(1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

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Martijngamer, is the green cobra similar in any way with Rayquaza? Because that would be awful.
And any other spoiler? Like the starters evolutions.
So, uh. Does the approximately 20 field conditions suggest approximately 20 types of Pokemon?

Also, green cobra or not; if Reshy and Zek can indeed change type in battle, then shall their counterpart be able to as well? Who knows.
Martijngamer said:
(yes, I am 'him').

Hey Martin,
I'm sure you're in a position where you're not allowed to divulge your source, but may I just ask if it's Japanese or English?

It's just I was curious how you came to know the name of Minotauros in particular.
The Japanese name of Tauros is "Kentauros", so even from that side of things the name "minotauros" is quite feasible. What's more is that the actual Japanese word for Minotaur is ミノタウロス/Minotauros.
Martijn, would it be possible to post this "developer material?"
Also, could you just describe some other new Pokemon at all?

I do think this information is exciting if it all turns out to be true.
Choices affecting gameplay will give the games a lot more replay value which is always nice~
benny said:
Martijn, would it be possible to post this "developer material?"
I'm guessing if it were possible I think he would have done so already.
Letting as much known as he has probably wasn't easy either.

I am still taking it with a grain of salt at the moment though, nothing personal Martin. Just that we haven't been shown the same stuff as WPM has so naturally we have less concrete to stand on.
Hopefully Yaminokame's taken a look too. His sense of authenticity is second to none. Being a mere green rookie translator myself I naturally have respect for him and would quite like to hear his take!
(Currently confident up to JLPT2-difficulty communications and translations but JLPT1-difficulty is still quite a way away from me!)
Do you guys ACTUALLY buy this? Seriously? The number is an obvious guess. As for the "Tauros evo" there wouldve been more pokemon revealed aswell as it. We also got this the day after we got the corocoro scans so the weather could be simply his idea. Also, news like this wouldn't be given to one person out of six billion, which only a few hundred of people (developers) who are actually significant to the info would actually have the information. We haven't even seen this proof he talks of. He claims he has pictures. What's wrong with showing them then? This is as fake as Pokemon Chaos Black.
He's not claiming to have developers stuff. He showed this to the Water Pokémon Master. Read the news, buddy.
I read the news, "buddy". Otherwise I wouldn'tve posted. Why would he of all people be given this information? Why hasent it been sent anywhere else? Explain that, buddy.
Serebii (OOF I SAID IT) has stated on GameFAQs that the same person has gotten into contact with him, but that he's waiting for some solid proof before doing anything.
Well there's a lot of doubters quite understandably with the lack of proof.

kriffix said:
Hey Martin,
I'm sure you're in a position where you're not allowed to divulge your source, but may I just ask if it's Japanese or English?

Martin, Your status says you're online now so do you think you can answer my question? DId you learn this name in English or Japanese, how was the spelling?
If Japanese were you able to read it?
If you can answer this well then I think it'd add concrete to what you're saying, plus at the very least you'd quite likely gain my support.
"As a side note, in today's CoroCoro scans, there was a screenshot showing a new weather indicator (we overlooked it), which could give credence to this claim."

Where is this at, I can't find it xD
@Darkness Generation
Because I've decided to join the conversation, I will say one thing about 'reliability' (see next point) and it's up to each of you personally how you take this. I will not go into discussion about who I am or anything, because I do this not for any 'fame', but for my fellow gamers.

And I do hope you realize yourselves there's a difference between sharing things with a webmaster, and putting it out there on the interweb ;)

@Other grains of salters
Talking to Water Pokémon Master, I've come to understand the situation in the Pokémon community a little. Just know, I take no offense in you being a little leery on this, I've been in your shoes.

As I got told this Pokémon information, I could have just posted it as a premiere on the general gaming website I write for, but having run a game-specific website myself, I knew detailed information like this would be much more appreciated as a premiere on a community website.

WPM knows who I am, what I did and how I came into this position.
This is my gift to you as the Pokémon community, and you can do with that as you want.
JacobCaseyx said:
Where is this at, I can't find it xD

Same scan as Reshiram, green box, yellow circle and arrow (its small in the corner of the game screen. I posted translation but will do again.

/"It's possible to check the weather for when you're in battle!"

