(1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

Travis said:
Speaking of which a Dunsparce evolution HAS to happen this generation, right? Along with Shuckle and Farfetch'd among others...

I second this...
AND the fact that dunsparce could really have a VERY nice evolution...
google image search
The coatl... an american indian creature... Its great, and I could see dunsparce becoming normal/dragon... :p

Dunsparce and Shuckles are two of my favorites pokemons! :p

The above image proves that I was wrong. It goes Grass - Fire - Water!
Elfteiroh said:
I second this...
AND the fact that dunsparce could really have a VERY nice evolution...
google image search
The coatl... an american indian creature... Its great, and I could see dunsparce becoming normal/dragon... :p

Dunsparce and Shuckles are two of my favorites pokemons! :p

Thats the Aztec god quetzalcoatl, or in the aztec langauge the "feathered-serpent" god, I'd rather much more for the grass poke in for this gen to be that in it's final form than Dunsparce, but Dunsparce really needs to have an evo, normal/dragon, second that.
Elfteiroh said:
I second this...
AND the fact that dunsparce could really have a VERY nice evolution...
google image search
The coatl... an american indian creature... Its great, and I could see dunsparce becoming normal/dragon... :p
I Dont like your idea . I hope Dunsparce gets a evo but not in that way :/

But a Pokemon that needs a evo is Realicath too
orkoni1 said:
Thats the Aztec god quetzalcoatl, or in the aztec langauge the "feathere-serpent" god, I'd rather much more for the grass poke in for this gen to be that in it's final form than Dunsparce, but Dunsparce really needs to have an evo, normal/dragon second that.
We might even see extended evolution lines. I remember reading in a Nintendo Power that they were considering having:
Basic - Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3

monpyro97 said:
I don't like your idea . I hope Dunsparce gets a evo but not in that way :/
I want Dunsparce to become more snake like.
I drew the starters the way i thought they looked.
Here---> http://true-aragon.deviantart.com/art/Generation-5-Starters-163665141 what do you think?
aaroncsmall2 said:
We might even see extended evolution lines. I remember reading in a Nintendo Power that they were considering having:
Basic - Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3

monpyro97 said:
I don't like your idea . I hope Dunsparce gets a evo but not in that way :/
I want Dunsparce to become more snake like.

dunsparce is a landsnake, afterall. it even has little wings. it'd love for it to evolve into a powerful normal/dragon type.
i'm hoping with this new gen, we'll see: lapras pre-evo, kangaskhan pre-evo, dunsparce evo, farfetch'd evo, heck maybe even an evo of luvdisc. oh, and a dragon eeveelution to cover all the special types.
InuMimi said:
I want Dunsparce to become more snake like.

dunsparce is a landsnake, afterall. it even has little wings. it'd love for it to evolve into a powerful normal/dragon type.
i'm hoping with this new gen, we'll see: lapras pre-evo, kangaskhan pre-evo, dunsparce evo, farfetch'd evo, heck maybe even an evo of luvdisc. oh, and a dragon eeveelution to cover all the special types.

I like your idea of Dunsparce evolving into Normal/Dragon since I thought of it too.
aaroncsmall2 said:
The above image proves that I was wrong. It goes Grass - Fire - Water!

Doy. It always goes in PokeDex order. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle; Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile; Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip; Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup; Grass, Fire, Water :p
The one that most refer as a fire rabbit or pig, I keep on being reminded that tail is similar to Marril's
Ok, I've waited as late as I can...(it's 2:02 am here)

I'm going to bed. Hopefully the starters will be revealed by the time I get up.

If not, oh well. *shrugs* I'll just check once a day then.
They will probably be revealed in 4-5 hours. If not, then tomorrow. But tonight is probably THE night. I'll be staying up allllll night on the lookout.
How can we be sure that it is not

a) A new triangle.
b) A new triangle with new types.
aaroncsmall2 said:
We might even see extended evolution lines. I remember reading in a Nintendo Power that they were considering having:
Basic - Stage 1 - Stage 2 - Stage 3

So not only are they starting to look more like another monster franchise they'd start to act more like them too..

I can't say I'd be too hot on the idea of another link in the evolutionary chain.. Just me though. >w>
monpyro97 said:
I don't like your idea . I hope Dunsparce gets a evo but not in that way :/

But a Pokemon that needs a evo is Realicath too

I actually sprited a Relicanth evo a while ago

Coelabyss -or- Bassault
Water Pokémon Master said:
They will probably be revealed in 4-5 hours. If not, then tomorrow. But tonight is probably THE night. I'll be staying up allllll night on the lookout.

See? This is why you own Serebii WPM!! I cant wait for the leaks!! Its 2:38 my time right now, im just playing Heart Gold waiting for time to pass D:
These new starters just look meh. They seem to look like those pokemon from deviantart that are drawn and seem to look much less like pokemon. Their heads are so weird and they look so lizardly for the most part.

Black & White seems to have come too early. Wait a few more months, I'm not ready, I still have to keep playing Platinum and Mystery Dungeon, not to mention HGSS just came out.

JmeA468 said:
like magmortar -_-

Magmortar is good. If you want to talk about bad evolutions, electivire and lickilicky are much better examples. They are the very worst of 4th generation.
@Warrior Weasel.

And me.

They are only meant to have 3 stages, and 4 would be much too complex.
icyFREEZEdragon said:
These new starters just look meh. They seem to look like those pokemon from deviantart that are drawn and seem to look much less like pokemon. Their heads are so weird and they look so lizardly for the most part.

I don't understand how people can be so negative about pokemon that they haven't even seen yet! :rolleyes: