. It showed gameplay footage from the first part of the game. I liked it.

While it didn't reveal much, the gameplay footage made watching it worth it to me. It also showed a few plot bits and pieces, though nothing significant that will make me cry in agony over how much it spoiled my experience.
@ H1Z1 i cant beleive the basis of NOT buying these games is beacause the fire/fighting combo has been used 3 times in a row, yeh sure it isn't new, but you havnt seen ALL the new pokes yet....
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