Which doesn't explicitly state it's changeable as such, but doesn't mean that they won't announce it later or anything.
@everyone asking about posting images
Alas I'm not allowed to release any pictures at this time. Seeing how the starter Pokémon have had a major overhaul (really major, they're completely different), they don't want to release anything before it's got its final design.

I will discuss if there are at a different time any possibilities, but I can't make you any promises, other than I'll try my best.

'The 'green cobra' doesn't look anything like Rayquaza. I can't go into too much details, and it is also still in development, but where Rayquaza is sort of a flying snake dragon, this superlegendary is really ground-based and much more buffed, opposed to Rayquaza's long sleek design.

There are currently 17 types; reason I said "approximately 20" is because there 'may' be something along the lines of multi-type items.

I don't know of any extra types at this point.

I must say I don't know exactly. My source is English; whether Minotauros is it's final name, that could also change a little. It is at this moment at least the working name for Tauros' evolution.
Martijngamer said:
It's more like "viper meets cobra"
Rayquaza is not cobra-like at all. He is snake-like, but not cobra. For one thing, he is lacking the most distinctive feature, the hood.

Darkness Generation said:
I read the news, "buddy". Otherwise I wouldn't've posted. Why would he of all people be given this information? Why hasn't it been sent anywhere else? Explain that, buddy.
Um, from what I understand this information is in a LOT of people's hands by this point. Developers, game testers, PS staff, probably Corocoro staff, etc. He was merely the only one willing to put his career on the line in order to give out some information. Quite frankly if the leak is traced back to the right person he'll never work in video games again. I admire his bravery, as the company in question has an almost perfect record IIRC at tracking leaks back to their source.

WPM says he went to reasonable lengths to verify that this person has an actual source. He wouldn't say that for no reason. Place your faith in that and at least consider the rumors.

Anyway, my thoughts on the bullets:
• Hmm, they've never had a round number before. Do we remember if when the DP generation was released they said 490 or 493? That number could actually be short a few event-types. Or this could be the last generation (doubt it) and they want to end on a round number.
• Waiting to see on this one. Could be epic, could be epic fail, there's just not enough information to be sure.
• We've been waiting for Tauros to evolve. :D Wonder if Miltank will get an evolution, too.
• Nice! Even more complication FTW! Especially if the earlier rumor of 3 vs 3 battles is true. This could get really complicated really fast! Three type pokemon! Three pokemon in battle! All three of my pokemon are holding those boosting items! (Wonder if they stack? Probably not.)
• If this is a typical example, I think they'll make an exception for OHKO moves. 60% accuracy plus an addition for your hold item is just too much. But I do think it'll really help out people who love to play one or two types (Or people on monotype challenges, LOL).
• Kind of reminds me of SMT:Devil Survivor. :) I LOVED that part of it, so let's hope B & W does a good job of integrating it. That does mean I can't just race through the game in Japanese, though, I'll have to slow down and actually read what people are saying.
• I believe it. Doesn't that happen with almost ALL pokemon? I doubt they just sit down and bang out finished Pokemon designs all the time. I mean, look at the old blob-chikorita pics.
JacobCaseyx said:
"As a side note, in today's CoroCoro scans, there was a screenshot showing a new weather indicator (we overlooked it), which could give credence to this claim."

Where is this at, I can't find it xD

Below the image of the Issuh region map, there is a screenshot which shows the battle screen (Fight, Bag, Run, Pokemon) on a Poke Ball design, and there is an arrow pointing to a new part of that display which appears to be showing rain drops in that particular shot.
Martijngamer said:
I must say I don't know exactly. My source is English; whether Minotauros is it's final name, that could also change a little. It is at this moment at least the working name for Tauros' evolution.
interesting, so if what you're saying is true then it means you're information is right from the top. The fact that the English names are already a work in progress isn't at all odd either when we consider the Reshiram and Zekrom's simultaneous name releases (although given that legendaries tend to be the same so there is less decision time involved.) If I recall correctly there was a time where Piplup's English name was announced to be the same as the Japanese "Pocchama" but that was soon changed by a later announcement. Meaning of course that as you have said, names and apparently even designs aren't necessary 100% final until they appear officially.
Ahhh yes I see it now.
I actually don't dislike any of the information that Martin has revealed for us. 3 on 3 battles is ehh, but I wouldn't be against it. Everything else seems kind of cool though.
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