(1) Pokemon Video Game Showdown Invites Sent Out [6/17]

I didn't get in but I can take it out in an idiot(Drew333) that did.


Current score 46 to 5.

It wouldn't really matter since I don't have money to get to L.A.
:: runs across the room, runs up the wall and does a backflip :: YES! I GOT AN INVITATION BABY!!!
I'm in the NY ring

:: stops for a second and thinks ::

Hey does anyone know where the list of forbidden pokemon and forbidden items are?
Good luck to everyone that's going. Hopefully they will does this for Europe next year. Well, France or England would do for me, I can always take a vacation :p
Eh, didn't get one. I took the test for fun (I knew I wouldn't pass it). I got 15/20, so I'm like >.< Not too shabby for a guy that hasn't ever had a competitive battle in his life.
I heard the test was laughable. Questions about berries and things. You could just look that stuff up on a website. :|
Yeah, actually you could have just looked up every question online. A lot of berry questions, a lot of type advantage/disadvantage questions. But, they only give you 30 minutes to do the test, so you can't really take your time.
Yeah, the test was plain STUPID (No offense). It was like "What is Super Effective against Jynx?" and dumb stuff. NOTHING about breeding, IV's, EV's and such. It won't be too hard, especially when you're one of the few who KNOW how you play the game in the juniors division
Serebii1997J said:
Yeah, the test was plain STUPID (No offense). It was like "What is Super Effective against Jynx?" and dumb stuff. NOTHING about breeding, IV's, EV's and such. It won't be too hard, especially when you're one of the few who KNOW how you play the game in the juniors division

ya that makes me pretty mad Aaron, you get put in with the noobs in the junior division while I (possibly the youngest in the 13+ division) gets put in with the hardcore players that are in their 20s. I think they should have an 11-14 division for this. I wish you luck though and I hope you win.
abaxter94 said:
Yeah, actually you could have just looked up every question online. A lot of berry questions, a lot of type advantage/disadvantage questions. But, they only give you 30 minutes to do the test, so you can't really take your time.
20 questions in 30 minutes. That's nothing. You have over a minute to find the answer. They should give you 10 minutes to do that. Laughable. =/
For me it was location questions I can hold my own in a battle but I often forget where I am and mainly travel on instinct.
One of the questions I had explicitly mentioned EVs in that it asked which Berry lowered EVs in (home stat I don't recall and same goes for the Berry). The official guide for Pokémon Battle Revolution mentions EV-training and explains how to do it, so they at least know about it.

I missed a question, though I'm not sure which. I'm not at all convinced that everybody who claims they got in actualy did though. There are only 128 people who coud qualify, 256 if it's that amount for both places. I think I saw about five people saying they got in, and while it's certainly possible that about 2% of the invitations (assuming there are 256 total) would wind up at PokeBeach, it's really odd seeing more people say they got accepted than those that got denied.
I bet the winner of the tournament will be using a trick-room team.

Good luck to all you guys who got in, let's all hope for a pokebeach victory!
I could have got an invatation, but I would never be able to get a good ranking, let alone go to new york
What exactly is the trick room thing?

I know it makes the fastest pokemon go first but theres a way around it, I'm just curious as to if people are using full blown strategies, cause with my combination it doesn't seem to even be a threat, it may help me if you wanna bring my match to a level of stupid >_>