(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

I just drew a pretty sweet (whatever that pig is called) evo, will put it up soon.

It's a bit leaner, it's ears have frilled back to resemble horns, has two small fangs and its hooves are slightly more clawed. It's tail has also grown and the ball is now a small ball of fire
These starters are really lame... Hopefully they evolve into some pretty incredible things because this is getting ridiculous! The grass starter looks smug and stupid and is just another ugly lizard that barely has anything to do with plants. The fire pig/donkey looks ok but kind of simple and not very in line with the trends for the fire starters. I just hope it doesn't end up looking like camperupt. The water type almost looks like an otter/polar bear/snowman that's cutesy now but could evolve into a strong water/ice polar bear type of thing.

I think they made the characters older than before because they're trying to relate to the aging Pokemon fan base.

FYI the scan says "What is the relationship of the new region of Isshu with the past regions?" and "Isshu is really far away and it seems like a foreign country that you'd have to reach by plane or boat."
Itachi said:
Can't wait to see how they'll evolve, especially the fire pig! ^.^

Starters have always been by level. I doubt they'll change that now. I just want the page that says how Zorua evolves. :D
I think the water-type is an otter. Look at that clam it's holding... Just like real otters hold them. Aww...

I like the yellow thing around the grass-starter's neck. Maybe it will turn into something big when it evolves.

The fire pig is wearing a diaper. :D
Gliscoria said:
I think the water-type is an otter. Look at that clam it's holding... Just like real otters hold them. Aww...

I like the yellow thing around the grass-starter's neck. Maybe it will turn into something big when it evolves.

The fire pig is wearing a diaper. :D

I don't think it's holding any clams, it's prolly part of the pokemon, but my guess is also def otter. It's cute, in a snowclown kindda way, gotta be water ice.

I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen these starters before, they just look so so familiar to me. But why, geez.

I'm either having deja vu or have gone nuts from waiting or am dying and I'm slowly remembering my life, lol.
Yay, I can now go to school in peace knowing how the starters will look like! ^.^ Ooh, I'm itching to see all of the other new pokemon! >.<
I like them... But I prefer the grass one... :/ Damn, I hoped I could take another type for once!

Oh, And I'm REALLLY happy that the trainer are older!!! Maybe now we will be able to change our height and weight in the pokedex?
Acorn Duck is hilarious.

Isn't the otter-thing holding onto a clam/shell? It was my first thought, really. I wish the grass-starter had a leaf on his head, but I'm glad it has leaves on his tail. He reminds me of Charmander, although Char's got a flame.
Kinda of disappointed at first, but as WPM said, I'm sure they'll grow on me! In fact, just in the ten or so minutes I've spent looking at them, they're already much more acceptable. Interestingly, as of right now it WILL be the first time EVER making my starter decision is a no-brainer -- fire pig all the way!

I'm digging the fact the trainers are older, though.
LOL I might just buy both games to get the three starters from the beginning. That's what I did with past generations XD

Has enyone been able to translate or get more info regarding the paragraph in japanese below the starters in the picture???
I don't think the water one is holding a clam; I think it's part of its design. Kindof a little disappointed in the water one; it looks too much like Piplup to me. Liking the grass one, and the fire one is cute. I'd have to agree with my sister that it would be epic if the pig turned into a flying pig. XD
It makes me wonder: since you use the event dogs to get Zoruark, I wonder if it will be like Manaphy, in that you breed it to get Zorua, but it can't evolve.