I didn't make it... *sniffle* oh well i'm going to try and start my own doubles tournament.
Saviour_Gundam said::: stops for a second and thinks ::
Hey does anyone know where the list of forbidden pokemon and forbidden items are?
Serebii1997J said:Yeah, the test was plain STUPID (No offense). It was like "What is Super Effective against Jynx?" and dumb stuff. NOTHING about breeding, IV's, EV's and such. It won't be too hard, especially when you're one of the few who KNOW how you play the game in the juniors division
20 questions in 30 minutes. That's nothing. You have over a minute to find the answer. They should give you 10 minutes to do that. Laughable. =/abaxter94 said:Yeah, actually you could have just looked up every question online. A lot of berry questions, a lot of type advantage/disadvantage questions. But, they only give you 30 minutes to do the test, so you can't really take your time.